WIP Beta released RLS Career Overhaul V2.0! New Update!

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Raceless, Mar 2, 2024.

  1. turtl

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    Feb 15, 2024
    Dumb question, is installation of this the same as any other mod?
  2. Raceless

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    May 12, 2018
    It is the same, just drag and drop into your mod folder. It's a bit broken now from yesterday's update though. I'm hoping to update it this weekend
  3. turtl

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    Feb 15, 2024
    thanks for the heads up! Played with it a little bit, seemed like a solid addition. After a while the AI would totally despawn and i'd have to reload the save. Love the implementation of new purchase options from dealerships. Police AI is a little slow, not much of a threat and the 2k for outrunning them seems a little OP
  4. Raceless

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    May 12, 2018

    Love the feed back!

    The A.i will be a pretty easy fix. Just need to update my code to hot fix code.

    I can add additional police. Right now it's set to only have 1 but I can hard code to have 2 police. Or I might be able to increase police amount when there is a pursuit happening, but I'll probably need to turn off police when player is in a police vehicle. Mighty stabilize the police ai too and stop them from randomly attacking the player.

    If you think the 2k is a bit op wait until you do deliveries. I need to tone the economy back a bit for sure. I think making it to where you get roughly 50k - 100k and hour or so would be better?

    I sadly only have about an hour or 2 a day to play games. I think that's why I had the econony turned up so high. What is everyone's thoughts on how dialed back the econony should be? About 1/2 of what it is? 1/3?
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  5. Beastdavidrush 2

    Beastdavidrush 2
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    Nov 5, 2020
    im with ya with only having a couple hours a day to play.... but i do think 2k for evading the police (very easy to do) is too much but i havent done any delivery missions so i cant speak for that.
  6. GrandMarshalGuy

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    Mar 30, 2017
    tbh im fine with the evade payout considering a fine is 1-3k and an insurance job is 500 minimum. so i see the balance in it, but the police need some more giddyup.
  7. turtl

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    Feb 15, 2024
    Can you make police vehicle variations? I'd like to see a Belasco City Police Roamer
  8. Raceless

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    May 12, 2018
    Let me know your feedback as you play some more!

    The game play loop I was kind of going for was make money a bit faster, buy cars a bit faster, but also increase the consequence of wrecking. So you'll probably find the racing events pay out pretty well. But when you nearly total a car it's going to really hurt financially. (unless you're weilling to wait 10 minutes lol)
    --- Post updated ---
    I'm hoping adding some police will help with that. There's actually some cool ground work code that seems to add road blocks and stuff but I haven't worked at using it yet. Maybe I can figure it out soon!

    Thoughts on raising that $500 insurance claim or doing away with it? I could make it another percentage of the actual cost. Or maybe even extend the time past 10 minutes

    I love the idea of having a backup race car but I never get to use it if I can always repair my car for next to nothing.
    --- Post updated ---
    Great question! So from what I can tell it pulls the police from a lost in order. If I simply add a police car that second car will always be I think a bastion. Can't remember.

    Thinking out loud I might be able to find the Lua that spawns in police and add something that randomizes what police car to spawn.

    I'll have to think more on that!

    Thanks for the feed back
  9. DabNation253

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    Apr 24, 2024
    its hard to say the actual amount needed to turn down economy. there are some high payout deliveries i was grabbing a bunch at like 15k each and able to grab 10 of them. the max payout i think is what could go down. they are semi loads to be fair with 128 slots.
  10. GrandMarshalGuy

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    Mar 30, 2017
    I was actually thinking about that too among other ideas. i think it being a percent of the repair cost is a solid idea, but i also think it would be a good idea for police vehicles to be "covered by the state" so it doesn't strain your premium as much.
    Besides that, What do you think about a feature where you can "order" a specific model/trim car to be located and shipped through a dealer?
  11. jdm0

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    Jun 16, 2022
    Thank you so much for this mod ! I've been looking high and low , is there any way to increase the amount of vehicle deliveries being done at once? I have a two car trailer I would like to use to transport multiple vehicle deliveries at once but the game states limit reached once a vehicle delivery is taking place.
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  12. wgirard4

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    Feb 16, 2013
    Love this mod a lot except that it actually bugs out my game heavy for some reason.
    - Lights get stuck on Red
    - Fast Automotive drop off spot is broken and inside of a building?
    - Constant stutter after a couple of chases with the cops or when I retrieve my car / some unrelated bug happens, like one time I had to tow car to road but instead it reset me to the default spawn and then started stuttering, ctrl + l fixes this issue but it keeps happening every 5-10 minutes.

