My skills are very limited & are just good enough to work a few things out, something like that is a bit beyond what I can do. I wouldn't mind if someone else took what I'm doing & went further with it though.
I have a project suggestion : a beater shcool bus with blown and stress tested engine , the back door with broken hinges , damaged part like on the front like it had a collision , and a weathered skin with graffitis on it Can be called The Hated
Wouldn't mind seeing that myself but it's far beyond my skills. I feel bad for posting so much crap, just nowhere else to post it other than starting a new topic of my own but I don't even know if any of this is worth it until I know if any of it can be released. Either way I've cleared all of my posts from this thread.
Ok, figured I'd post this since I've been trying to get it working for a while now. Pretty sure I got it this time.
Have to admit I'm having fun with this, I really hope I'm able to release what I'm working on for this. Doing mods for this has given me the opportunity to learn more about modding than previous (still can't jbeam at all, I'd like to add the tow hitch) & I've actually been interested in sharing what I've come up with this time. Some of this is pulled from the FS-65 & some is just modified textures. Projects, Mostly complete: Custom lights (Custom body for spotlights slot): Brake/Indicator warning lights, Spotlights/LED, Indicator arrow overlays, LED rear/warning lights Police warning lights/LED (Custom body/spotlights slot), Police transport skin Retired skins: Covered warning lights, Reduced # of seats, Custom interior equipment (more seat colors), Skins Custom skins/configs for Neilogical (just need to contact him for that, no mods used except for one config that would need to be released later) Rear stop sign/Alternate (switched top/bottom lights) I'll be happy to remove this post if asked to do so.
Not really any good at skinning so I wasn't planning a skin/config for the police package but I decided to try my hand at something & this is what's in the works, it's just a modified version of the one included with the FS-65. (Again, will only be released so long as I can get permission, until then this is all a learning experience/personal use)
Sort of got the tow hitch working, can't seem to get the base beam to show up do to a node not found error in the mesh I can't get figured out. So, since I got stuck on that I looked for something else to do with it, all I came up with was this: I just added a couple more lights. [edit] ---
I'm only just realizing this isn't linked to the repo page, I'll get that fixed Also a good time to address a couple of things that come up commonly: It falls off the frame fairly easily The strength at which I've attached it is debatable, though I feel like it takes a significant beating before coming off. It's also designed to do this because when the body separates, it's a much lighter mass that gets pushed away (rather than crushed) in a collision. The body is hard to deform I've been doing some thinking and I may need to tweak this. Though I've been using this video as a reference (see 3:15) for strength testing and it currently behaves similarly to this (if you park it against a wall so the body doesn't fall off)
The H-series can be optioned through the parts selector with a diesel engine. This works with the bus configs.
Excellent! I was thinking of making the short version bus but IRL stuff got to me, glad to see it done!
What causes the interior buzzer to go off? I had it happen twice in severe crashes but couldn't figure out what exactly triggers it.