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Feedback request: Triple screen support

Discussion in 'Microblogs' started by tdev, Aug 12, 2020.

  1. JZStudios

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    Feb 23, 2016
    As an addendum, Project Cars 2 also has a great triple screen implementation. It allows for varying screen sizes and positions, along with potentially multiple resolutions? It's also the only game I know of that will play in triple screen without having Nvidia surround enabled which saves me a headache when I want to play it.
  2. default0.0player

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    Nov 30, 2018
    How to Multiseat triple screen, to avoid using a single POV for all players
  3. Vawriss

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    Aug 7, 2013
    Propper perspective rendering for multiscreens is nice and all but this should be is a way bigger deal for Splitscreen multiplayer and VR, as I thought the only things holding these back was not being able to have more than one viewpoint in the engine.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  4. Savagee

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    Mar 18, 2014
    This looks unreal, I have a triple screen set up and the Ui positioning freedom would be beautiful!
  5. JlnPrssnr

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    Jun 15, 2016
    If you do it like the RaceRoom devs do (https://forum.sector3studios.com/index.php?threads/how-to-setup-triple-screens.9711/), where the player has to enter all measurements for screen width and height, angle, eye distance etc., you can use that info to calculate the mathematically correct FoV from those (FOV = 2 * (ARCTAN (screen height / (eye distance * 2))) in the case of vFoV which you use, right?). There is also a mathematically correct side monitor angle related to screen size and eye distance, but since not everyone might have their screens set up correctly, this might be better to have it manually adjustable. But maybe give pointers to setting them up correctly nontheless, as many just default to 45° because they don't know better. This is a great resource on the matter: https://forum.reizastudios.com/threads/tutorial-fov-triple-screens-immersion.4009/
    #25 JlnPrssnr, Nov 12, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2020
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. P_enta

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    Jan 11, 2020
    that’s how it would need to be done on BeamNG.
  7. JZStudios

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    Feb 23, 2016
    The screen angle argument is bunk. The games that let you choose screen angle figure out the math just fine and give a natural result, and the farther the angle is from 0 the worse it looks on games that don't have multi-monitor projection, like Beam and everything Codies. That being said, I have no idea why so many default to 45, it's blatantly too much. I'm at 30 and it fills my peripheral fine, along with being the correct placement for surround sound and I have my speakers mounted under my monitors.
  8. 2ndlastjedi

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    Aug 12, 2016
    MY screens are all 56 cms from my eyes which gives me a hFOV of 169 degrees and my angles end up at 56 degrees because of those measurements ! So im not sure why you think 45 is to much?? Its all personal to your own setup not just what feels or looks right, like FOV there is only one correct number for your setup. If you use the correct numbers is up to the user but the correct numbers are , well correct.
    Here is a really simple yet effective calculator and a screen shot of my numbers ;)

    Attached Files:

    • Screenshot636.png
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  9. JZStudios

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    Feb 23, 2016
    I... okay. I don't really care. Nothing of what you said proves me wrong or forwards the conversation. Based on the fact that screens are flat squares, and standard rendering only works on flat projection I'm 100% that it looks terrible outside of games with proper support, even with accurate FOV.
    If I have a significantly shallower angle of 30, and can tell while using accurate FOV that there's stretching and weird distortions you can't convince me it's magically not there at 56.
  10. 2ndlastjedi

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    Aug 12, 2016
    lol, um, okay.
    Yeah it looks like trash on games that don't support triple screens! I didnt think that was up for debate?? I thought BeamNG was getting support so my comments are in relation to games that DO support triple screens using a dedicated tool ;) 30 degrees is only correct if that's the angle mathematically correct to you setup and provided the game has the tool to input correct numbers of your setup.
    I'm sure you speaker placement helps with your surround view o_O How is your speaker comment even related to discussion :confused:
    • Like Like x 1
  11. JZStudios

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    Feb 23, 2016
    I'm telling you any game with proper triple support won't require your monitors to be set up "correctly." That's what the support settings do. You're vastly over-complicating it by trying to mathematically deduce something that makes no difference.

    30 degrees is just the standard ITU speaker placement, which are mounted directly under the center of my monitors, thus my monitors are set to 30.

