I do, it was another suggestion. For a hyper-luxury competitor to the S-Class, or maybe a new style of car.
You asked for a L-Variant. Like @Neidjel said , you can find the answer on the previous pages or even the quote. it can , and can not happen.
I know, I just wanted to let @NinetyNine! know I'm stalking him Great work, looks even better than what it looked like when you showed it to me the last time
I just thought of this, What if it was called the I series, just like the pessima has 2 generations, we could have 2 generations of the I series. Just a thought though.
Sure , another i-series wound be nice. But i-series is i-series and s-series is s-series. Probably completely different car classes anyway I plan to make some fancy LED's. The regular ones seem a bit boring
It is done when it is done, and please do not use caps and that kind of grammar, I and a lot of other people are sick of those comments with WHERE DOWNLOAD I WANT GIMME PLZ or something like that, @NinetyNine! Is working hard to make this. It is just not nice to say such things, you don't do that in real life too don't you? It it is like yelling at the bus driver for a ticket. That is just rude and annoying
It isn't even close to being ready for use... And if you want to contact people about using mods in videos, I'd recommend messaging them from their profile.