Beams and mesh has nothing to do with each other really. Polycount is pretty meaningless today as even weak GPU can do easily 5 000 000 polys, so if there is even a little sense with them, there should be no issues, you are not going to put 1000 of them to scene anyway. Amount of nodes, you want to have your container's weight divided by number that is higher than 2, but it is more of how many nodes you can manage to edit and adjust.
Ok, I have the dae, now what I do to make the .jbeam so I can made it softbody. Im reading the oficial tutos and they are a little obscure for me and my limited knolenge of english
You can use export plugin jbeam in blender to export jbeam file. But i can recommend you use new plugin by Khalibloo In his plugin, you can tweak more settings name left the right side of nodes and make groups. And give preferences to nodes and beams. About soft body - you need to create like nods with beams skeleton around your mesh in dae. It's easy to use the cube and reshape it as your mesh. and remove faces only edges should be in this cube because after your export all edges become beams. and all vertices become nodes (hope i'm correct). here the example of my cistern wagon. Yellow like skeleton around the mesh (its previous version which was made for bigger wagon and fixed after that)
Faces you use to make Coltris, so those are important too, but again as with nodes/vertices and edges/beams, only add what you need, nothing more, especially with coltris as each affect aerodynamics and can make problems with collisions if there is some weird ones. Even Automation exporter had issue with some nodes colliding to Coltris in rear suspension, which caused bugs to suspension, so one has to be careful with Coltris and plan ahead. Noncollide type for node helps, but again to be used only when needed. I'm not that good at making jbeam, but I do have some vague idea of that. And definitely use plugin @Khalibloo made for Blender, it is actually a worth to learn Blender for, so much better than NBeditor or Notepad++, even if you still would tweak things with Notepad++ later.
And don't forget to turn off this fields in a notepad++, because if will not turn them off you will see nothing.
Sd70 looks like finished. I don't want to make too complicated model, because i'm sucked with texturing. And as all, we know beamng is not about high poly models.
That looks amazing, great job. By contrast im sill stuck and undestand blender and figure out how to follow your help.
I get to the point of being able to spawn the container and crash the game, any Ideas of where I can find the error acuse? --- Post updated --- I feel bad right now... Internet won me... now Its time to me to hide in shame...
I told you Code: { "gondola_body": { "information": { "authors": "", "name": "gondola", "value": 0.0 }, "slotType": "gondola_body", "slots": [ ["type","default","description"] ["gondola_couplers","gondola_couplers_a","Couplers",{"coreSlot":true}], ["wheelsF","gondola_wheel_F","Wheels Front"], ["wheelsR","gondola_wheel_R","Wheels Rear"], ], //"dragCoef": 0.0, //"scalebeamSpring": 0.0, //"scalebeamDamp": 0.0, //"scalebeamDeform": 0.0, //"scalebeamStrength": 0.0, "refNodes": [ ["ref:", "back:", "left:", "up:", "leftCorner:", "rightCorner:"], ["r70", "r41", "l96", "r57", "l4", "r0"] ], "cameraExternal": { "distance": 10.0, "distanceMin": 10.0, "offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 The begiining from ////"dragCoef till //"scalebeamStrength if it doesn't have double // should be disabled with so game will not use them. I have this problem after converting from blender to jbeam --- Post updated --- No. They are unusable. even more, I need to add some tank etc. And for now, I don't want to. The bigger problem is to find textures and apply them correctly. And I think what is better - You can paint your train in any color you want or just used textured skins? Maybe I need to create a poll?
I already did that, but still doesnt work. Here is the mod file so you can find what I did wrong: I don have any Idea of what Im doing, Im like amonkey smashing buttons at random.
No. They are unusable. even more i need to add some tank etc. And for now i dont want to. The bigger problem is to find textures and apply the correctly. And i think what is better - You can paint your train in any colour you want or just used textured skins? Maybe i need to create a poll There was another gondola before. And the author of that gondola asks to remove it. But now we almost finish another gondola. --- Post updated --- It will not load because 11000 nodes too much. as far as i know the max nodes is about 10000 Need some more tweaks because of the walls ANd more) the container need triangles or coltris they call them here ). it still wobbling but you can easily fix it. by adding more nods in some places. And add inside wall or use double sided texture but. still if you want to put cars in it you need triangles. I use nodebeam editor to add them Need some more tweaks because of the walls