Took the Euro-kei for a test drive. Great work so far! I was going to say the dashboard is a little undetailed and only the flower pattern seat a little disappointing, but as this is an earlier version and this doesn't affect the actual driving those are small nitpicks. I actually like how plausibly wobbly and unstable it is even with abnormally large wheels.
Suggestion: The real thing had the option for an AMT that had the manual shifter but the clutch was automated (like the AMT in game but restricted to M gears)
There isn't a UV system on it yet (I think) Anyway, this looks really good! I'm looking forward for more updates for this! Hopefully we should get a UV for this soon
My personal take on this little fella A pleasant appearance, a well-told story, a car with a big personality for how small it is, but at the same time, a ,,Tango" dance that started on the wrong foot. The good things: Cherier Tango as a base idea for a mod is fantastic! I absolutely love the concept of having a Twingo in BeamNG's lore-friendly family. The overload cuteness of this car is insane! Driving it is incredibly fun—I think this is how a wheelchair would feel if it had an engine and front-wheel drive. The features introduced in the latest update are present: opening doors, hood, sunroof (a unique sunroof model), trunk, the ability to use the hazard lights button, ignition system, and cargo loads are all included. So we can say that the creator has done his homework and has taken advantage of all the features introduced in the game to create a faithful variant. The attention to detail in exterior elements, such as the cutout in the hood where the air vents fold to direct air straight into the filter, is perfect. The fact that my imagination can now take a break from picturing what a flying frog with wings would look like is a huge relief. Things that need improvement: Let's start with the elephant in the room: The interior. Although every element of the interior is close to, if not identical to, the Renault Twingo (which makes me happy), there are certain aspects I need to address, such as: I can't see the air vents; it feels like I'm looking into a black hole. The same goes for the warning lights in front of the steering wheel—it looks like a black sticker with an occasional ABS, headlights, or turn signal indicator appearing. It looks bad... In front of the gear shifter, I can't tell if it's a cup holder or... nope, I give up. The exterior. I think the license plate light doesn't work as intended. It barely illuminates the area, and it gets brighter depending on the high or low beams, which I find amusing. However, what I don't find amusing at all are the fenders, which look like they were cut by a preschooler with plastic scissors... Another thing that looks terrifyingly odd is the way the windshield deforms. configs The GTI font... The sound of the GTI and race configurations is annoyingly loud. Compared to the GTI version of the Cherier Picnic, the Tango sounds like it has a broken exhaust in the middle. That being said, I want to thank @Baconzez for the opportunity to have a Twingo in the BeamNG universe. I'm sure that, after a few hotfixes and updates, this mod will become a future classic, and the creator will grow alongside it.
well youre in luck, added a usdm tailgate, will do usdm indicators and bumperlights too later prolly --- Post updated --- the race config is loud because it has a straightpipe , apar from that i fixed the obnoxious tractor ahh noise of the 1.5 now, the plate light being linked to lowhighbeam makes it do that too which i also didnt even realise ty for pointing that out, and i will make it be better at doing its job :3 interior tho, is uhh questionable, ill fix what i can but i cant really do much tbh (im just bad)
Speaking of hotfixes, the twingo hubcap normals had a different name than the ingame directory, resulting in missing normals. Just a little renaming on the file and the problem goes away
Is it just me? Or is the Tangos Clutch broken? I use the left joy-stick to control the clutch, and it works great with every vanilla and modded vehicle I've ever used it with!... Except the Tango. What gives? (Does not matter what transmission you use. I already checked all of them.) (Clutch setup if your interested)
Don't worry, I think this is a good mod. I'm sure that, over time, you'll turn it into something truly well-polished. Thank you again, and do reconsider the sound of the 1.5 engine—perhaps you could rework it!