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Update Speculation thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by crazikyle, Jan 26, 2016.

  1. falcon xr8

    falcon xr8
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    Aug 20, 2013
    Hi Guys. yes a can't wait. But one week may seem a long time. But its not to bad of a wait. one week is the longest to. :) Maybe chill enjoy a few mods/or play a different game for a few days. She be out when shes out. The Devs are working there buts off. Giving us a sweet update. And a map i hope my pc will play. lol.

    I under stand all the excitement, ( i am drooling over the map ) And Hype and some off-topic is 100% understandable :) But try to chill as we don't want this locked :)

    P.S when it's out if my Pc like's me i will have so much fun role playing :) :p
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  2. Evandman12345

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    Oct 23, 2017
    I do it without but it can be done with steam
    --- Post updated ---
    Yes I have tried other games like Forza horizon 3

    Attached Files:

    • ScreenShot2017-11-23at101441am.png
  3. Blitzkrieg0628

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    Dec 28, 2015
    I can confirm, I have copied my BeamNG to my laptop without Steam installed and it runs.
  4. Evandman12345

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    Oct 23, 2017
    Correct Blitzkrieg0628 It is because beamng is DRM Free

    I am a smart 13 year old or so I think
  5. Blitzkrieg0628

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    Dec 28, 2015
    Isn't FH3 Windows 10/Xbox exclusive?
  6. Evandman12345

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    Oct 23, 2017
    Yeah but using crossover/wine it worked
  7. fivedollarlamp

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    Sep 18, 2016
    Ontopic please.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Evandman12345

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    Oct 23, 2017
    Back on topic
    --- Post updated ---
    U beat me 2 it zestyfolfdude
  9. Tixltif

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    Apr 3, 2016
    ok so what we know is that it is a huge city with many crazy places but will there be a parking garage that would be the best
  10. GroundControl

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    May 23, 2017
    Thomatoes50 was just playing rocket League, thats all
  11. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015
    So, to get this thread back on topic: I remember reading somewhere that things like the replay system were laying the groundwork for multiplayer. I remember reading another speculation that they would probably not bother with "ghost multiplayer" and would wait until they'd worked out a way to do it with collisions.

    Now, I have to assume that tire wear and thermals would be much easier to implement than any form of multiplayer, so we'll probably get those first. And since we're getting actual racing in this next update, it would only make sense to implement some kind of pit system soon after the tire wear and thermals. Now put all that together and...

    ..is it just me or are GT Sport and Forza Motorsports going to be sweating bullets when BeamNG finally does go multiplayer? Aside from the whole "licensed vehicles" thing, but BeamNG is moddable whereas the other two aren't.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. enjoyinorc6742

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    Dec 24, 2015
    • Agree Agree x 6
  13. Tixltif

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    Apr 3, 2016
    adam jones what does that mean
  14. DriftinCovet1987

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    Apr 14, 2016
    Ehhh...I don't think that GT Sport or FM7/FM8 are going to need to worry when Beam does get multiplayer. After all, Beam will run horribly on consoles (unless the devs figure out a way to have true multi-core support, where one vehicle can take up all seven cores of a console), and it wouldn't be as pretty as Forza/GT. However...considering that it targets off-roading (Spintires), rallying (Dirt/Forza Horizon), drifting (Grid/Forza/a lot of other games), drag racing (SLRR, Forza Horizon, NFS), car customization (NFS, Forza, SLRR, quite a few others), demolition derbies (Wreckfest), and several other things, I think that the entire driving game community will be in loads of trouble if Beam gets multiplayer up and running, adds some motion blur and other small graphical details which it sorely needs, and makes the game run much faster than it does now.

