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The 0.20 controversy

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Agent_Y, Aug 10, 2020.

  1. Agent_Y

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    Jbeam/QA support
    BeamNG Team

    Jul 10, 2020
    I've been seeing a lot of people complaining about the 0.20 update, and I mean, A LOT. This is definitely the most controversial update I've seen, and while I agree that it's not the best update ever, some people are exaggerating this a lot. I've seen people telling others to avoid updating the game at all costs, as if it was the end of the world of something, and I haven't seen this kind of behavior after any other previous update (well, I haven't really seen many big uptades myself, I'm fairly new to the forums, but I think I've seen enough to tell that this is the most controversial update in a while). So I decided to make a thread to show my thoughts on the whole thing, and explain why in my opinion people are exaggearting.

    But let's actually start from all the things that are making people think this update is bad, because obviously, it was not perfect. The first "issue" is the general lack of content compared to some of the previous updates - generally all we've got was the Roamer remaster with the facelifted version, Industrial and Port merge/remaster, water physics, improved checkpoints, and square wheels. I think a lot of people might have been expecting something more, with no new car and no new map they wanted at least the pickup crawler/prerunner finished. The Roamer already had 2 stages of the remaster before, it didn't really feel needed to update it again, the map merge didn't bring as much new content as we expected, and the rest of the things were completely unexpected and might feel useless to some people, especially the square wheels. So the content in the update might feel underwhelming, but there is another thing which is a real issue - the amount of broken mods. Never before have I seen an update that broke such a massive amount of mods, personally I had to deal with over 10% of the mods I had either being completely broken or having some issues. As far as I know, there are several reasons for why they got broken:
    • Unexpected changes in LUA that literally break the whole code
    • Some changes in the way the game reads Jbeam files - specifically, errors that were previously ignored by the game now break the whole mod, and adding parts to a vehicle that uses the Common folder using the normal folder of the vehicle no longer seems to work
    • Changes in the wheels system causing a lot of mod vehicles and custom configurations to spawn without tires, which is the least serious issue of these
    And obviously the most serious issue with the update is that a lot of people can't load any map anymore, this is a really serious bug that definitely needs to get fixed as soon as possible.

    Now, the amount of issues with this update might seem overwhelming, but let's defend the devs now. The little amount of content shouldn't be seen as an issue, and remasters of old maps and cars should not be treated simply like a "mod update" - almost every vehicle and map gets updates in every game update and in some hotfixes as well, a remaster should be seen more like a brand new map/vehicle based on the old one, because the amount of stuff that is being changed is huge! Look at the D-Series before the first stage of remaster and look at it now. It looks almost the same, but behaves much more realistically, has much more customization options and new variants, etc. People are underwhelmed because they don't see the amount of improvements. Now about the broken mods... The LUA issue is a big one, and I think the devs should have informed the modders BEFORE the update about all the changes, or at least mentioned all the changes in the devblog to make it easier for the modders to fix them. Hovewer, it's not as big of an issue as it seems - the best quality LUA-based mods, such as the Oldsfullsize, the Bitron B2 or the Gavril CB-40, are either already fixed or undergoing a hotfix, and in a few days everyone will be able to drive them again! The 2nd change is a bit different - it mainly affected older mods which weren't updated for a long time, and were probably made back when their "Jbeam errors" weren't errors yet and worked properly. I might be wrong, but I think this is related to the vehicle loading time improvements - and the improvements themselves are a really good thing, I already got so used to the short loading times that I probably wouldn't be able to play in an older version of the game. But I suggest that the devs should look into this issue in one of the hotfixes and make it so 1 Jbeam error doesn't break the whole file, like it was before 0.20. They should also fix the weird bug with the Common folder, unless that's not a bug and the modders are doing something wrong. About the mod cars missing tires - how is this an issue if you can put the tires on manually anyway? Most of the mods with this issue will probably get hotfixes soon that add the tires back. And if your custom configurations are missing tires, adding them back is a great opportunity to use the new system that automatically takes a screenshot of the config and sets it as the preview image, for people like me who make A LOT of configs it makes it easier to know which one is which! I really like the new wheels system btw, it makes it so much easier to find the wheels you are looking for with a proper size, and to choose fitting wheels if you know the size you need!

    So in conclusion, this update is not a complete disaster that some people make it to be - remember that there hasn't been any hotfix yet, the hotfixes will likely fix both the big issue of the maps not loading AND the small issues with suspension/crash sounds or scenarios, plus they might bring us the Pickup Crawler/Prerunner. What won't get fixed in hotfixes can be fixed by the modders, and if it won't, you can always learn how to mod and fix your broken mods yourself (I sometimes do it, obviously only for private use, and when an official fix comes I use it instead of my one to support the original creator of the mod). I think people should stop discouraging other people from updating the game, because even if it's not worth updating it yet for you, it will be after all the hotfixes and fixes to the mods (some of the mods updated to 0.20 might stop working in previous updates too, and you will be missing on content if you stay before 0.20). This is just a few of my thoughts, feel free to say what you think about this in the replies. And sorry if this is too long.
    • Like Like x 8
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  2. Srockzz

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    May 16, 2015
    In short, another update of a game in early access with mod support.
    Yes this update was light on content. No, you are not entitled to updates packed to the brim with content.
    Instead of complaining that mods are broken, try to fix them.
    • Agree Agree x 50
  3. loba04

