Just saying, i ain't bothering with trying this as long as i can't just drop it in my mod folder as every mod should
https://www.reddit.com/r/BeamNG/comments/15szuee/who_wants_a_800_ton_trailer The popularity of this mod, demand, and interest was validated long time ago just by the sheer Reddit hype and response. I will not be responding to any immaterial petty trivial critique.
It looks cool but why are you absolutely refusing to make it normally usable by simply changing how it's packed, which is really easy to do
Asking you to upload it in a normal format so it can be used as easily as any other mod is far from "immaterial petty trivial critique". You want more people to try it but you absolutely refuse to make it easily usable & are now complaining that people want to try it. Bad form. P.S. There was 0 reason to pack it in a rar file other than to make things more difficult.
What are you even on about? We're simply asking for you to change the mod file format. Those "validated" interest in the mod in Reddit would obviously plummet down if you can't get a direct response from our complaints, if you don't know how to do it you could just say so --- Post updated --- Anyways to answer that question, its possible with the T-Series with the use of EFC's T-Series mod; Road-Ranger 18 Speed Transmission. Just needs a counterweight for the fifthwheel, but with the use of the T-Series, the dump upfit loaded with 15tons of Rocks comes with great traction
Thank god. If you just packed it into a zip file in the first place none of this shit would have happened.
this doesnt work for me The spawn option is not appearing, I don't know if it's something in the files or something like that, or if it's the mod :L
I was in the process of downloading this just for kicks, and the started reading through the thread... and well, good luck.
okay so, 2 things fairly certain Beam's file limit is way past 100 megabytes, so i don't know why the download link leads to onedrive. also, the mod does not work. at all. even when unpacked it does not show up. if you're going to make something, at least make sure it does its intended purpose first also, from the above fiasco; why were you so bent on not making the mod be a .zip? its a file type used by BeamNG anyways, which would make the whole installation a simple drag and drop. i mean, still doesn't work, but it would make finding out that it doesn't work easier
PRIME MOVER FOR TRAILER. I have made a custom 8x8 Actros inspired from Nicolas Tractomas. Regular T-Series may struggle with 400 tonnes. This gets job done.
quick question. will you release all your other mods? you could set them to cancelled and then release them
This is exactly what happens in-game too. Driving a truck with a heavy load downhill is a different science. The driver's instinct is to brake but that jack-knives the load and creates a chaos. For the first time we can simulate real world heavy lifting issues.