Unsolved Boost Controller?

Discussion in 'Mod Support' started by Ezo, Jun 13, 2019.

  1. Ezo

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    Jan 11, 2016
    Dev's added a S+ S* and some other functions to 0.16, so i tried to use them to make a boost controller without having to add a $wastegatestart to the turbo jbeam, like they are irl, the turbos make a single pressure for said vehicle and uts size and whatever, then people add boost controlles to modify the wastegate's parameters, and i wanted to do that, with the turbo having it's normal fixed wastegate values, and a part overwriting it and making it variable, but it doesn't quite work and i need help
    this is what i added on the jbeam, i got the lines from the variable turbo and tried to add the + like its said on devblog but it doesn't work, it just shows in the menu and that's it
  2. hog0005

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    Sep 5, 2013
    Hey Ezo did you get it working mate?

    Here's a working example for the Civetta Bolide of what I think you were trying to achieve.

    I changed the variable to work off a single input to make it easier to set the boost pressure.

    I've also set "wastegateLimit" as the variable instead of "wastegateStart" and used a subtraction of 0.7psi to set the "wastegateStart" value ($=$wastegateLimit-0.7)

    Working the same way as the stock vehicle which is ($=$wastegateStart+1) results in engines producing a slight over boost, not much of a problem in beamng but it could result in pinging/detonation irl.

    "super_turbo_stage3_hog0005": {
    "name":"Stage 3 Variable Boost Turbocharger",
    "slotType" : "super_intake",
    "slots": [
    ["type", "default", "description"],
    ["super_boost_controller","super_boost_controller", "Boost Controller"{"coreSlot":false}],
    "turbocharger": {
    //"bovSoundPressureCoef": 1.0,
    //"bovSoundVolumeCoef": 0.7,
    "hissVolumePerPSI": 0.0246,
    "whineVolumePer10kRPM": 0.0545,
    "whinePitchPer10kRPM": 0.054,
    "maxExhaustPower": 40000,
    "backPressureCoef": 0.00008,
    "frictionCoef": 60,
    "damageThresholdTemperature": 800,
    "pressureRatePSI": 50,
    //turbineRPM, pressure(PSI)
    [0, -3.5],
    [30000, -1.5],
    [60000, 12],
    [90000, 23],
    [150000, 37],
    [200000, 46],
    [250000, 51],
    [300000, 55],
    //engineRPM, efficiency, exhaustFactor
    [0, 0.0, 0.0],
    [650, 0.17, 0.12],
    [1400, 0.29, 0.14],
    [2000, 0.41, 0.25],
    [2500, 0.54, 0.35],
    [3000, 0.65, 0.49],
    [4000, 0.79, 0.63],
    [5000, 0.88, 0.84],
    [6000, 1.0, 0.93],
    [7000, 1.0, 1.00],
    [8000, 1.0, 0.95],
    [9000, 1.0, 0.91],
    //turbocharger name
    "instantAfterFireCoef": 1.5,
    "sustainedAfterFireCoef": 1.5,
    "soundConfig": {
    "$+maxLoadMix": 0.2,
    "$+minLoadMix": 0.1,
    "$+eqHighGain": 7,
    "vehicleController": {
    "flexbodies": [
    ["mesh", "[group]:", "nonFlexMaterials"],
    //["super_turbo", ["super_engine"]],
    //["super_intercooler", ["super_radiator","super_intercooler"]],
    //["super_manifold_turbo", ["super_engine"]],


    "super_boost_controller_hog0005": {
    "name":"Boost Controller",
    "slotType" : "super_boost_controller",

    "variables": [
    ["name", "type", "unit", "category", "default", "min", "max", "title", "description"]
    ["$wastegateLimit", "range", "psi", "Engine", 5, 5, 40, "Turbo Boost Pressure", "Pressure at which the wastegate begins to open"{"stepDis":0.5}]
    "turbocharger": {

    "bovSoundPressureCoef": 1.0,
    "bovSoundVolumeCoef": 0.7,


    Hope this helps mate.
  3. Ezo

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    Jan 11, 2016
    It helped a lot! Thank you very much!
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