As if i'm going to make it paid out of nowhere and make a demo for repo, no, this ain't happening. When it comes out on repo, it absolutely will have every feature i listed on the main page.
Omg it looks amazing and I just found out about it from BeamNG Boy on YouTube and I had to look at the thread. We needed a modern ibishu. There was a rebadged Vivace mod and turned it into a covet at one point from a YouTuber (can't remember who it was) but I digress. The key details I saw in the pictures is the steering wheel, it goes back to the Miramar. Hope to see this on the repo. Keep up the goodwork
Probably mostly upcoming week, it's friday today, there's only 2 days left of the week, maybe some checking and bug fixes and then releases the next week, still cannot be sure about it though.
That's right, i'm currently checking the mod for any kind of bugs present in the mod and then after i'll release it. I usually find any bugs by just pretending to be a player who got the mod and tries it out, so it takes a bit longer to find any, especially now. Self-tester basically. It can be even finished in a day even if there's barely any bugs i could come across.
Good to know that. i think people thought i might have released or will release today or sometimes soon because of the showcase video being uploaded.
I made that video as sort of a sign that it's this close to being released, in fact BeamBot got his copy of the mod after i uploaded the video, he probably films (or already filmed) the footage for the mod. It'll come out as usual, the time when the mod gets released. I'm glad people enjoyed it even if it's a rebadge of a real car. Not a big issue that it's a rebadge of a real car and there's many other lore-friendly cars having the same design as the real car, maybe with some tweaks.
Pretty good start for a car with self made model and Jbeam, and probably lots of other things (i know it's kinda based on the pessima, but probably none of it is pessima by now).
i could've but i just can't find people who i could trust from get-go. I can't trust anyone on the internet nowadays, i learned the mistake and i'll never let it happen again.
I mean, you can always ask the dudes in Qutas Club. I'm pretty sure guys like Sourdisc and dudis wouldn't leak your mod. Then again, it is your choice.
although Kirvis (who's a mate of mine and also in QutasClub) have tried it, and only one issue was found thanks to him.