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BeamNG VS Assetto - Physics

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Motherhazel, Sep 2, 2018.

  1. Motherhazel

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    Dec 5, 2013
    I would really much like to know your opinion on physics in these two games?

    Are they different? Can we even compare? Is Assetto as "scripted" as i think it is?

    Personally i think Beamng.Drive is way more realistic when it comes to the driving experience and feel of every single car.
  2. Sithhy™

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    Apr 5, 2017
    Of course, didn't you notice yet?

    You can always compare things, but one will be better than the other

    Could be. Haven't tested it myself as I don't own AC
  3. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    Yeah, I feel that AC is scripted, it makes really good job of not letting it bother too much and tricks it does with FFB is really nice feeling, but when one tests it without FFB some things start to become obvious.

    Beam does make better job of simulating forces that move the body, but only some race tires are really working well for racing, generally Beam has quite slippery tires, especially what comes to putting power to road.

    With new FFB Beam is a lot better than before of giving nice feeling of grip etc.

    Then again, AC is much better at racing sim aspect, after all it is only thing it tries to do and it does it really well.

    We can't compare online racing experience for example, as there is no such in Beam.

    So both are really great at what they are doing, I don't mind that AC is kinda scripted and I don't really mind that Beam has slippery tires, both games work for what they are intended to, but yeah, I don't need to lie to myself about nature of AC 'physics', it gives enough good illusion.
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  4. TechMechanic

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    Nov 22, 2017
    It depends on what you mean by physics, the realism of most driving is up to your own discretion, they just use different physics engines therefore it is hard to compare them. The main difference is the deformation and crash physics for beam as that is much more complex than AC.
  5. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    AC and crash physics don't really fit to same sentence, sure there is some of visual damage aspects and car can drive bit poorly, however it is just really fake and only happens on very hard crashes, it is about the same to keep it off, but it is like that for all racing sims really, crashing from some reason is preferred to be very forgiving among racing crowd.

    But I feel it is bit like comparing online racing of Beam and AC if comparing crashing between them, AC is not even meant for that, they completely ignore crashing, so that you can lean guardrails or AI cars without too much to worry.

    BeamNG simulates real world physical forces affecting on datapoints that have mass (nodes), where as AC imitates movement of car for a situation with much simpler means, beam has only one physics, which create virtual physical world, but AC does not, they go simpler route, everything is kinda canned, but not quite, hard to explain, but it is not only crash situations.

    It is like if you would have 100 pre-recorded paths which AC chooses closest matching for speed, acceleration and inputs, where as Beam just calculates forces based on real world physics.
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  6. BombBoy4

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    May 16, 2015
    BeamNG.drive is great at what it's designed for- a crashing simulator. The means by which it does so also means top-of-the-class suspension and weight-transfer (and other parts) simulation. But, as good as it is at that, it is a terrible driving simulator. Tires feel faked for one thing (no thermals or any sort of real tire simulation) and the cars just don't drive right. A sim like rF2 has ultra-realistic driving and tire simulation, going as far as dynamic rubber laying, but terrible crash physics.
    BeamNG.drive is a great crashing simulator but I wouldn't compare it to a sim that's designed to be great at driving and driving only.
    BeamNG.drive is to crashing as rF2 is to driving (AC is actually a bit less of a sim than you might think)
    • Informative Informative x 3
  7. rottenfitzy

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    Mar 7, 2015
    Beam is better at everything but drifting. Assetto is very good for drifting.
  8. Brother_Dave

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    Aug 16, 2012
    Dont want to come of harsh but oh man, for sounding so confident you're so wrong on so many things.
    First off, its not a crashing simulator though ppl tend to think it is because its an awesome posibility in BeamNG. Its better described (IMO) as a material sim if you want to use simple terms. Thats why you get the correct suspension geometry, weight tranfers behaviour and so on.
    On that tires talk youre doing, heres something you probably havent read:


    Take in consideration that theres newer info about the tires than that too.
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  9. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    I see many people referring to 'crash physics'.
    There's no such thing in BeamNG.drive.
    Everything you see is direct consequence of simulating a vehicle the way we do (ie. it's not a big solid brick with wheels)

    As mentioned above me, it's hardly comparable.
    Each game uses completely different physics system (soft-body vs rigid-body).
    That has it's own pros and cons on each side.

    Vehicles in BeamNG.drive are heavily relying on physics for everything, while other games might be faking certain aspects (a common example is rumble strips. In BeamNG they are direct consequence of physics, some games simply apply some predefined 'rumble' effect when you drive a certain type of material)
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  10. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    I guess that depends from preferences, but compared to real life AC seems bit ridiculously easy for me, while BeamNG has it fails too in drifting, it does become closer. In AC everyone is a master drifter and it is ton of fun to keep ridiculous angles for totally unrealistic amount of time, but tons of fun nevertheless!

    That is where preferences come in, does one prefer good fun or harsh realism, I think both are good, but different way.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Motherhazel

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    Dec 5, 2013
    Thank you so much for all the answers!

    It helped me alot!

  12. B. Tanner

    B. Tanner
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    Jan 20, 2015
    Assetto Corsa is a Racing Simulation. So it does a much better job at simulating a car on racing conditions. Tire temperature, tire blanking, tire degradations are things AC needs to simulate to be good at what it wants to be. Those things are not simulated at all in Beamng.
    While AC offers a much better simulation of cars on the absolute griplimit and how the behavior changes over the course of a race through eg tire degradations, its simulation falls flat if you want to do something different. Bumping into another car is not properly simulated. Offroad/rallying? Good luck with simulating loose surfaces in AC. Even driving a roadlegal car at speeds you would normally do in RL feels weird. I'm talking about 30-80Km/h, it just feels plain wrong. Clutch simulations? LOL

    Beamng.Drive never wanted to specialize on just a certain type of racing. Its a Vehicle Sandbox which simulates almost(!) every aspect of a driving car. Beamngs scope is just much bigger. So in genres which are pretty much dead like Offroad Simulations its the best on the market because of the lack of competitors /edit: and because its pretty good at it . In the case of roadcourse racing sims its clearly not because there is a breathing competition between quite a few developers with a scope much narrower. Meaning their precious development time can be focused on certain important parts of their game.

    tl;dr Beamng.Drive is jack of all trades(and is pretty good at it) and Assetto Corsa only excels at what it specialized in.
    #12 B. Tanner, Sep 4, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2018
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Sithhy™

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    Apr 5, 2017
    Guess you could've said that BeamNG is jack of all trades, yet master of none :rolleyes:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. jpz79

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    Feb 17, 2019
    BeamNG Physics are excellent, but it's hard to make the car feel right at the controller.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. TheAdmiester

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    Aug 7, 2012
    Beam wins for crash physics, Assetto wins for actual driving physics. High speed downforce and grip just don't feel right at all in Beam.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  16. Sithhy™

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    Apr 5, 2017
    Because BeamNG uses just one grip value for normal tires, one for offroad tires etc. so it feels a bit off... but just wait till they add tire thermals, that will change the grip calculation probably a lot
    • Agree Agree x 4
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