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Update Speculation thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by crazikyle, Jan 26, 2016.

  1. austen64

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    Jul 5, 2019
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  2. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    The devs are probably reading this thinking "what have we done"

    What would a LWB Roamer look like anyway? Like Synsol's fairly sensible Roamer XL mod or a full on Ford Excursion sized behemoth that's just an idiotic size?
    • Agree Agree x 5
  3. Harkin Gaming

    Harkin Gaming
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    Jan 17, 2016
    I would love to have a Suburban in the game. I could recreate my truck! They wouldn't need to have a new frame as it uses the long bed frame if I am not mistaken. For a LWB Roamer, it would probably just move the rear axle back about a foot, square off the bottom of the rear doors. Everything behind the rear axle would probably remain the same similar to real life equivalents of the Roamer.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. austen64

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    Jul 5, 2019
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  5. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    So something like Synsol's Roamer XL then, just a Roamer on a D15 extended frame. Personally I think something unreasonably large inspired by the Excursion would be more interesting. More unique and rather silly. That would be on a D25 crew cab short bed frame I guess.
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  6. vmlinuz

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    Mar 2, 2014
    Also now that we're supposedly refreshing the H-series, isn't it time it got some kind of cargo door on the right side like, you know, a van?
    • Agree Agree x 5
  7. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    There's a million things the H-Series needs...
    • Agree Agree x 14
  8. ktheminecraftfan

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    Mar 14, 2014
    This thing?
    --- Post updated ---
    some sort of conversion van would be cool.

    definitely a long wheel base version also, but yeah there is a sorta outdated mod for that

    Oh yeah an official Face lift D series would be cool.
    #19968 ktheminecraftfan, Dec 13, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2019
  9. CaptainZoll

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    Nov 10, 2016
    on the topic of the arrow badge, what nationality do we think the brand is? I'm kind of leaning towards french, as it seems reminiscent of DS and Citroen's logos.
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  10. bloxboy854

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    Oct 5, 2019
    I hope it's a kind of volkswagen or skoda
    • Agree Agree x 3
  11. RAINY

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    Apr 29, 2017
    Woah, were almost at 1,000 pages
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  12. jamessimo

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    Nov 28, 2018
    My idea for the new car is a Hypercar of sorts.

    My reason for this is because of for career mode. Right now we don't have any "End Game" cars. The SRB is close but its (IMO) a high-end sports car (etk is aswell) but not a hypercar. The bolide would have been a hypercar but in the '80s. Today I think you could buy a bolide for pretty cheap.

    The career mode will need some more harder to obtain cars, right now most of the cars are all pretty acquirable, career mode will need an insane endgame car for the player to try to get (hopefully a few so they can have competitive ai races)
    • Agree Agree x 3
  13. CaptainZoll

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    Nov 10, 2016
    maybe not a hypercar, but a modern supercar would be reasonable.
    the reason I think this, is if they were to make something more like a huracan/458/570s, it would allow for both GT3-esque race configs, and a decent amount of modified versions (think liberty walk, twin turbo kits, etc.)
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  14. CN877

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    Jun 27, 2017
    I'm thinking the new vehicle is a French sports car, similar to the Alpine A110
    A think a hybrid drivetrain is a possibility, as we don't have any hybrid cars currently in game.

    Possibly powered by a 4 cyl. with electric motors on some/all wheels?

    Just a thought :)
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  15. CaptainZoll

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    Nov 10, 2016
    I feel like that would be too similar to the SBR4, having a turbo 4 cylinder engine "in the back" and likely similar performance stats.
    on the other end of the spectrum for cars it could be:
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  16. CN877

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    Jun 27, 2017
    SBR4 is still quite different, it's a Japanese rear-engine, 4 seater shooting brake with a flat-4...
    I was thinking this new car could be a lightweight 2 seater sports car with an inline-4

    Performance specs would still be similar, although they would still be very different cars
  17. austen64

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    Jul 5, 2019
    I hate to sound like a backseat-moderating broken record once again, but if the people here stop saying "based on x and y, I suspect the new vehicle may be z" and start saying "I hope the new vehicle is z because I want it," then this just becomes the Vehicle Suggestions thread.

