WIP Beta released The Tennessee USA Roane County 0.71 Beta Discussion/Suggestion/feedback Thread 19.3.1

HUGE 175sq/mi, 193+ miles of roadway, US40 highway, 3 Towns, Signs, Working Traffic Lights, Trees

  1. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    I think it's a bug with the forest brush, I just actually sent a msg to the moderators on the site/developers about it.
    So we get this error (one for each light phase)
    17.63910|E|MaterialManager::getMaterialDefinitionByName|MaterialManager: Unable to find material 'Trafficlight'
    17.64609|E|MaterialManager::getMaterialDefinitionByName|MaterialManager: Unable to find material 'Trafficlight'
    After this error which causes the 1st:
    12.37825|E|Namespace::classLinkTo|Error: cannot change namespace parent linkage of Trafficlight from Material to TSForestItemData.

    So it's basically not able to link a texture to the forest brush. There's only one texture defined as traffic light.

    So, another stupid thing I found that broke in this version.
    If you call a texture by its map_to name IND_PLANKS, when the texture name is IND_PLANKS_01
    in 0.8 and previous = you get a wood texture
    in 0.9.x now = you get ORANGE NO TEXTURE

    Oh boy... There goes the neighborhood ...jumps
    So yeah that's fixed, I duped IND_PLANKS_01 to IND_PLANKS

    Fixed an error on UNODRIVEHERE texture that due to typo couldn't load the specular - my bad

    Fixed a few other stupid errors, less book of a console error log now. This needed to be done for a while.
    Done now!: Fix red text about non-power-of-2 light texture on RR crossing. Might give 1 fps boost (wow!).

    Green_002 was no where to be found, gave it a flat green, for whatever it's supposed to be, I dunno :x
    Also fixed asphalt_mesh reference not caught, changed map_to
    Fixed a few other issues with non-power-of-2-textures that were 2096 tall instead of 2048... OOPS
    There's a lot less nasty RED text now.
    Closing the game by the RED X sometimes while loading causes Windows 7 x64 Home to detect an application fault.
    --- Post updated ---
    Traffic light is a conflict. Can't name the material and the forest item data the same thing.
    #561 bob.blunderton, Apr 16, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2017
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  2. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    I get BeamNG.UI fault almost every time I close game from X or actually almost any other way too, except if I close it via long route from menus it happens only very rarely.
  3. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    FIXED IT, @fufsgfen you were right on with it
    Strangely, I initially scoffed, thinking I had missed something before.
    IT WORKED ON 0.7, 0.8, not on 0.9
    You can no longer have a texture named what the forest brush item is named.
    No texture named trafficlight and a model named trafficlight.
    GRRRRR, but it works!

    That was the last thing from stopping release.
    --- Post updated ---
    Fixing a few loose ends, and I'll be replacing most of the important and missing bridge piers, tonight (some bridges over rivers may not get it yet).
    Then I will upload it. I may elect to back it up 1st and try the multispawn again, I hold no promises (the menu choices are there, but only one works, so I have to take the menu choices out or add back the multi-spawn).
    --- Post updated ---
    That will be my next task after getting the Harriman area completed (downtown is mostly completed, there's some very rural parts I haven't touched yet).
    • Like Like x 2
  4. Eastham

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    Jul 10, 2013
    I love and admire your dedication Bob.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  5. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Thanks, it means so much. I am suprised I am not balding with grey hair from this thing (oops, no offense to one of my reviewer guys).
    Well anyways, good news, if all goes well, and I haven't screwed myself by enabling multiple spawn points again (ONLY FOUR, Burger world in Kingston, Rockwood which isn't much further along, the Airport runway, and Harriman - where all the work was done - 90% of it),
    So yeah, Rockwood is most of the way done, there's still a few blocks that need to get finished, and the stuff along the river isn't totally done yet. I would need like another week or so to work on it and I NEED A BREAK. So vs make everyone wait, I'll give them something for being there for when I was going spastic and almost pulled the plug on this hot mess after 0.9 'occurred' ...
    Most of the bridges have their pillars now - most of them. There will still be the occasional one I haven't gotten to yet. A lot of the more remote parts of the map haven't been much touched, because I am doing area by area due to the massive size of this thing (it's as big as GTA).
    I tried to fix that overpass bump on the highway heading east between the Harriman exit and Pine Ridge road (Midtown exit?), it's not quite as bad.
    Fixed a few other random things. There's jumps ALL OVER Harriman. I really got more into what I really wanted to do with it.
    You'll get the idea when you see it.
    There's hours of fun to be had here, new fun and of course ALL of the old fun that was in all the other versions. I took nothing away aside of a few spawn points when 0.9version made this go belly-up. I am doing the best I can right now.
    Screenshot, these bridge pillars were missing too, after the update. All new pillars, abutments, all that (the brick ones remained).