    Any further inquiries I'm not prone to respond to. I just repeated myself and don't know how to clearer explain that if there's proper support you don't need your monitors equidistant, nor would you need a calculator for it, or that it makes things look absolutely terrible on games that don't support it.
  12. 2ndlastjedi

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    Aug 12, 2016
    Yeah , just like there is no need to find your correct FOV either :rolleyes: and don't respond , its clear your not willing to have a correct set up and just want it to look okay in non sim games :eek: that's cool mate but don't push misinformation on others who may want to set up their equipment correctly :(
  13. fivedollarlamp

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    Sep 18, 2016
    If a game has triple monitor support, it's ALREADY set up correctly.
  14. 2ndlastjedi

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    Aug 12, 2016
    So why do we need tools like this in game ?? If its already correct why do developers give these tools? Even AMS1 has Multi monitor support and no tool but it assumes 45 degrees !! I dont think you guys understand this :rolleyes:
    First is rF2 and second is AC ;)

    Attached Files:

    • Screenshot640.png
    • Screenshot639.png
  15. JZStudios

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    Feb 23, 2016
    And AC allows for inputting the monitor angle. I haven't seen anything that actually has partial sort of but not really triple monitor support that has separate camera viewport renders and not allow you to change the angle, making it accurate whatever your setup is.

    If AMS does that and is by default set to 45 and you can't change it, that's really stupid. That also makes it the only one that does that, and therefore your setup is still incorrect for it regardless. iRacing, RF2, AC, PC2 all allow for setting the angle that gives a correct value. You absolutely do not need to make sure your monitor angle is arbitrarily "correct" when games either A. Don't support it at all and it doesn't matter, or B. The games properly support it, and it doesn't matter.
  16. 2ndlastjedi

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    Aug 12, 2016
    Have read and maybe you will learn, it seems i was wrong about the 45 degrees thing for AMS !! It was a few years since i read it . Always good to re read things now and then .

    Here is a little snippet
    "It can't be emphasized enough: just like the FOV, the screen angles also are NOT a matter of subjectivity, taste or opinion. They must be set following the application of the MATHS (Mathematical Anti-Telharsic Harfatum Septomin).

    Even for titles that allow for the angles to be customized you should still be using the proper ones that are dictated by the formulae because this way you're ensuring to be at the same distance from all three screens."

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  17. JZStudios

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    Feb 23, 2016
    Oh, right. I forgot if someone says it on the internet it must be true. Especially when it's by just... some guy. I'm not saying it's necessarily a bad idea, except for outside the 99.99% of games that don't support it at all, but for the games that do it literally doesn't matter. There's no logical reasoning for having them all be equidistant other than wanting it to be so. Just because someone claims it's not a matter of opinion doesn't make it an actual fact and in reality...

    Think about it this way, the monitors are effectively windows looking outside. If you've ever been in a room with a bay window and look out reality doesn't distort because you're not equidistant. As long as you can input the angles you will 100% get an equal, realistic, mathematically correct result. Even if your monitors were angled backwards, you'd get a 100% accurate result.

    Also, you must've missed the part where he said to not sit too close to the screens because it's wasteful and you should move back.
    "Keep in mind, however, that this rule is not always absolute for triple screens. There are particular instances where you'll be better off moving away from the screens. That is because you want to avoid being too crowded by the resultant screen angles, a scenario which will lead to the screens going past too much of your real life physical field of view. Far from ideal, wasteful and simply unnecessary."
  18. Beefcan the Bunny

    Beefcan the Bunny
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    Dec 7, 2020
    Since the math is straightforward, I would have it even calculate the correct monitor angle based on the monitor size and distance from the user.
    But allow the user to override the angle in case they cannot or do not want to adjust their monitors to the correct angle. I really like how AC lets you input these values so you can get the correct FoV calculate automatically but lets you input monitor angle in case you are limited in your install. But having Beam calculate the correct angle automatically would help a ton.
  19. 2ndlastjedi

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    Aug 12, 2016
    How long before we can expect BeamNG to have proper triple support?
  20. Sithhy™

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    Apr 5, 2017
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