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What do you guys think of the new Roamer?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kasey1776, Aug 6, 2020.

  1. Crazy Killer

    Crazy Killer
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    Sep 13, 2018
    Tbh, the new Roamer looks cute, they're not ugly. And because of the new facelift, it literally feels making the Roamer "Thicker" than before. And plus this too:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. HIderi

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    Feb 11, 2018
    it looks too new to be for around 1990 but other than that i like it
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  3. loba04

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    Jan 1, 2018
    The old Roamer hails fom the early 90s, the facelift was sold from the very late 90s until the mid 2000s. Sometimes i think that people don't even own the game
    • Agree Agree x 3
  4. waboll

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    Apr 20, 2017
    i personally really like the new roamer
    • Agree Agree x 5
  5. SquarebodyChevy

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    Oct 25, 2018
    At first I didn’t like it, but after opening the game and taking a good look at it, it’s not too bad looking. It does look a bit upscale for a Roamer, but I could live with it.
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  6. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    Wait, are you suggesting we add a Burnside SUV to the game? If I'm wrong, please tell me.
    Imagine an SUV with a Packard Clipper front end from '55 and had a Packard clipper station wagon like body, except it was SUV. Also, there is a Packard Clipper station wagon. You can look up images of it on Google. And yeah, I know I'm stating the obvious.
    Are you talking about this thing?


    If you are, then yeah. Honestly, this car doesn't look that appealing. Also, It doesn't look horrible, but if it's actually on a 70's chassis (and I'm not saying it is. Btw, Let me just make that clear right now.) Then, the only thing I have to say is lol.
  7. combatwombat96

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    Sep 19, 2018
    You aint seen pig until you've seen the flying pig

    I was bored in class today so I just went on looking up random Austin's and came across this miserable thing, it was so sad looking that i burst out laughing whilst the class was really quiet, I was howling on the floor and every one was staring, making me laugh harder, then I saw the nickname "flying pig" and became completely hysterical. Then the teacher came over wondering what the hell I was losing it at and saw the screen, he said "oh yeah, the Allegro" with certain distaste in his tone, I think he understood why I lost it
    #87 combatwombat96, Aug 10, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2020
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  8. Harkin Gaming

    Harkin Gaming
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    Jan 17, 2016
    Imo if its going to get put behind a new marque, make it a GMC knockoff. I have always considered post 1995 GMC a mid-luxury brand, kind of like Buick for larger SUVs and trucks. The D-Series and H-Series could also get different facelifts to include more vehicles in said brand.
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  9. loba04

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    Jan 1, 2018
    The idea of a luxury Roamer was being thrown around and we know that burnside was a higher trim brand gavril, so mine was just a consideration.

    If not me who else knows about Packard wagons, from the fisher bodied 1932 twin-six to the "Packard-Backers" of the late 50s. even if a Packard SUV was ever made it wouldn't certanly based on the Clipper... And the comany policy of Packard at the time about new stuff, well, let's just say that with the merger with studebacker going on and the conservative buyiers they werenìt going to introduce a new bodystyle in some time. then the company did the whole bancrupcy mularky and we got the truely horrid 57-58 Packards. Also you are entirely right about Clipper wagons but it was in 1955-1956, the model year which Clipper was it's own low end brand for Packard, so, marketing and US title wise, there has never been a "Packard Clipper Wagon", but this is a little techincality. 1951-1955 cars had a wagon variant but they were all Ultramatic-Drive (Packard's own 2 speed auto box) 200s or 400s (the difference was in the engines, both inline 8s) in 1948-1950 Packard offered a (fake, the wood was just bolted on) woodie wagon based on the 8 cylinder Clipper, but it was always marketed as the "Packard Family Wagon", or "the Packard Wagon with Clipper ride and family room". I hate SUVs as is, let alone if someone ruins a precious and rare Clipper Family (the commercial name of the wagon variant).

    Now exiting my area of absolute competence i googled it and the gm S-eries platform that the blazer rode on was first made in 1981, so i was wrong there, but many parts (all the interior, drivetrain, engines, electrics, some exterior lights) were pulled directly from gm g-bodis (buick regal, chevy malibu and olds cutlass) so there is a basic truth to some of my statment
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  10. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    Hey man, thanks for the long post. Really informative.
    First off, this new statement about the GM suv of yours is really interesting. Also, second off. About the 1957-1958 Packards. The '58 Clipper and Hawk have mediocre at best body-styles in my opinion. They don't look great at all in my opinion. As for the '57 Clipper. That actually has a decent looking body style in my opinion. Do you have any reasons as to why the '57 and '58 Packards are horrible?

    Also, as for the Roamer thing. I wasn't aware that Burnside was related to Gavril, I don't think. If I sound weird while saying this. I'm sorry. I happen to have autism and I've stated that several times in the past.
    Oh yeah, also I'm aware the Clipper wagons were in '55/'56.
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  11. loba04

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    Jan 1, 2018
    In 1954, there had been shakey and rushed merger between Packard and Studebacker, in response to the creation of AMC from Hudson and Nash.In 1955, to increase sales, Packard made the Richard Teague styled "cathedral tailight" 1955-1956 (in my opinion beautiful) line of cars, from the bare bones (and technically different branded) Clipper to the beautiful and luxurious Caribbean. In 1957, due to the 2 companies refusing to do the whole making money thing, Packard's Detriot factory was closed and for '57 the Packard name was pooped on a studebacker president. now the "diffrent by design" styling of studebacker looked beautiful in the early 50s, when it came out, but by the late 50s they just kept adding stuff upon stuff to the styling and those cars where garish and too bloated with tacky, unrefined, finns and grottesque double headlamps, and the superharged studebacker V8 that was used in the Packard-backers (packards built between '57 and '62) wasn't as powerfull as the Packard V8 (275hp vs 310hp) and it overheated all the time. (the NA engine was actually a pretty sturdy and good unit) The cars weren't bad cars but the styling, a touched-up studebacker president, wasn't the happiest Exner had ever done on a car (Yes @combatwombat96, him. He worked at studebacker before chrysler). as a fan i despise these cars because they aren't really Packards but, to quote Richard Languorth, they are really good Studebackers. Some times even more luxurious than regualr studies, but they brought a shadow over the Packard brand. Sorry for the long post :)

    Attached Files:

    • Screenshot_2020-08-101955PackardPatrician-LuxuryCarfromaBygoneEraAutoMoments.jpg
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  12. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    You don't have to apologize for the long post. I actually like informative long posts like this. But anyways, yeah. I don't like the Hawk body style. I don't mind double headlamps. They actually looked well on early 60's Chevy and Dodge trucks in my opinion. Also, about the overheating thing. That's really informative. I mean, the Burnside Special in BeamNG.Drive is also prone to overheating, I think. The front end of of that Hawk you showed looks like a weird block of cheese.

    Just curious, do you think the '58 Clippers and Hawks caused the company to go bankrupt or no?

    OT: I think it would be cool if the D-series had the same facelift or had an option for the same fascia as the Roamer. Also, that might be happening now.
  13. combatwombat96

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    Sep 19, 2018
    yes I remember being shocked when I first read about that a few years ago, but if it wasn't for his brief stint at ol' Studebaker then the Forward Look most definitely wouldn't have happened. Apparently he didn't get along well with Raymond Lowey. And in that picture you really can see the Typical weirdburger Exner in it
  14. CaptainZoll

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    Nov 10, 2016
    can we move the packardbaker discussion to offtopic automotive?
    • Agree Agree x 3

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    Aug 11, 2020
    its a bit odd
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