    Ignore me forgetting to turn off the interface.
    I will be doing the 3rd bridge in this shot and I have about 5~6 more bridges to do after this.

    3rd bridge is done, now only 5~6 more :x

    The rest of the bridges are done and the Kingston Fossil Power Plant is back, well, sorta, good enough for now, and good enough to not hold up release dates.
    I have to mess with the spawn points some, and then I'll upload it.
    I also have to make some edits to the CREDITS sign board. It's getting late, if I happen to forget anyone, feel free to scream if you play the map and it's not there, and ream me out a good one for forgetting.
    #565 bob.blunderton, Apr 17, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2017
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  6. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015

    Edit: I put that jump(s) there so that you don't get bogged in the mud if you have a car.
    You will like this news. I am uploading. I will be unavailable to say much for the next 12~16 hours.
    Multispawn is working.
    Default = Harriman (where I worked much),
    Burger World in Kingston
    --See you in the new version.
    As always, check back in 18~24 hours for an update unless the upload messes up.
    #566 bob.blunderton, Apr 17, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2017
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  7. Projekt535

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    Aug 5, 2013
    Hey Bob, thank you so much for being willing to upload what you have so far after 0.9. You have put so much time and work into this map, it's truly admirable, and I was genuinely saddened when I read the post above saying you might not keep updating. You definitely deserve a little break, but I just wanted to let you know I appreciate your work and I hope you continue in the future. :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    I will take a good week or so break so I can do some gaming and non-productive stuffs, like enjoy the space beyond the walls that house the computer, ya know, that room that is 'So big I can't even see the ceiling' ... and 'what's all this fluffy green stuff growing in the floor' ... and 'hey I just found a Pessima in my garage but it says Toyota on it? Why'd they get the name wrong?'
    No really, I gotta get out more. *ESCAPES*


    Whenever @synsol or @meywue see my post (yes, they're very busy right now, I get it, it'll get done when they have time) about the map update and the repository on mods page gets updated, check it on out. I will switch this heading and descriptions on it, and maybe the pics too. Use the default spawn to experience all Harriman has to offer, and check out Virginia Ave in Harriman, as it's two seperate portions of the road, separated by an industrial area along the train track (with jumps over said track), and a car lot/dealership (it's a bit vague but it is a Ford Dealer IRL, I don't have the car lot model scripted in yet), there's tons of jumps on it. The industrial area sits lower than the main road in town that the car lot is off of. It's a hoot, jump jump jump, and hop the hopper, and all that. This map will be a hoot even more-so when I have the races enabled on it in a future version (I think I have to complete the map 1st), and those jumps are used in races.

    *Some pillars don't have texture properly, some pillars have a flat grey texture as a placeholder, and some pillars not easily reachable don't have any collision (usually they're behind a wall, etc). One of the bridges over the river, south of Kingston Burger World, has too-skinny pillars.
    *AI might seem magically attracted to stop signs in downtown Harriman, or try to run over curbs on purpose. I will work on that as the map gets closer to being finished. Otherwise, AI should work just fine, aside of killing itself on the jump at the waterfall should it choose to take it, usually with both disasterous and hilarious results.
    *Some texture normals will look strange with a setting or rising sun, especially at night. I am using .DDS normals, and the game doesn't like it, I will sort this out but I just didn't have it in me last night.
    *Someone said the yellow turn warning signs (the big square ones from Utah) are 'too big', they're not, it's intended, so you can see them with low rez or smaller screens, though this isn't without saying I'll possibly adjust them in a future version. This is in the future polishing, not a bug.

