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I'm flabbergasted...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by pleclair, Jun 11, 2014.

  1. Bubbleawsome

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    Aug 5, 2012
    It wasn't sarcasm. You guys are honestly having a proper discussion.
  2. go14smoke

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    Oct 9, 2013
    I know! This needs to happen more often on this forum.
  3. logoster

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    Sep 5, 2012

    OMG, what is this magic, nice discussions without flaming at each other?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    seriously though, if only everyone else who tends to flame could do this

    (although, if i was a mod i would probably end up banning most of the people that do that, so there'd probably be like, 10 people left (bubble, potato, drowsy, and the devs of course included :p)
  4. Cardinal799

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    Oct 15, 2013
    Thehnk you for leaving me out luguster. I epricimate its. (no hurts intended)
  5. Potato

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    Feb 19, 2013
    Thanks <3
  6. logoster

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    Sep 5, 2012

    you'd probably end up being one of the last 10 people as well, i was just naming the first few people that came to mind
  7. pleclair

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    Jun 11, 2014
    Well, I always behaved on forums as I would in real life, maybe probably even better.

    The way I see this, the world is full enough of shit as it is, why not try to make the internet a better place for instance?

    To tell the truth tho, prior to involving myself with iphone themes and rfactor 2, I never frequented much forums, mostly for the reasons mentioned here. I've seen a lot of good willed devs/people come and go, because of the way people acted on their forums/thread. It happened to me. I'm not referring to my experience with rF2 tho, but rather with iphone themes. Anyway. Out of topic :)

    Its easy to tell someone what doesnt work, what is bad, complain, but making compliments and pointing out the good things is also equally important. It helps to deal with the negative one when you are on the other side of the coin.

    I agree, I'm still fresh new here, so I might not see things the way you do, but trust me, these devs dont deserve any crap. Sure you can disagree with some of their decisions, don't like this or that, but there is a way of saying things to minimize the hurt.

    I'm talking about my personal experience here, so it may or may not apply to beamng devs, or anyone else in this position... but when I was releasing an update, and someone criticized for instance my grass, which was too saturated. Well, I didn't cried, but nevertheless, it was an odd feeling... hard to put words in english, but I was somehow angry at myself. I'm not an artist or anything, and I learned as I did this, so I went thru a lot of trial and error... I restarted from scratch (from rf1 import) 3 times.

    So I was sort of angry of not being able to do something proper on first time. I might be asking much of myself I dunno...

    Where I want to come with this is, this somehow hurted, and I knew the guy was right. And I worked toward improving it. But when you read stuff that is like free attacks, like mentioning development speed etc, it doesn't help no one.

    After a couple of hateful posts the devs read, they start to lose interest in communicating with their customers/members and motivation is lost. If the community is strong behind the dev, they will move mountain for us guys. I'm sure about this. The way these guys have worked on beamng is beyong comprehension.

    And I also learned about Rigs of Rods, a free game they made, and learned much with it, and now doing something that is leaps ahead. I have tried rigs of rods yesterday, and the base install (I come to notice the mod community seems rather strong for this one too) and I couldnt play it after having seen beamng. Otherwise, I would surely have given it a spin.

    I have driven on and off all day on dry island, using the sweet gmc pickup (im not used with the fake names yet) using the stripped, offroad and default, and also played with the time settings.

    Wow, the time... I have set it, probably early in the day, I dunno how beamng calculate time, but it was 0.2 by default, and I have set it to 0.05. The sun was low, and the lighting was hard to believe... the specular highlights showing everywhere on the vegetation and deep shadows casting from large trees.. the meadows with rolling hills, with the sun casting thru trees was also a very nice sight.