    I do agree the badge looks a bit French, but since we don't really have a good frame of reference as to what "French" means in BeamNG world, once again nothing can be said for certain. To me, it really doesn't look American, Japanese, German, or Italian, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Companies (particularly American ones in the 80s) frequently attempt to mimic foreign designs to seem more exotic.

    It's been really bugging me that I can't tell if the symbols in the logo consist of two R's, an R and a U with a weird kink (insert sex joke here), or two weirdly shaped arrows. When I first saw the picture, I only saw two R's, but now I can see all three pretty much equally.

    What no one's been talking about is what "RR" (or RU, or ^v) stands for. Russian Roulette? Rigs of Rods? Ronyhawk's Underground?
    In all seriousness, though, obviously it'll be a made-up name (after all, we don't have the brands Gravel, Sushi, and Sideburns), which will be near impossible to accurately predict. Probably best not to flood this already cluttered thread (mostly thanks to people being off-topic and me going off-topic to complain about them being off-topic) with wild guesses like Richie Rich and Ronald Reagan.

    I don't know if everyone will agree on this, but for me I'm only certain about two things: the car is relatively modern, and the logo is for a manufacturer we haven't seen yet (and that includes the concept list).
    #19977 austen64, Dec 13, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2019
    • Agree Agree x 6
  18. Godzilla!

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    Mar 17, 2013
    LWB Roamer? If anything I would just want an official older Roamer with D-Series styling (and vice versa, I know a mod exists)

    On the modern car, I kinda think it could wind up being American since the game lacks a modern American car but then again the logo shows French vibes. I highly doubt it’s Charmand or any mentioned brand before and a surprise like Autobello. It could be a luxury car, since the two Rs kinda give me Rolls Royce feel,,,

    or an EV (inb4 “why ev” posts)

    Who knows, it could be a return of Rigs of Rods’ MV4, with the Rs being the R trim or a special edition ?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. austen64

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    Jul 5, 2019
    To be honest, I never liked RoR's modern Gavrils for one reason only: They didn't look at all American. They looked European, and followed the typical European "letters and numbers" naming scheme. (I am aware I just said that's something American companies do, but this just felt unrealistic.) Even the Omega looked like a Ridgeline to me. As a result, it is my personal headcanon that the Gavrils from Rigs of Rods are not canon to BeamNG lore (whatever currently exists of it). The only evidence I have to support this is that Gabe has said quite a few times that he has no plans to port RoR's Gavrils to BeamNG because he is not happy with their quality.

    As for the old Roamer you dream of, it is a dream that I share; I attempted to fix the "Station" body in AR126b's old mod and make it into what I called the "Gavril R-Series" (kind of a dumb name, but it's the best I could come up with). I fixed almost everything, but unfortunately I couldn't get the suspension to work properly on AR126b's old slightly-shorter-than-official extended frame. (When I used the suspension that originally came with the mod, it wouldn't put down any power, and when I tried to use the extended frame suspension, it didn't work properly because it was meant for a longer frame.) I did try putting the body on the official extended frame, and it drove and had almost no problems, but the frame was slightly too long which was too obvious to ignore. Then, with the D-Series revamp, 0.18 broke it completely, and it now causes a fatal error I don't know how to fix when I try to load it. (If you're wondering, the extended frame is still too long and the new long bed frame is too short.) If anyone's interested, I could use some help fixing it.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  20. FPSCanarussia

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    Jul 30, 2019
    Unfortunately, with the information we have, we can only guess by process of elimination:
    • It's a car, not a truck or other vehicle
    • It's almost certainly post-1950s, and probably post-1990s
    • It's not from the Eastern Bloc
    • It's almost certainly not Japanese
    • Unlikely to be American
    • Probably not Italian
    • If it's German, it's probably based on a VW.
    That's not a lot to go on. I do not think it will be a hypercar; that would be boring. I think the SBR already fits the "endgame car" for career mode, since it's already very expensive compared to everything else.
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