Good mod but i found 2 bugs (if they are not intentional) 1. all engines blow up if temp is higher than 105 (that prob intentional) 2. if engine have set to low rpm clutch dont work well i want to build a drag car with 627 engine but i cant bc it blows up after 5200 rpm 272cui work good bc it can handle 7500+
Have you made sure to put in the best radiator possible, and have you upgraded the block? Because I've managed to get the 627 to do 8000 rpm without issue. Also don't set the psi for forced induction to the max. In fact, for the very high displacement engines I will usually go with natural aspiration, and use nitrous if needed.
Yea so i using the RK radiator and i put billet block witch stage 3 internals and other thinks also to the max and 627 is going for 2s on transbrake and 6k rpm with 33psi.
Hi, JAVI, I really like your mod and i was wondering if it would be possible to add more headlight option for the barstow's front aero sport package, like LED or something like that ? Thx again and good work.
i'll add them to all cars also im making a early GH front for the moonhawk which will have some more customization I dunno what temp you're measuring but anything engine related can go well over that before starting to get damaged and it can already go over 7500rpm with just the billet block equipped I don't think i'll be doing any LED lights, thank you anyhow c:
BTW when the mod updates, since the repo has been down due to that whole Disney being hacked (even though it was a Modland mod), will you upload a link to an updated version of the mod through google drive or something similar? --- Post updated --- Wait are you using a manual? because you need to be using the drag automatic transmissions for very high horsepower drag builds. Manuals are good for lower horsepower race cars for circuit racing, but you need an automatic for drag racing.
Could we get a progress update sometime soon? I think I speak for everyone when i say we are all excited and can't wait for the next update. Thanks.
image and progress post first, then a WIP update in the next few days but a public beta update isn't very far off either
Would the large blow through turbo from the v6 engines be a possible addition for the v8s, and perhaps a hood exit exhaust for the large blow through?
the v8 will get its own single turbo setup, and yea i should prolly do the hood exit for it sometime soon been meaning to do it since i made the intake lel --- Post updated --- and progress update time! Lots of things have been added so i'll let the pics speak for themselves First of all, many new configs and parts for the D-Series New Early GH front Fascia for the Moonhawk Modular Gauges with 3 slots Left/Middle/Right PBR versions of the "classic" hubcaps seen below and i've reached the limit of pics i can post so this'll be it lol
Leave it to the modders to fix vanilla assets that the devs should have fixed forever ago lol, Btw, the Twister inspired D-Series looks sick!