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Problem with AI Controlled

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting: Bugs, Questions and Support' started by Andreas2706, Nov 1, 2015.

  1. Andreas2706

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    Nov 1, 2015
    What is the button for controll the ai for example, that I have to flee.

    Ctrl+T doesn´t go for this PLS help
  2. wearyNATE15

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    Oct 15, 2015
    You need to go in to apps, and then on the right side, towards the middle, should be a apps tab, and then you press the + in the middle and select AiControl. If its not there, they you need to go into options, then at the top you need to go to gameplay, and then below checkmark "Enable Advanced Functions". Hope this helps.

    Attached Files:

    • 2015-10-31_00001.jpg
    • 2015-10-31_00002.jpg
    • 2015-10-31_00003.jpg
  3. Daystar

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    Aug 22, 2013
    Thanks for the tip Nate! this really helped me out as well ;)
  4. justin428

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    Aug 15, 2013
    I still dont understand how to enable AI. It used to be so easy.

    I enabled "Enable Advanced Functions" and I cant find it.
  5. wearyNATE15

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    Oct 15, 2015
    After you enable it, go back to Game then press esc and there should be more options. Then towards the middle, There should be a "Apps" section. Click that, then go to the + in the middle, and then look for AI.
  6. wearyNATE15

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    Oct 15, 2015
    No problem. :D
  7. michaelnicol

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    Feb 14, 2016
    How do i use AI in the new update? when i click advanced options nothing happened besides new apps poping up that have nothing to do with gameplay.
  8. Michaelflat

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    Jul 10, 2014
    use the ai control app, click on it and position it somewhere
  9. michaelnicol

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    Feb 14, 2016
    yeah theirs only a partly working flee button, no follow like in the last update.
  10. Michaelflat

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    Jul 10, 2014
    yeah, they havent added it back :(
  11. seancoons95

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    Aug 14, 2015
    is there a special button for attack I watch ybr on youtube before downloading certain mods to see if its something I want and he can get the AI to attack him, on my AI controls all I have and all ive ever had since i got the game is Disabled, Manual, Random, Flee, and Stopping ive tried the stopping but nothing works all that seems to work is random and flee
  12. michaelnicol

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    Feb 14, 2016
    yes before the update they had chase but beamng drive being the buggy game they are they forget to add a massive feature.
  13. mumboking

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    Jun 11, 2015
    They didn't forget to add it. It's not there because it needs more work so it works with the newer AI system.
  14. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    Thanks for the continuos support! :)


    AI is a very complex topic and requires time to be done properly.
    I recall estama referring to the AI work as similar as creating a 'Google Self-Driving Car' in a game. You need to teach the AI how to accelerate, brake, plan the driving, not spin out, go offroad, handle all the different kind of vehicles, etc. Not easy.
    He spent months to rework the AI system, and the first batches of changes were included in the latest update. The AI can now dynamic plan it's route, properly use accelerator/brake/handbrake, hide from you in flee mode, etc.
    The previous modes will be back, we said that already. These things require time to be done properly.
    • Like Like x 2
  15. michaelnicol

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    Feb 14, 2016
    Can you finish the updates and check them for bugs before you release them? This is because theres always bugs and lag issues because you release a update and don't bother to check it. Also you make a update and say you will do the rest of the update in the next update. So now you are half way through building a ai system and you release it and it doesn't even work. Now ehre left with a broken game because no one can figure out how to update a game. I'm not being a hostile or rude i'm just fed up with the lag issues that you haven't been looking into enough or the Ai issues.
  16. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    We do test the updates, and we do not release them until we are sure everything meant in that update is ready and properly working.
    Sometimes it happens some specific bug slip from our view (for example the fact that turning on ESC while the car is revving caused ESC issues), and that's why we have a specific thread so people can report bugs and keep them up to date on those bugs status.

    We are more than halfway. The foundation of it has already been placed, and with that the 'big part' of the job is done.
    AI does work, and it's just going to improve.

    You can't figure how to update the game?.. Which version of the game are you even using then?
    You can find a guide on how to update the game here: http://wiki.beamng.com/Updating_the_game
    Steam should already keep your game up to date (if you are using Steam).

    I don't know about which lag issue you are refering to. Lag is very dependant on the PC you are trying to play the game.
    Some people get lag because of the CPU, others because of the GPU.
    If you run the game on a PC that meets the recommened requirements you shouldn't have lag issues.
    We do know that performance isn't the best at the moment, but cleaning up a renderer from 2007 takes a bit of time. Nonetheless, we are doing that.

    If you are just not satisfied with this Early Access title, contact us at https://support.beamng.com
    #16 Nadeox1, Feb 27, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2016
  17. michaelnicol

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    Feb 14, 2016
    Well first of all i haven't been replying that often to threads just encase you are wondering why i heaven't been active is because i got 6 viruses. Anyways not everyone has the greatest computer to play beamng drive. Most computers have 32 bit video cards and beamng drive requires 64 bit of oprating system and video card. (i'm not a expert with which card is which so i might of mixed that up) so that might be wrong. Also i think the whole forums thing makes beamng annoying to get mods because everyone posts there mods on useless forms post that no one sees and then no one can download it. Just make all mods on the actual mod page and not on forums page that aren't easy to search up when theirs 2,000 other results. I'm not hating on beamng but i think you could downgrade the complex part of it because i think of all these cool ideas but i cant figure them out or there's some small feature that ruins it. Not everyone is a expert and when theirs no much idea on how to sue it. Also you changed the menu and its features each update so no tutorials work because the game is so different each update. Anyways besides this, this is a nice idea and nice game.
  18. Nadeox1

    Expand Collapse
    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    6 Viruses sounds quite bad.
    BeamNG doesn't require a video card with a specific bit (not even sure if '32 bit' video card even exists). Nor it doesn't require a 64 OS to work, it will work as fine on a 32bit OS (But we do suggest a 64bit OS).

    The thing about mods.
    You can post mods in the FORUMS or in the MODS page.

    FORUMS: You can post whatever mod you make here. Not any specific requirements (apart from the mod to work).
    MODS PAGE: You can only post certain kind of mods in there. Specifically mods that work without any extra installation process. All the mods in that page are moderated from us. We check each mod before it gets approved (Quality control, make sure things works, etc).
    Mods in here also have a forum page to discuss about the mod.

    Forums threads for mods aren't useless. It helps the mod author to discuss with people, and people to report eventual things regarding the mod. It's up to the author to choose if he wants to upload a mod on the 'MODS PAGE' or not (and if he does, the mod must pass the requirements I listed above).
  19. SixSixSevenSeven

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    Sep 13, 2013
    no such thing as a 32 bit or 64 bit video card correct
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