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    Jan 1, 2018
    The changes under the hood in every update are always huge. I know how it all goes down having handled projects and programs, mainly for school work so 1/1000 of the size of this game, but i donìt get why people feel like the have to get a new car and map in every update. a map is very hard to make and cars up to 2020 beamng standards are incredibly hard to make. look at the span between Utah and Italy, was it worth it? absolutely, and it's not like we didn't get anything in between. The Cherrier was another huge addition, that took a lot from the controvertial eSBR. Also in this span, while having regular content additions, we got many remasters to bring maps from 2014 to 2019/20 standards. For every disasterous, buggy, light and underperforming (with all due respect, before hotfixes it was putrid) 0.16 we have a great 0.19, and after that what do you expect? another car? The issues that brought 0.20 are going to be ironed out and were neede, from the loading sistem, very welcomed, to the new wheel lassifiatoin method (i suspect gearing up to the for now low flying UI improovment). So in short i don't get all the drama surrounding this update.
    • Agree Agree x 7
  4. Dave23

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    Aug 9, 2020
    I don't like that it breaks most of my mods that are old and haven't been updated in a while.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Davazz

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    Sep 1, 2017
    Can be, but it's not BeamNG's responsibility to implement unoptimized or devious workarounds to preserve outdated mods. It's the task of mod makers to keep their mods up to date. If they don't, fine, but don't blame the devs.
    • Agree Agree x 23
  6. TrackpadUser

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    Aug 24, 2019
    The lua problem is getting fixed :

    I can't find the post but I remember reading somewhere the common folder thing is getting fixed as well.

    They've pretty much revamped the vehicle loading system, so it's kinda expected that some problems might arise that need to be fixed, and they can't really test all the mod to make sure they're not breaking anything.
    • Like Like x 2
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  7. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    I don't blame you, but maybe you could try to fix them yourself or contact someone on here who knows how to fix mods if you don't know how to yourself.

    Anyways, here's my thoughts on this. I will admit that this update has issues, and I'm not using the MAN mod right now, due to the tires not showing up, but the devs have hotfixes/minor updates for this game. Also, I'm sure the new West Coast USA update will be out eventually. Also, I don't think it's a good idea to expect an entirely new vehicle every update. Also, about the MAN. I'll just wait patiently for MRcrash to update the mod.

    Also, users on here who aren't part of the game are not entitled to updates packed with loads of content, including really immature kids on here who ask for release dates and beg for stuff. Yes, I can see why people might consider this update disappointing. I kinda did at first, but I'm sure we're gonna get hotfixes and minor updates, anyways.
  8. galaxynote2

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    Aug 18, 2013
    Keep in mind that this still is an Early Access Game so expect major bugs whenever a big update comes out.
    It's the first time an update broke so many things on my end (the last one being 0.11 that broke the engine sounds but that was fixed quick) but I'm sure that the Devs will get everything sorted out. It isn't like Microsoft that promises a lot of features and then half of them end in the final release of Windows and even then are half baked or buggy. BeamNG devs have an incredible attention to detail, and they get almost everything fixed in the consequent hotfixes.
    They listen to us, they care about the modding scene. I'm sure that everything will be fixed soon. Right now I'm missing the crash sounds, the new roamer headlights are way too fragile as both of them fly out of the truck in every jump, my game stutters everytime I change the camera, and the UI freezes everytime I reload a car. Those are the major bugs right now, and aside of other minor or less important issues, the game is still working for me.
    #8 galaxynote2, Aug 10, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2020
    • Agree Agree x 3
  9. Srockzz

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    May 16, 2015
    Big surprise when you notice the ones complaining the most are the ones that make meshslaps (as in, slapped a mesh on a jbeam and called it a day). The rest went like "oh, my mod broke. Time to fix it!"
    • Agree Agree x 9
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  10. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    Agreed, these people be like.


    I be like: Bruh, no.
    • Agree Agree x 14
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  11. P_enta

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    Jan 11, 2020
    It’s a small dev team not EA. Everyone shut up and stop complaining because you’re lucky they’ve cared this long for 7 going on 8 years now.
    • Agree Agree x 15
  12. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    Oh, wow. Yeah, these kids are bad. Oh yeah, and some of the meshslappers are toxic from I've heard at least.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. PriusRepellent

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    Mar 19, 2018
    The lack of appreciation for how insanely hard the devs work on this game is rather disturbing, and kind of sad.
    • Agree Agree x 25
  14. Agent_Y

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    Jbeam/QA support
    BeamNG Team

    Jul 10, 2020
    I'm sorry if my original post sounded like complaining about the update in some places, the intention was the exact opposite, to complain about people complaining about the update, but also to try to explain their "reasoning" only to prove it mostly wrong.
    • Like Like x 3
  15. Dave23

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    Aug 9, 2020
    Would they be willing to fix a lot of car mods?
  16. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    The devs, I don't think it's their job to do that. I think it's the modder's responsibility.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  17. Dave23

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    Aug 9, 2020
    Not the devs but someone who knows how to fix mods
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    You are totally right. Sorry for misunderstanding you.
  19. rottenfitzy

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    Mar 7, 2015
    I can’t believe that people are complaining about the content updates

    to a 7 year old indie game.

    • Agree Agree x 9
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  20. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    Lol, I know, right? These people aren't even thanking the devs for trying. There's no gratitude whatsoever.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
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