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0.26 Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Leeloo, Sep 17, 2022.

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  1. Aquila:)

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    May 28, 2022
    There is a problem with motion blur in the Burnside Special ”Lead Sled“ edition. When using the interior cam, the roof in the interior gets black and blurred when accelerating or decelerating/ when the camera moves due to uneven surfaces or crashes
  2. Allcare

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    Sep 5, 2013
    I ran into a few bugs:

    When playing a scenario and you restart it the usual Description and such shows up. If you restart and directly start the scenario before the description shows up it often happens that you stay in place and the countdown never starts. You have to restart again and wait a little bit longer so that starting actually starts the scenario.
    While it seems like the window is quite short with a hotkey for reset and another one for starting it happens quite often on a wheel or controller.
    So far I had this issue in the following scenarios: "Platform Jump - 2015"; "Hidden Jump - 2015"; "Cinematic Chase - 2016"; "Electric Hypermiling - 2019";
    It does not happen in "Highway loop 1 - 2022" or "Car Trials - 2022". It seems that the older style without the "cutscene" only has this issue.
    (BTW: Is there a way to restart that completely skips the description? Would be nice.)

    Another bug happens in the scenario "Garage to Garage West Coast" and probably the other ones as well: The AI sometimes drives into the left turn lane and then indicates right then stops stops indicating and then gets confused. In the end it turns right from the very left lane. In the "Garage to Garage Italy" sometimes the AI spawns perpendicular to the driving direction. Then every oncoming driver gets confused even though the lane is free and stops. As confused as it is it does stop very close to the turned car confusing it and immobilising it as well. Now both cannot keep driving and cause a traffic jam that -especially in italy- means a big detour or slamming into the cars to break through. (Pushing the oncoming car is quite hard as it doesn't want to budge and if you manage to move it it will try to get back to it's parking spot by accelerating).

    Within the "Garage to Garage" scenario there is the counter that shows completed deliveries. There also is the counter for the combo which doesn't reset and continues to count up if you abandon a car. It does not trigger the achievement though.
    (Even though I abandoned 3 cars it still shows a combo and increases the max combo when delivering)

    Not necessarily a bug but also quite annoying:
    Hitboxes of checkpoints are not lining up with the visuals. I've had the issue quite often that in "Wild West Trails" i would slide a bit off the road but still hit the checkpoint. I drive in first person and the checkpoint outline is within the car yet it doesn't recognize it as hit. On the other had the boundaries in "Car Trials" are so tight that just getting to close costs 10 points. This seems quite inconsistent. It seems like the checkpoint only gets hit if the wheel is within the orange pillars. That being said in testing I did manage to get the orange pillar on the driver seat by turning hard left after the front wheel was past it (going super slow). Once I backed up and the wheel got in range it worked.
    I'd love to see the visuals being the actual border of the hitbox so I can go by the visual which is there for exactly that reason.
    Screenshot2022-10-09234435.png Screenshot2022-10-09234808.png
    While this doesn't count as a hit checkpoint the distance to the boundary already costs 10 points. I was doubting myself when I tried this scenario in 1st person but seeing that I still have a lot of room I am relieved.

    Also not a bug but I want to mention it:
    The mirrors in the car are basically useless. When you look in them neither the reflection nor the distances make any sense. I do understand that this is probably a niche case but when I already render the reflection why not show the car in really bad detail so the mirrors are usable? Even a static view as an overlay would be much better. no need to re-render the car itself constantly as it doesn't change as often as the environment. With no relation between car and mirrored image you cannot use them as a guide. The mirror on the windshield is the same. You look in it and you see a wall but how far away it is you won't be able to judge.
    Another part that probably makes it so hard to use is the angle of the reflection itself. It seems like the mirrors are not showing what they should if the 1st person camera would look into them, it seems more like a reversed render that is exactly perpendicular to the driving direction and thus not behaving correctly. I'm not talking about me moving the camera and the mirror changing, that would be too much to ask but for anyone curious try backing up close to an edge with the mirror and look how the image rotates in comparison with what you're doing and what you know from real life.
    In these screenshots you can see that the side mirror would not help gauging how close I am to the edge of the road.
    Screenshot2022-10-09233651.png Screenshot2022-10-09233710.png
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Murtaza Hashwani