    Also, why would "no licensed vehicles" be such a huge issue to Beam's popularity? After all, GTA 5 / Burnout / Flatout / Car Mechanic Simulator / several other games are/were massively popular, despite not having any licensed vehicles. Is it that Beam's cars are just too "weird", in that they try to emulate vehicle types (i.e. I-Series = typical mid-'80s/early-'90s German midsize RWD/AWD sports/luxury sedan, Barstow = typical late-'60s/early-'70s midsize muscle car, Roamer = typical mid-'90s body-on-frame SUV) instead of specific vehicles (i.e. Adder from GTA 5 = Veyron clone, Hyperion from Burnout Paradise = Jag XK-E clone, Reptilia R2 from CMS 2018 = C4 'Vette clone)? I really don't understand why people think that just because it has no real-life vehicles, Beam will not do very well in the market. Perhaps it's because most of these cars are 1977-2001, a period of vehicles that not very many casual gamers would be interested in (besides for JDM vehicles and the odd supercar/muscle car/hypercar). Most of the time, it's either pre-1975 or post-2005 cars that people are most interested in, it seems, and Beam has only 6 pre-'75 and 4 post-'05 cars.

    That means absolutely nothing. Stop posting updates to the QA branch already. We've already said time and time again that QA updates are nothing but quality assurance to make sure that the game won't break as the devs add new features to it. They do this regularly, all year long, just as they do with development.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  15. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015
    Partially that, partially immsersion. These games with their licensed cars let you feel like you really are a race car driver, or like you really are driving your dream car. BeamNG, not so much. As stupid as this sounds for someone who is 22 years old, I have an idea for a Pokemon webcomic kicking around in my head, and one of my ideas (which I'd need permission for, but still) was that any scene that had to involve automobiles for whatever reason would use cars from BeamNG to reinforce the idea that this is not the world we all live in. So maybe that kind of stuff just sticks out to me more than it does to other people, I don't know, but I know I for one, given the choice, would rather drive, say, a Mazda 626 than an Ibishu Pessima.
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  16. Evandman12345

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    Oct 23, 2017
  17. Snikle

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    Sep 25, 2016
    The only problem with making all the cars Beam cars is that there would be very little variety. It would have to be set in the '90s to even be remotely realistic.
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  18. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015
    A partial solution could be to bulk up the list with NinetyNine's dev-quality and near-dev-quality cars like the ETK S-series. It could also be assumed that the area has a lower standard of living making new cars rare to see, or rough conditions that make fragile computerized cars less practical, along with a smaller market size due to a smaller portion of the population needing or even being able to use a car. I've also thought of adding a few real-world cars, but with many concept cars that were never actually built ("as far as we know") or in variants that never came to be here in the real world (Ford Taurus SHO wagon, Ford EX which was a minimalistic off-road buggy rather like a more powerful Ariel Nomad, etc.) and use it as a plot point later. And yes, finding an explanation would be important as the events of the comic are set to start in early winter of 2016. If I could draw worth beans, that is.

    And once again we are off the topic. I guess I should never have brought this up, but it was as an example of what I was talking about before, which is that licensed cars are an advantage because they don't break the player's immersion like BeamNG's many fake cars would - although from a purely eSports perspective (which seems to be a part of GT Sport's target market), that doesn't really matter. Of course, if Forza really cared about immersion, they wouldn't have added a Jeep Trailcat to a game about sanctioned track racing. GT Sport does better on this front, with its array of well-designed and well-balanced classes that seem to be based on GT4, GT3, LMP1, and 1982-1986 Group B, but then ruins it with many obvious fake brands on trackside advertising, which is weird because GT games have historically advertised many real-world brands. Also, Group 4 Veyron SS. Huh?
    #8058 NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck, Nov 23, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2017
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  19. Evandman12345

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    Oct 23, 2017
    Back on topic please
    Beamng will most likely have engine movement and exhaust movement as well as nitrous and maybe the bluebuck and defiantly west coast USA Best update ever

    The ETK S was a very Dev like vehicle with many details form multicourlouable seats and many engine options I think 99 should become a dev;)
    • Agree Agree x 5
  20. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
    What do you all think about the possibility of UI updates?
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