Specs: Completely stock Alienware Aurora R5 Intel i7-6700, 8GB ram(DDR4 I think), 3.4 GHz GTX 1070 1TB storage Redragon 2000DPI mouse Redragon K551R VARA mechanical keyboard I think there is a lot of room for upgrades in the case though, I heard that upgrading the ram is really simple. Also, does anybody know if it's safe to overclock this? If so, how do I do it?
I think that is very high end. You could add more RAM. Not sure how to overclock it however. And for it being safe to overclock? Does it overheat much?
Never had issues with overheating, and I've had about 4 games(including beam)open at the same time occasionally. EDIT: Pretty high end, but apparently not good enough to play Gran Turismo 4 XD
Cool, I probably won't overclock it that much though, don't want to damage it by overclocking excessively.
Very, as you won't be able to boot into your system. If you could, it wouldn't be stable, due to bad byte code.
puhleeeeeeeeez OC damage is such a 15 year old meme do whatever you want and find something that doesn't cause thermal throttling and stays stable intel processors don't throttle until 100c they are perfectly safe to operate in the 80s and 90s I have had my 4690k overclocked to 4.6ghz with massive overvolts due to the chip being crap since they were released it generally sits in the 50s-70s due to background activity it has had all manner of crashes while adjusting voltages and clocks over time to deal with different cooling performance in season changes and etc it still performs like it did on the day I bought it don't fall for the memes go wild be free
You're computer is high end, it's not like you need to push it any further unless you get the GTX 1080 TI.
It lags in certain Beam maps and apparently can't handle Gran Turismo 4. Just trying to see if I can squeeze a little bit more performance out of it.
If it's a 6700, not a 6700k, it does not support overclocking. In the end Alienware computers are just high powered Dells. Even if you were to buy an overclockable CPU, I doubt the Alienware(Dell) motherboard would be able to overclock it(wrong chipset). I doubt the 1TB drive is an SSD; an SSD would be an awesome upgrade. Maybe this one? https://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-Ultra-500GB-SATA-SDSSDHII-500G-G25/dp/B01N6Y18ZM/ Also, you could step up to 16gb of RAM, although that probably wouldn't change much. I doubt you will be able to do much else besides a GPU upgrade which would not help in BeamNG most likely.
Sorry to say it but this guy is leading you down the wrong path. To do this you will need to buy two identical SSDs, which will be expensive. Check out this article on RAID 0: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/ssd-raid-benchmark,3485-13.html You would be better off with a single SSD 4x the size at the same price.
Control Panel\System and Security\System will tell all. Please check and post a screengrab if you can.
Which isn't "leading him down the wrong path". It obviously isn't as simple as I put it, and I'm not gonna spell it out. I assume every decent-minded individual will do proper research, being google is free and stuff.... SSD's aren't as expensive as you preach, and you can get a set of smaller capacity of SSD's, install an OS on them and run storage through hard drives, and it will still be significantly faster, which is exactly what I did, for roughly only 80 bucks...