    Murtaza Hashwani
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    Sep 29, 2022
    Yeah, it's coveted moment!!
    • Like Like x 2
  4. Covalence

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    Jul 3, 2021
    I have the same issue, it only happens for one frame and I can't find a specific thing that makes it happen but it also occurs with the simplified traffic cars.

    I also thought it was a hardware/driver issue at first but I have both an AMD CPU and GPU so that shouldn't be the case.
  5. JowoHD

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    Oct 27, 2016
    ive had the same things appear and i have an AMD cpu and gpu
  6. Erik Marberg

    Erik Marberg
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    Oct 23, 2017
    The motion blur upgraded the looks of this game so much more than I thought it would
    • Agree Agree x 5
  7. Zye

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    Sep 27, 2022
    I use an AMD gpu and Intel cpu and it still happens to me.
  8. Gamergull

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    BeamNG Team

    Jun 3, 2018
    By the way, thanks to all for the reports with traffic police bugs. One of the curses of trying to optimize code is inevitably breaking things without realizing it :( . A bunch of bugs were fixed, and a hotfix may be coming soon.
    • Like Like x 12
  9. Copunit12

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    Jan 13, 2015
    It's the chad himself.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  10. PainyTOXA

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    Sep 29, 2013
    I wonder if we can get longer Garage to Garage trips? For some reason I can't get anything above 3-4km, and sometimes it spawns me with something like "300 meters" which is hilarious.
    GtG West Coast - 63 trips, 125km - ~2km per trip;
    GtG East Coast - 7 trips, 12km - ~1.7km per trip;
    GtG Italy - 7 trips, 34km - this one works good, getting either ~8km or ~2km trips;
    GtG Jungle Rock Island - 9 trips, 17km - ~1.9km per trip.

    Would be much more fun if we could do 10-ish km trips on all maps, and would be great if trips under say 1km were simply discarded and regenerated.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. cwetz

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    Dec 5, 2021
    I am trying to install a new car and track for the first time since I installed 0.26, its a manual donwload so I am putting the zip files in appdata/local/BeamNGDrive/0.26/mods, and they arent showing up at all. I did clear the cache already and that didnt do anything
  12. ThatCarGuyDownTheStreet

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    Mar 30, 2017
    Open the game, go to the repository thing in the main menu, then mods, and then on the right side there should be a button to open the mods folder. If it ain't in there, you put it in the wrong folder. If it is in there, then the mod may be broken.
  13. cwetz

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    Dec 5, 2021
    They are showing up in the mod manager, I dont think they're broken because they are files that have been downloaded hundreds of times and work for everyone else, but what I do notice is that they are showing up as "unknown" under type. All other mods I have installed in there show up as "Terrain" or "Vehicle"
  14. ThatCarGuyDownTheStreet

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    Mar 30, 2017
    What mod is it?
  15. cwetz

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    Dec 5, 2021
    It is a track off of Sim-Monsters. Monster truck mod site from BeamNG, 2022 SpinMaster Showdown, I also tried a 4 year old PPRL track off the same time, and 2 different truck files. I've installed a lot of things from the site before and never had issues.
  16. ThatCarGuyDownTheStreet

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    Mar 30, 2017
    Send me the link I'll try it myself
  17. cwetz

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    Dec 5, 2021
  18. ThatCarGuyDownTheStreet

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    Mar 30, 2017
  19. cwetz

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    Dec 5, 2021
    Ah noted, I was thinking it may have been a game issue, I need another mod that I can try to install and just see if its something up with my game or something else going on.
  20. Camera2004

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    Nov 8, 2018
    Is there a way to set that everytime I start the game, custom configurations are enabled by default?
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