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Update Speculation thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by crazikyle, Jan 26, 2016.

  1. enjoyinorc6742

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    Dec 24, 2015
    alot of the D-series mods can go onto the Hopper. I'd say the update is sometime this year.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. 1185323118

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    Oct 11, 2015
    Italy is more like starting from 0 when the thread was posted, WCA was on 10% i'll say
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  3. crazikyle

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    Sep 3, 2013
    I said this last update, but I think it may have some more weight this time around. I think WCU will be released this coming update. It was so close back in early december, and with another two-two and a half months of work it will be finished.

    Also to support my theory is that we haven't had any other teases as to what will constitute the meat of the update. There has been the ABS rework, but I don't think that's big enough to be it own update.

    Hope for the best and expect the worst.
    • Like Like x 2
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  4. Modem

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    Sep 22, 2016

    why, you cheeky little devil! even with the zoomed out shot, the screenshot looks perfect. cant wait for italy (but i want wcu more ;))
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  5. enjoyinorc6742

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    Dec 24, 2015
    ABS rework, D-series Crew Cab, maybe a Hopper, MAYBE a Bluebuck, MAYBE a map, and lots of little fixes here and there
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  6. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
    It'd be cool if the Hopper has some of the offroad parts also available for the D-Series and Roamer, like the snorkel for example.

    I'm hoping the Hopper comes with a skinnable UVs file, as I have a few skin ideas I want to work on when it is released.

    Hopefully the update will be soon. All we can do is wait and see.
    --- Post updated ---
    I think it's a bit too early for the Bluebuck yet. It will most likely come in an update after the Crew Cab and Hopper.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  7. CreasingCurve

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    Jan 19, 2016
    Lemme guess. A jurassic park skin.
    I think its fairly obvious that the bluebuck is not going to be ready for the next update. WCU maybe depends on how long until the update is, probably within a month. I dont think they like making us wait any longer than 2 months as we all start becoming impatient and ranty.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  8. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
    You nailed it right on the bullseye. I have a few other ideas laying around too, including some military themed skins, a border patrol skin that I'll probably modify from the D-Series, like I did with the Grand Marshal's Rapid Taxi skin for the ETK I-Series, and I might do the same with the Roamer's Fire Chief and Sheriff skins too. I'll know for sure what I'll do when I have access to the Hopper.

    And good point. Both the Bluebuck and the Wendover will need a lot more time before they're ready for any upcoming updates. As for WCA and Italy, I think it's safe to assume that we'll get one before the other. Which one however, I don't know. I'll probably be fine with whichever comes first.
  9. ktheminecraftfan

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    Mar 14, 2014
    I'm guessing wca will come first in this comming update, the hopper or both (like the Miramar with Utah)

    I wonder why the updates seem to be done every two moths now?
  10. Acrain7

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    Sep 7, 2015
    because they are taking their time to make each one more amazing :)
  11. DOUGL4S1

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    Sep 27, 2016
    So, remember what I did earlier this week with Italy? Let's do it with West Coast USA too, shall we?
    So, this is the map I'm basing this:

    Yes, it is even older than Italy's (more than 7 months old), but the map is way more developed than Italy, so this might be easier (at least I tought). I'll also be excluding the Race Track, as there was a video about it somewhere that I was not able to find now, and I will leave the Freeway for later. Remember: I don't really know if this is true because i'm not working on it, so if @B25Mitch could help us a bit like @LJFHutch did, we'd be thankful.

    This is a turn on Touge Mountain, overlooking the area behind the Race Track. One thing we can't see on the map is height, which is why this threw me off at first:

    We then have some "intersections on the edge of the city". I saved one for later:

    I'm not sure on where is this, but because of the on ramp, I took a guess.

    Here we have Lisa(?)'s graffiti walls with a bridge over it. I doubt this is the overpass, it's probably an on/off ramp.

    Then we get some images from the Downtown area, and this is where it gets tricky as f***:

    We can see from this image that it not only have an overpass, we also have another bridge. Pay attention to the brown and the yellow-ish brown buildings in the background.

    They're here again. What does that mean, other than they're in front of a bridge? Nothing, I just tought it is interesting.

    Again, pay attention to the two buildings: one has white rectangles with windows being blue and gray stripes, and the other has the same rectangles, but windows are black and it was one of its corners "cut". You'll see them again shortly.

    As for the two overpasses, let's take a look at one of the earliest screenshots we have:

    The freeway does not go into the city going in between buildings, it goes down into street level, while the other doesn't. Proof?


    Here ou can see clearly, there's one overpass, as the other turned into the town, so we're able to figure out where's this place:

    So... Where does the blue overpass goes? My guess? To that corner I saved for later:

    And then there's the Turbo Burger intersection, that appears twice. On the first image, you can also see the two striped buildings I takled about earlier.

    In this more recent skyline, we can see the blue overpass, above the empty part of the map, and the blue one turning into the city. On the right, if you zoom in, you can also see an on-ramp near the coast, which leads me to believe that the Turbo Burger intersection is there somewhere, but I was not able to pin-point where on the map. Unfortunatelly, the buildings I was using as orientation were either removed or changed until they're unrecognizable, so never try to do this by mixing newer and older screens. BTW, beautiful skyscraper there. I was also not able to take anything new from the Chinatown images.

    I'll do another post on Freeways later because it took me almost 2 hours of analising screenshots to do this, so I'll go take a nap now.
    #3271 DOUGL4S1, Jan 26, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2017
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  12. aljowen

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    Oct 21, 2012
    I love the driver San Francisco theming they did in those images :p
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. coolusername

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    Dec 22, 2014

    Turbo Burger in background

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  14. Modem

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    Sep 22, 2016

    lets hope italy has the pointie factory...
  15. Srockzz

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    May 16, 2015
    My predictions: Next update is 8.1, including ABS rework and D-15 crew cab and some fixes. No more until april and 0.9
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  16. ADHDRacer

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    Nov 15, 2014
    My prediction: Hopper may be in next update, as well as what SrockzzMasterHD mentioned above. Also, if the devs decide to release it, we may get either WCA or Italy, though WCA is more likely since it has been worked on for a longer amount of time.
  17. DOUGL4S1

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    Sep 27, 2016
    I don't think we're getting WCUSA until mid to end 2017, as even on the most recent screenshots, we can see that it isn't fully detailed, and Italy by the end of 2018 if not 2019, as it is a Huge map and It's still on early development. My guess is that next update, we'll get the new ABS system and the new controls menu, MAYBE the Hopper.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  18. Modem

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    Sep 22, 2016
    honestly, i think we will get wcu, the hopper, and some other minor improvements.

    is wcu unfinished? hell yes! but i assume un-finished parts of the map will be blocked off, just like when JRI first came out!
    --- Post updated ---
    we want a new map, and the devs know that. and they know we will be happy with a wip map.
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  19. Acrain7

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    Sep 7, 2015
    yea, but we dont want another legran right? (had badish, rushed quality because we kept begging for it)
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  20. Modem

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    Sep 22, 2016
    i actually like the legran. and im sure more configs/polish will be added in later updates. we could get a hopper that looks as bad as the T-series did when it first came out and i would be happy.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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