    If you download the new version when it is available, and you find a missing road chunk, displaced road chunk, something not on the automap that should be, or something that is on it and shouldn't be (there's one NE of the waterfall, I know about that, it's like 50~100ft long & hidden), let me know of course with a pic showing also your location further out. You can also feel free to take pictures and send it in if the AI is constantly fail-worthy in some spot and you feel it detracts.

    Other suggestions, feel free.

    Planned for the future:
    *Sort out the multi-spawn by adding a few more
    *Fix texture issues on certain houses and roads not matching or not having proper normals causing weird problems at night or with lights
    *Finish the towns, which would finish the map
    *Then add missions galore. I can't tell you how many there will be, but there will be plenty, and the races will have optional fully remade retro arcade music that I've made here (which is already done, from the likes of OutRun, Topgear/TopRacer 1 & 2/ Mario Kart/Lotus/etc, all done as if hearing it on an old Arcade cabinet or a Sega Genesis/Megadrive). Of course you could delete the music if it's not your thing. There will be no icky elevator music or piano stuff "Who let the piano in here!?". It's a quick-race, arcade style, and it will feel that way and sound that way!

    I have big plans on this, provided they devs don't kill the map in the name of progress. There's going to be at-least a good 30 mins of music with this map, too, royalty free. It's just remixes of old game music I've made on my custom FM-synthesizer. If you have an appreciation for the retro music you'll like it.
  9. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
  10. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    And we're live and on the air with a new 0.71 *lights up the ON AIR sign*
    I need some time away from this thing :)
    It's been good. Development will resume in a bit.
    Do enjoy, default spawn takes you to Harriman, where all the work is. Sorry It's been such a Roller-Coaster here with the game-update.
    • Like Like x 2
  11. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    You might want to change that Outdated tag now Bob :)

    Life is a roller coaster, we just try to stay onboard somehow ;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Yeah just the forum has it, the mods side doesn't but I guess I'll change it.
  13. Stefanobut

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    Jan 1, 2016
    Is there AI mapping?
  14. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Most certainly, I actually just amended the repository post to say so.
    AI CAN GO ON EVERY ROAD! Every last road has full AI mapping and it should even stay in lane a majority of the time on the highway.
    I for one love a good AI chase, so all THREE of my maps have working AI (Nevada map has a few bugs, read the discussion forum on it for a fix!).
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Stefanobut

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    Jan 1, 2016
    OMG THANK YOU, I was so excited for the map (if i can run it); then i realized "does it even have ai mapping" and I was like NO NO NO NO NO NO. I am assuming they aren't intelligent enough to follow traffic laws like stopping at reds.
  16. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    There's not really any function for free roam to get them to follow traffic laws, but they should follow some semblance of lane going up and down the mountain on the highway and also going through downtown Harriman. It's great for chases. Watch your system RAM use if you use a LOT of cars though, it goes up *FAST*.
    16gb of RAM on Windows 7 with my browser open, I usually can use 5~7 vehicles before performance goes down and RAM limits are encountered.
  17. Stefanobut

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    Jan 1, 2016
    dude I have 4 GB ram on an Intel I3 proccessor, im SOL.
  18. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    It's well beyond time to upgrade that RAM on your system when you have the money. I am sure you can find a way to buy another 4gb of matching RAM for it - this is coming from someone who 10 years ago had a PC with that amount of RAM.
    While I wouldn't want to sound condescending or anything alike to rude, etc, as I am generally not; you do need to upgrade to enjoy a cutting-edge piece of software & monstrous oversized map for that software.
    You may be able to find something cheap in a PC shop or find some cast-off broken PC's with good working RAM in them yet, cheaply.
  19. Danny Werewolf

    Danny Werewolf
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    Mar 31, 2017
    Before I say anything, I have No problems but this (yet) But sorry if this has already been talked about, i'm lazy, but with the AI routes, the stop signs being collidable, the AI usually smashes into it, so all i'm asking is for is all the stop signs being non-collidable. (I tried to but I'm dumb.) Thanks You.
  20. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    With 1 or 2 cars i3-6100 is quite par with i7-6700, there really is not much of any difference, only when you increase number of cars you start to need more cores and threads.

    So get some used ram sticks, should not cost arm and leg and that allows lot more games to run on that machine.
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