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How do you secure the loads on cars or trailers?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sturanza, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. Sturanza

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    Aug 13, 2016
    Beamng is a literally incredible physics simulator with an impressive amount of variables.

    I am using it since 2015 and the only things I don't like which always frustrated me are:

    A) the lack of possibility to secure loads on cars, trailers etc. Only option is the node grabber but it is definitively not easy and objects and car nodes must have exactly the same dimension otherwise everything mess up.

    B) the grip between surfaces is far from reality. You can put a 2000kg wooden plank on pickup flatbed and it will slide away like there's oil in the middle. On reality it would be hard to move even if not secured

    C) objects passing through car. This is senseless. Why if I put a load in the trunk I found it below the car at the first bump (or into the car, on trough the trunk). Come on..

    How do you fix this?
    Is there an easy and more effective way to secure loads on vechiles/trailers?

    Thank you
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. Rocker45

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    May 4, 2021
    Go into the customization tab, if the vehicle allows it, look for anything along the line "load/bed accessories" that should be in "body" or "bed" depending on what vehicle you are using, then you can choose what kind of load you want to attach to your vehicle. There is no effective way to manually secure load that spawns separately from the vehicle.
  3. Agent_Y

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    Jbeam/QA support
    BeamNG Team

    Jul 10, 2020
    All of this basically is due to the game having no edge collisions. They would provide extra static friction to hold the load in place and would also prevent it from getting stuck in cars. So definitely not easy to fix, you can't do anything yourself about this.
  4. Sturanza

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    Aug 13, 2016
    Thanks Rocker, I know that but it provides just a very limited amount of options to chose (when available).
    I'd just like to load anything I want and secure it. I was wondering if there's another solution than grabbing nodes
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