    - the day and night cycle actually makes it worst IMO because the map doesn't have any lights and most of the traffic still drives around with no headlights

    Apart from that I've been having a lot of fun with your mod, the higher pay for the deliveries make it a lot more fun IMO, knowing the career is not fully finished it's nice to have a easy grind because it does get quite repetitive even if you complete all the missions outside of the deliveries :) And the cop chases are fun too of course. Did you come across these bugs yourself?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Raceless

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    May 12, 2018
    Archiving 0.32.0 :)

    Attached Files:

  14. turtl

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    Feb 15, 2024
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  15. Raceless

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    May 12, 2018
    Its updated now! Let me know what issues you find and any feedback!

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    I made a lot of adjustments in the delivery prices in the latest update. Let me know your thoughts!
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    That would be cool to gain a free repair as a police, however I think that coding is a bit past me. I did increase the amount from $750 to $1250 for when you fail to catch a criminal. (Hopefully this feature still works, I haven't tested it much.) I think the repairing the police vehicle yourself helps encourage tactfully taking down the criminal. I could increase the reward possibly if the changes in repair costs in the new update negatively impacts this too much.

    That would be amazing to add a vehicle ordering system, but that is past my current abilities.

    Thank you for the feedback!
    --- Post updated ---
    I didn't know there is a cap at 2! I've been focused on updating the mod and haven't played much of the update yet haha. I was hoping to get to the point where I could get a 40ft gooseneck and deliver multiple so that's a bummer its capped. I briefly looked into it after seeing your reply but I'm not sure it will be as easy as increasing the cap. My gut says I won't be able to change it but I'll look into it further. Fingers crossed!
    --- Post updated ---
    I didn't know there is a cap at 2! I've been focused on updating the mod and haven't played much of the update yet haha. I was hoping to get to the point where I could get a 40ft gooseneck and deliver multiple so that's a bummer its capped. I briefly looked into it after seeing your reply but I'm not sure it will be as easy as increasing the cap. But I'll look into it futher. Fingers crossed!

    Thank you so much for all the feedback!

    I just released the update that I'm hoping fixes most of your issues, I've had them too. Nobody had mentioned them so I wondered if maybe it was just my game since I've messed with it so much. I haven't had a chance to test for all the issues but in my short sessions but please let me know if they persist after this update!

    • Like Like x 2
  16. DabNation253

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    Apr 24, 2024
    the police are only working near truck spawn. after i get out of first range they wont do anything anymore. they are spawning still but not chasing me or ticketing me. i do like the delivery changes!!! a lot better.
  17. M00nLightGamer

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    Apr 29, 2024
    I'm not sure if I'm the only one but I'm not getting any police to spawn at all. I've tried reinstalling the game and the mod but still no police. Love the mod I do love the addition of cops to Career!

    Fixed it had to go into Free roam and spawn traffic with police for them to spawn in career.
    #37 M00nLightGamer, Apr 29, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2024
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  18. Raceless

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    May 12, 2018
    Very strange, Glad you found a fix! I'll update the front page. Let me know if you find anything else and glad you are enjoying the mod!
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    Glad you like the delivery changes! Could you try spawning the police in free roam then going back to career mode? Also do any Lua error codes pop up by chance?
  19. DabNation253

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    Apr 24, 2024
    I went in freeroam and spawned cops as well as turned off allow mods to spawn that fixed cops and traffic for me.
  20. Raceless

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    May 12, 2018
    Wonderful! Glad it worked for you! What astrange issue though, no idea what could be causing it
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