    I have also discovered the rocky trails, and boy it was fun! Years ago, with my friend (I never had a pickup myself, but always wanted one..:p) we used to go in 4v4 trails with his bronco, and later with a gmc 2500hd, and we pretty much rode in trails very similar to what we see in dry island, minus the occasional palm trees :)

    The way the truck was reacting when moving carefully over the large rocks was really good from cockpit... I remember how it felt, and it was really a bumpy ride, even when holding on to the bar inside the truck :) The way the truck bounced when dropping from a rock to the ground, etc... everything seemed very lifelike.

    Another thing that impressed me, I have driven a bit with the automatic, was always switching to manual prior to that, and I've noticed that these guys have actually simulated an automatic transmission? In all other games I've played, automatic only means the computer shift it for you, but the car here actually behave like a real automatic transmission does. If you press lightly on the gas, it will shift, and move to last gear rapidly, usually around 50-60... and pressing harder at that point will downshift. When braking, the transmission reacts once the speed have dropped a good bit, and downshifts... the only thing missing is when you brake, the transmission keep pushing hard, when it should let go.

    Given the age of the cars, the kickdown shouldnt be instant as they seems to be as well, there should be a little delay with a specific sound and then it downshifts and off you go :) I always hated automatic transmission for these reasons.

    But seeing how it is done in beamng actually make me enjoy driving it :)

    The only things I would complain are things that are still in development, like no ffb, no mappings for controller, etc... and this will come in due time, so as it is, I can only say good things about it :)

    I hope that my experience with beamng will convince a few doubtful people in here, cause you are clearly missing on something if you miss this one. I envy everyone that has known about it since day 1 :)
  8. SeenCreaTive

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    Sep 8, 2013
    As Ive said before on the forums, NCG and BeamNG shouldn't really be compared, They are very different games. Unfortunately people to compare them, and in many cases choose NCG over Drive. Im very glad to hear you saw the difference and got BeamNG

    You have seen the light and have been converted! \o/

    Puns aside, you were talking about a damage model, the beauty of Drive. Is that there is no model. Its simulated. They crash nearly exactly how a car in real life does. They handle not because they're programmed to handle like they do, but becuase that's how they handle. NCG you can slam a wall at 100km/h and your front will be dented yes, but not completely obliterated as it would be.

    A great video of BeamNG vs Real life I found on you-tube. Pause at 1:25 for a great representation

    #28 SeenCreaTive, Jun 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 21, 2015
  9. Cwazywazy

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    Dec 1, 2012
    That video uses illegal Russian mods which are lower quality and have worse damage effects than the original vehicles and the high quality ones in the forums. The original vehicles behave more realistically.
  10. SeenCreaTive

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    Sep 8, 2013

    Well if those are "unrealistic" Then the real ones must be even better :)
  11. Cwazywazy

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    Dec 1, 2012
    Exactly. ;)
  12. Morshu9001

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    Oct 11, 2013
    This game has the most realistic crashes I've ever seen. Not nearly perfect at all speeds but by far the best.

    The handling is pretty realistic, but it still lacks something. Compared to driving a real car, the cars in this game feel like they have too much oversteer, and something else I can't really describe better than "they handle slightly like RC cars". Rigs of Rods has the same problem but worse and much more noticeable. GTA IV (yeah I know not a car sim) doesn't have this problem but has other issues with car handling. And GTA V completely ruined all the great physics of GTA IV :mad:

    I'm pumped for the future updates. I eagerly await the new campaign features, new cars, and Mac and Linux compatibility.
    #32 Morshu9001, Jun 22, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2014
  13. pulley999

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    Jan 21, 2013
    The new update in a little under 5 hours should massively remedy the handling issues. Not a 100% fix, of course, but much closer to what it should be.
    This is the biggest improvement in the model since RoR, but they're still tuning the beam strengths and node weights that make up the new wheel design to make it more true-to-life.
  14. Morshu9001

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    Oct 11, 2013
    Cool! I'm glad someone is finally sitting down and trying to perfectly simulate real-life car physics in a game.
  15. go14smoke

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    Oct 9, 2013
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