This is a FP T-Series Pack. Early paid access through Fun Physics Patreon : 1.0 version with one-time purchase will be released on Ko-fi and Gumroad as well when it's done. I will be posting regular updates about the progress. Of course you are welcome to post media about this mod also. Free demo of the JD35 configuration can be downloaded here. --- Post updated ---
From the demo, this is a wonderful mod with a high quality model and realistic mechanics. If I could make a one-time purchase and get any potential future updates instead of a monthly subscription, I would gladly pay $5 for this right now. Might want to put the patreon link in the post either way, it helps us forum users find your mod faster and helps you by guaranteeing no one clicks the wrong thing when searching for it
Was hoping you would make a mod like this is well overdue for there to be a heavy recovery config for the T-series
I’ve played around with the demo and it’s pretty cool, very good functionality and seems well made. My only concern, why is the skin not removable? Considering the boom, legs and stuff are colorable it doesn’t seem like an unreasonable ask that the demo should have the ability to remove the skin and paint it a solid color. The other thing, for the full mod I would be completely fine if it was $5 one time but I draw the line at subscriptions, sorry but I’m not paying $5 a month for a game mod. Like the other guy further up the thread said, a one time payment should always be an option and they would still get updates. Plus since your other mods are all available for one time purchase it seems a bit odd that this one isn’t. @VMFunPhysics , I mean no ill will by my comments and I hope you take my points into consideration. Thank you --- Post updated --- PS. This is the other post I was referring to
"Early version is available on Patreon and 1.0 version will be on Ko-fi and Gumroad also." from the youtube vid also unless its been changed you can remove the skin, its under the toolboxes.
The reason why it's not a one time purchase now is because it's too early. I'm not gonna make the same mistake that I made with the JD 50/60 when I released the alpha with all the free updates. It got leaked very fast and I kind of lost the motivation a bit because I knew that everyone is now gonna get it for free and the leakers are just gonna keep leaking it as they get all the updates for free also. So like it was mentioned by "Bellaistrans" there is a plan to make a one time purchase version also. But not before I have reached to the 1.0 version. And I also wanted to see what the Patreon is like. Most paid modders seem to be using Patreon with monthly payments and I do get it, especially if the mod is based on vanilla vehicles. Everytime the game updates, or devs make some changes without notice, there may be a need to update the mod. This may not happen on monthly basis - so there is actually no need to pay monthly on Patreon either. Many users just pay the 5 and then immediately cancel the subscription. Also I'm not sure how big I want to make this mod eventually after the 1.0. With Patreon I would just keep adding more stuff on T-Series - there are endless possibilities. But with a one time purchase pack - there needs to be some kind of limit. I will add the demo color option with next update.
If that wasnt a monthly subscription to Patreon I would go for it, maybe get on KoFi and release stuff on there, but keep up the awesome work I hope the full mod when it releases will be awesome!
I totally get it, but now I'm REALLY glad I didn't give you $5 on patreon. Here's the reason why subscriptions are ALWAYS worse for mod users: If the creator DOES update the mod, continuing subscribers have to keep paying more for updates while new subscribers get newer versions for less money, so there's an incentive for us to not support you. If the creator DOESN'T update the mod (which, in fairness, you just admitted you did with a previous mod), then we keep paying you for nothing. And if the creator decides to release a one-time purchase version later on without making that plan clear at the beginning, then everyone who WAS nice enough to support feels like they wasted their money on the patreon. Also, people who download leaked mods are one of two types of people: -Those who, for one reason or another, are unable or unwilling to EVER pay for your mod, therefore you lose no money, and -Those who want to try the full version of the mod before they buy it. It's the same BS that game companies tried to pull with piracy. You're going to alienate your customers and put yourself in the loony bin worrying about something that doesn't even affect your bottom line. I don't like being this pedantic and irritating, but I'm kinda getting fed up with society just accepting greed and selfishness as the norm. If you want to be a productive contributor to a community, we need to mutually respect each other's interests. If you're more concerned with securing a profit than rewarding those who give you their own hard-earned money, then I have to question what your motives are here. TL;DR If you're gonna make a paid mod out of self-motivation and dedication, that's absolutely fine and in fact admirable. But asking for MONTHLY payments requires trust on our (the users') end that we will continue getting our money's worth, and that cannot happen with the current subscription model for BeamNG mods, period.
