thats because of the mirror materials. older mods before v0.32 that had support for detailed mirrors had the standard, nonpbr mirror material which looked fine, and was fine. then v0.32 rolled around and new mirror materials came out, mirror_CE, mirror_CX and mirror_F. and the purpose was for more realistic mirrors. mirror_CE had its normal strength set to 0.35, making it a mostly flat mirror. mirror_CX had its normal strength set to 1.15, making it a slightly stronger convex mirror. and mirror_F had its normal strength set to 0.25 making it an even flatter mirror. these changes made the mirrors more "realistic" but at the cost that the side mirrors arent the same. if you want this to be reverted, fly to germany and knock on beamng's doors with preferably an uzi 9mm (dont do this for the love of god)
It is NOT necessary to return everything as it was. You can simply apply MIRROR_CE to the right mirror and everything will be the same. --- Post updated --- the image in the right mirror of the bruckell bastion looks especially terrible. The reflection of the car body is small enough and from the driver's seat it can be seen that it does not even occupy the entire side of the mirror. The TC 800, TC I, and Irisha Pessima MK1 have a similar problem, but it's not as noticeable. --- Post updated --- However, the ibishu bx, gavril md, gavrilt, bruckell nine and gavril d series are all fine.
The game has a very noticeable graphics flaw - anti-aliasing. Regardless of the graphics settings (almost all graphics settings are set to "high") , it looks like this:
Even thought it was already gone when I joined the forums, I heard they removed it because people used it sarcastically (creating negativity I guess). (And in a funny contrast, the automation forums gives you a full emoji library including the middle finger, eggplant, and swearing emoji, and yet nobody uses them.)
The right rearview mirror needs to be fixed first of all Bruckel Bastion, ETC 800, ETC and Ibizhu Pessima MK 1. These cars either have a distorted image (ETC 800, ETC and Ibizhu Pessima MK 1) or the image of the car body, especially Bruckel Bastion. In other cars, the situation is better, but the image in the left and right mirrors is still different. In the right mirror, there is no blind spot at all and the image is more distant.You can just use mirror_ce (flat mirror) on the left and right mirrors.
why is gridmap v1 still in the game files there is no reason for it to exist in there and yet not be playable at all
yea i know, i think thr reasonn why it doesnt work is because it doesnt have an info.json so you cant play it, but theres a mod that brings it back
I think they should add better sound physics, I was playing earlier and I noticed that you can't hear the tires screeching when you understeer, unlike in real life, where you hear a tire screech even if you release the clutch too fast going from a gear to another, adding better sound physics would make it easier to understand when you are pushing the car to it's limits.
please add more hybrid vehicles with actual working hybrid system that can drive in full ev mode and fully hybrid mode
or just add full hybrid system to wentward instead of the hybrid mod and also the etk800 and fix wentward steering so it stays while going straight instead of going to the left while driving straight