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Steering broken after 0.22 update

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting: Bugs, Questions and Support' started by joemanmustang, Apr 6, 2021.

  1. joemanmustang

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    Apr 6, 2016
    Both xbox360 controller and keyboard steering is shot. I've tried resetting all controls and deleting and remapping all key bindings. Nothing.

    The inputs are getting through somewhat, as I can see the wheels and steering wheel move slightly, but it constantly reset to "straight". Almost looks like it's fighting itself.

    I've even expanded the deadzone to no avail.

  2. jordanpuma

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    Aug 10, 2012
    Do you have any other input devices plugged into your computer by chance?

    I know some games (including Beam but not so much) like to take my plugged in HOTAS and assign the axes to very important things like looking around or vehicle controls.

    Have you tried running in safemode with your X360 controller unplugged? If the game works like that there's likely a mod causing issues somewhere.

    In the game settings there are options related to steering while parked, and steering resistance at speed, if either of those are enabled they could be causing issues for you as well.

    Hope I can help!
  3. joemanmustang

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    Apr 6, 2016
    I do have the pedals for a HORI steering wheel (PS4) plugged in which, having just checked, is in fact usable as throttle/brake. I'll unplug that and clear the controls again.

    I did see the steering while parked/at speed options while looking around in the options menu, I'll mess with that and see what happens.

    EDIT: So this is odd, I was just playing a moment ago (still having issues), and then ...... suddenly it began working again????? No changes to my configurations. Although the deadzone is non-existent, so I'll have to fix that. Very strange.

    EDIT 2: It still stutters every once in a while (which can be very aggravating during a scenario), but it's mostly back to normal.

    Thanks for the suggestions!
    #3 joemanmustang, Apr 6, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2021
  4. stenyak

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    Programmer & Global Moderator
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 6, 2012
    If you have many controllers plugged in and configured for beamng, then they will all fight each other to control the game. If you don't want to use, say, some PS4 gamepad, then either unplug it, or remove the bindings so it does nothing ingame :)
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