I didn't understand this part "If the creator DOESN'T update the mod (which, in fairness, you just admitted you did with a previous mod), then we keep paying you for nothing." I have always updated the mod, even if it got leaked like crazy. The first release looked very different from what it is now. But this is just one mod. Now I'm dealing with a multitude of upfits and parts for T-Series and the value of this is probably much more than my previous mods. Basically I'm putting all my previous stuff that I made as separate, into one pack for T-series and making them even better. That's why I went with Patreon at the beginning. I will be releasing a new upfit basically every month. The plan to release a one time purchase pack was said before I even published the Patreon saying exactly how I'm gonna release this mod. The benefit that Patreon subscibers get is just early access - it's their decision when they want to jump in, at what point or update. And if they don't want to subscribe then they can just wait the 1.0 release. That's it. Here is the YT video where it was said. Most of my supporters know me by the YT channel.
OK, now if the original post was more like this I probably wouldn't have had an issue. Notice how you laid out, in plain text, what your plan for the mod is, why specifically you chose to start with a subscription service, made an argument for your future consistency, and made an understanding statement about people not joining right away. I don't have an issue with paying any amount for a mod, as long as it's worth the asking price. I just don't like when people ask for money without properly laying out why. I could have done more research into your youtube channel before posting, and for that I apologize, but I still feel like if you're going out of your way to ask for money, it shouldn't then be on me to do the background research. Either way, I did end up dropping $5 for this month of your Patreon, and WOW I'm enjoying this thing. Keep up the good work!
I added some more information at the first post. I'm glad you are are enjoying it. I'll be releasing the rotator at the end of this week.
man I was getting really excited for this mod and have been watching it for ages waiting for the t880 stuff to make it to the T-series only for this to be subscription is kinda wild. don't get me wrong you do great work believe me, and I even bough the CDC tow pack which I know you helped with. But I just got locked out of that mod too because of subscription. I definitely see why the leakers are calling madders "scammers". there is 2 sides to this story. I'm not saying 2 wrongs makes a right, but when people charge more than the game costs for mods that WILL get outdated and then get mad that it gets leaked. You cant charge a subscription for a mod and then get mad when the people who have payed $25 worth or so over the course of a couple months cancel their subscriptions and go and get a copy of the updated leaked mod for free. they deserve it. why incentive does someone have to buy a mod knowing it gets outdated when they could get leaked updates for free. Back to what i said 2 wrongs doesn't make a right, i know your trying to prevent what happened on the 50/60 release where the updates kept getting leaked and i dont have the answer, I am sorry. But if buying your mod doesn't mean we have access to it and own it, then pirating it isn't stealing it. I don't believe in dystopian subscription stuff. i would be happy to buy this mod 1 time when its finished because i do know its a WIP. but who knows if that is possible with beamng updates.
Why paid mod authors quit modding. Which, for better or worse, doesn't affect people who don't buy paid mods. I'm not saying I agree with them, I'm just saying that's probably exactly what they want. Also that's not even really the point, they're talking about subscriptions specifically. Again, I don't agree with them, my concerns were alleviated in previous posts, but please don't try and push this further into a morals conversation (even if they started it).
Most people who complain about paid mods have very little idea what actually goes into making them & how maddening it can be at times.
The same is true of free mods though? Let me put it this way. If McDonald's started charging people to use the bathrooms, they'd get angry. Theoretically they have no reason to be angry, as the company does have to spend money and time building, plumbing, maintaining, and cleaning them, but if you start charging people for something that used to be free then it's a little tonedeaf to say "well I worked hard on it" like yeah plenty of people have worked, and do work, really stinking hard on a lot of things, both in this community and otherwise, that are available for FREE. I'm not saying that's how it should be, I'm saying that's what most people consider normal. I really do think this mod is worth the $5 that I paid for the current version, but I'm not going to keep paying for updates that, no matter how dedicated and trustworthy the author is, are not guaranteed to come. That's not even what the author intended, as they explained above they will make a one-time purchase available, and honestly I think this whole thing got out of hand. I apologize :3