Fr tho. It'd be another W for modders like Lucas and LJ, who haven't reused anything from their other mods. I'm tempted to make a comment about developer quality not being developer quality anymore...Oh, wait - I just did. I've seen so many people comment about the truck looking like the Durham (which IMO, in its current state; is a mid-mod. But is on the same quality level as recent official cars), but I also feel for the mod authors - who get their idea stolen without any credit or compensation. No developers should ever do that, I'd lose a lot of respect for the devs if this is the case. So, I hope to god it's different in its own way. We need a modern truck, we need an official medium/heavy-duty truck- not a copy from a unfinished mod with a few things changed here and there. Why not kill two birds with one stone devs? Only time will tell.
The D10 Charro used to be a mod too, named the Bandito! The Charro and Kentarch variants need some further lineup extension though. --- Post updated --- Why not? They're proven to be perfectly fine for powering it, not to mention that they're also cheap due to their 3+ decades-old production span!
Dudes thinkin in IRL car engineer speak, not "we've been driving the same engine in many different vehicles with the same sound for 1000's of miles and we want something else (that's official)" speak
Okay but it makes sense to use the engines in this truck?? It's within the gavril brand and it's most likely just gonna have the higher liter and turbo diesel ones, it might have a new diesel and maybe a v10 like the real trucks too
Well since it may be a modern truck, why not have a more modern engine to provide more variety and better stats? A new diesel and/or V10 would also be cool though.
It's very similar, but it's probably a new cab model. At least the shape of the windshield is straighter
This is a car simulator... Realistically speaking, the Gavril 6.9 gasser and 6.0 diesel should be 2 of the 3 or 4 main engine options for this truck. If you want something different and unrealistic then I'm sure the modding community will be pumping out weird options within a week of release. That is the group you should be looking to for that desire to be filled, not the official dev team.
i guess its possible to get a smaller version of the T-series i6 engine's Even its unlikely. I think possible a v10 seeing as if i remember right there was the v10;s in the dodge and ford medium dutys, other wise, Am gonna drop the 4.1 i6 in it and take it a week to get to 100 KPH Edit yes they did .BUT its the same size as that gas ( petrol to us Aussies ) 6.9 v8. SO yeah do we really need a v10.? I mean yes as its cool but really do we Am over hyped for this mid rig haha
Definitely a new cab model, good chance we could get a new diesel in this as well considering that (at least I don't think) the current smaller diesels would support a hydraulics system like the bigger trucks can, and by the looks of the version in the newest teaser it appears to be a tipper trailer on the back
Personally, I'm still aware that v0.33 will not be a huge update, so I think there are going to be just more parts for the current D-Series, rather than a modern pickup.
Yeah I agree also, the update is mainly going to be backend stuff with a few goodies alongside it. I'm hoping based of the images tho that the current D series will get some form of tipper trailer like what it looks to have in the recent teaser
That msot likely the case. some new parts here and there and the rest of everything new is in the background
Damn, who knew modders came up with the very original and not at all pre-existing idea of "medium duty truck using a light duty pickup cab" and that henceforth nobody else could make one including the devs, and doing so would be "stealing". original character donut steel
A D45 dump bed would make sense, and a rotary dump truck would be really unique. I have a '96 F650 Roatary dump truck... The thing kinda sucks