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ETK 800 Series

Discussion in 'Official Content' started by gabester, Jun 4, 2016.

  1. DieselDuster

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    May 15, 2023
    Dont be rude! devs did quite more than that! they added sedan variants, remastered most of the wagon parts, redid the interiors, added more different engine options (like V8), new skins for the sportier factory configs added racing configs....

    i can extend this list till tomorrow
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. McBeamer94

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    Jan 4, 2019
    They also added more ECU options for the engines, which is the right thing to do with a modern car.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. McBeamer94

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    Jan 4, 2019
    Last time, I wrote some things about the new V8 and now I have couple of notes about the rest of the engines:

    1) The 2.0 gasoline I4 with the 150 ECU makes for a very nice car for someone to live a whole life with. The turbocharger works at 0.4 Bar and adds a little bit of power and torque (136hp/201Nm without the turbo, 153hp/242Nm with it - both with the Standard Exhaust), so it never overstresses the engine - not that any of the engines is overstressed with its turbocharger options anyway. A lovely engine option for anyone who just wants something to get around trouble-free, with a dash of good handling in the mix just for the buyer to not get bored.
    Plus, as I already said, the new gas I4 engine sound is much more appropriate to this engine and I'm really glad it's part of the modern ETKs.
    2) The 2.0 Turbodiesel I4 is supposed to be the option for the fuel economy-minded clientele, but the 3.0 Turbodiesel I6 is the real hero on this front, I'd say. I tested both the I4 and the I6 diesel engines in the existing variants (always with the Diesel 8-Speed Automatic with the Diesel Locking Torque Converter), with the Cruise Control set @100km/h on 8th gear, and I have to say that, while I achieved 14-17km/liter with the 2.0 Turbodiesel I4 versions, the 3.0 Turbodiesel I6 ones managed an amazing 21-22km/liter (depending on the body aerodynamics, the drivetrain and the wheels).
    In fact, the 3.0 Turbodiesel I6 is equally as economical as the 1.5 110hp Turbodiesel I4 of the FCVs, which also achieves ~21km/liter. A magnificent engine, certainly one of my favorite modern ETK engines alongside the new 4.4 V8 and the 3.0 gasoline I6! It never ever feels like it's even breaking a sweat while doing its job, thanks to its immense torque (569Nm with the 260 ECU, 641Nm with the 310 ECU)! :cool:

    Happy New Year everyone! ;)
    • Like Like x 5
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  4. EUDM fanboy

    EUDM fanboy
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    Nov 30, 2023
    it needs a hillclimb variant
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. plasticbodypanels

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    Jul 12, 2019
    i do not get how this has been overlooked
    surely making sure all windows can actually break is one of the main things you check

    why do we not have usdm base model configs? i mean the simple traffic versions of the car are all base models with the usdm rear lights but the only usdm configs we have are mid to top spec models :confused:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. McBeamer94

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    Jan 4, 2019
    I haven't run in this particular issue with the windows, but I have an answer for your USDM base model question: it's because, IRL, Americans usually get the strongest gasoline I4 version (be it 45TFSI, 30i or 300, depending on the nomenclature of each German brand) of the typical small German Sedan, because they aren't really interested in the less powerful/more basic versions. So us Euros have lower starting points, as a result.
    As for your traffic question, yes, what you say is a slight issue since the 150 and 190 versions aren't sold in the US.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. DamienDutch

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    Feb 9, 2016
    Land of the finance options
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Milendur

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    Apr 26, 2021
    We are nearing the next update and i thought i would again point out some issues with my favourite car in hopes they have the chance to be addressed before 0.32 releases.

    Beam navigator poking outside the windshield


    Floor mats are the same on both sides


    Glass black lines visible from inside and the lower graphics you run the fuzzier they look

    glassblacklines.png glassblackline.png

    4 buttons at the back and 6 at the front?

    buttons.png Untitled.png

    Light flares visible when they shouldn't be

    lightflares.png lightflare.png

    Needles don't stay flush with the instrument cluster when they do their circular motion

    needles.png needle.png

    (subjective) Defrost lines are too bulky, they should only be slightly visible when viewed from close


    The wagon should have parcel shelf option


    (subjective) Stich texture too big

    stiches.png stich.png

    Texture issue


    The car doesn't have sideskirts like the K series

    screenshot_2022-02-19_20-37-42.png screenshot_2022-02-19_20-57-20.png

    (subjective) Dash looks empty on the left, it's a good place for a range gauge like the economy gauge on the right, symbols like the esc, tcs, park brake etc..
    can be made smaller and moved at top center, also they look like placeholders and not proper like the traction control symbol on the bastion for example.

    screenshot_2024-03-01_22-08-13.png screenshot_2024-03-01_22-08-13.png

    L/100Kmh reading doesn't work properly, behaves like L/1Kmh and never settles down

    I know that i have mods present but i tried everything in safe mode and it's still there
    #188 Milendur, Mar 1, 2024
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2024
    • Agree Agree x 6
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  9. DamienDutch

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    Feb 9, 2016
    Hello, my turbo overheats on all the diesels (any ecu), I think they need to be buffed.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. autoibello

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    Oct 3, 2023
    Is "devs quality" still the reference point?

    • Like Like x 1
  11. Pr9tkin

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    Jan 28, 2022
    The hood and bumper have a noticeable docking line in the middle in some trim levels

    Attached Files:

    • 30.png
    • Agree Agree x 3
  12. Pr9tkin

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    Jan 28, 2022
    why was the left side fixed and the right side left as it was?
    «The gaps in the rear fenders have not been addressed on both sides.»

    Attached Files:

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    • Like Like x 1
  13. Nacho Problem

    Nacho Problem
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    Nov 2, 2019
    The 310 diesel doesnt have the diesel torque converter
    • Agree Agree x 3
  14. SpaceGood

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    Aug 15, 2020
    Yep, in fact many of the diesel models have the wrong torque converters installed. Here's the list:
    854 150d (A)
    856xc 260d (A)
    846tt 310d (A)
    856ttx 310d (A)
    They all should have the diesel torque converter.

    Also, something I found strange is that there are 4 button controls at the rear door when it should only have a single window button instead.
    Screenshot782.png Screenshot783.png

    Many dash lights do not line up properly including the low fuel light and the oil pressure light, while the temperature light does not even work. The same thing applies to the K-Series which shares the same gauges.
    Screenshot785.png Screenshot789.png
    • Agree Agree x 2
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