General discussion

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by Car crusher, Apr 4, 2014.

  1. aljowen

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    Oct 21, 2012
    I envy all those who can fall asleep whenever they feel like it.
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  2. VeyronEB

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    Aug 5, 2012
    mfw I'm using windows 10 and it just sort of stops working bit by bit as I use it...

    Currently alt tab barely works and doesn't list most of the programs I have open, it also takes 3 presses to switch.

    Also now all of the task bar icons in the corner don't work at all (minus the hidden icons arrow)

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  3. Funky7Monkey

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    Oct 12, 2014
    And that's why I have backups in case new update. I'll then finish the mod for the last update, then get it working with current
  4. Dunkleosteus

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    May 20, 2016
    A piece of bone I found in the forest, near a swamp.

    The vegetation in my area is indescribably dense, so this was kind of a lucky find.
  5. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015
    Well, that explains everything.

    I made a massive derp this morning. I had to get up early to haul some trash to the dump, but I forgot to look up the open hours of the local transfer site and arrive almost a full hour before it opens. So I'm cruising around looking for a place that opens breakfast hours and isn't too expensive (I was too far away from the burger joint I work at, and besides, there's no way I'm going there before about 6 or 7 PM if there's a high chance they'll ask me to come back later and work of the schedule), and I find this little roadside coffee shop. I see they have reasonably-priced croissants and the special is "blueberry pancake". So I order a croissant with meat and cheese and a "blueberry pancake".


    It turns out, they meant a blueberry pancake coffee. First off, I feel guilty as heck drinking the stuff, since I'm trying to see how long I can go without becoming dependent on pick-me-ups. Second, it... doesn't really taste all that good. And third, about a tenth of a cup was entirely enough to give me a headache for an hour and mess with my driving skills, then make me feel completely awful for several more hours. Not to mention I started feeling weird in a wired-ish way after only a couple sips. I can drink an entire bottle of caffeine-loaded soda and not feel any different, so I don't even want to know how much caffeine was in that stuff. Or maybe it was some kind of janky artificial flavor that did that. Either way, that's a $4 mistake I won't make again.
  6. Dummiesman

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    Sep 17, 2013
    *queues for competitive*
    >Sees @Holland in my team list

    Small world, was quite the surprise.
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  7. Holland

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    May 23, 2013
    Small world indeed mate. :)
  8. aljowen

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    Oct 21, 2012
    There is an ambulance vehicle (skoda octavia estate) sat at the end of the road I live on. It has been there for 2 days now (goes away at night) with someone sat in the driver seat. They just seem to sit there all day as far as I can tell. Strange...
  9. aljowen

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    Oct 21, 2012
    Tomorrow is going to be fun...
    I am going through an optional mock assessment centre (ran by a company that runs real ones) within the university to help with employability if/when I have to go to one for an actual job. However I am a games computing student and all the tasks are based around business and management, including delivering a swot analysis and presentation on the UK's decision to leave the EU. I get the feeling I am going to be very out of my league when it comes to completing these tasks :p
    I guess the best I can do is act professionally and look like I have some semblance of what is going on. Even if I don't stand a chance against the people who are actually studying business, management and finance subjects
  10. Deleted member 1747

    Deleted member 1747
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    After a night drying out, it works.
    ugh. Dead telly remote. Dad "spilled tea" on it in the morning, tried many sets of batteries, probably just gonna buy a new one from Amazon. I have to give up my TV remote from the TV in my bedroom because everyone uses the downstairs TV, since it's the only one in the house that's actually connected up, and the remote is the same except from one button. I've found the exact model on Amazon but some of the reviews seem a bit dodgy, I don't think it's really work spending 15 quid or so on something that may not be legitimate... I'll see if I can find one in something like PC world.
    I'll see if it works tomorrow.
    #26730 Deleted member 1747, Oct 6, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2016
  11. Dummiesman

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    Sep 17, 2013
    Just a note, after the release of my current WiP pr oject, I don't know if I'll be sticking around BeamNG or any of it's associated communities (i.e. Discord) much longer. My motivation has been lacking for quite some time now, and soon enough I won't have reason to be around here.
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  12. B727ClassicFlyer

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    Feb 9, 2013
    I think that's part of a aircraft wing, probably 1940s or earlier. I can tell it's at least part of an aircraft wing because this is the closest I could find on the Internet.
  13. Dunkleosteus

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    May 20, 2016
    Aircraft wing? Have you been doing meth within the last hour?
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  14. randomshortguy

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    Aug 9, 2013
    You've said a lot of silly things in the past, but I think this takes the cake.

    What you have pictured there is a wing, constructed of aluminum, with mussels stuck to it.

    That is entirely different from a fractured fragment of bone. In almost every way possible.
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  15. Funky7Monkey

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    Oct 12, 2014
  16. aljowen

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    Oct 21, 2012
    Dat spoiler though
    Sorry for crap photo
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  17. RedHorizon

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    Aug 17, 2012
    Took a spur-of-the-moment 3,333 mile roadtrip; started in Seattle, WA., ended up in San Diego, CA., then Las Vegas, NV., came up through Boise, ID., and ended back in Seattle. So happy to be out of deserts and back into pine forests.
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  18. brianvalk

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    Jun 16, 2015
    had a driving lesson in the moring in amsterdam in about 3 minutes 12 people ran in front, almost against, and across the car while i was driving at 20kmh and it was fun also my instructor said that i should just give it some gas and honk like he also did and holy f that worked
  19. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015
    The Ricer Boy Chronicles, Part Herp le Derp

    Many of you will have seen my posts on my co"worker" Ricer Boy. I've mentioned how he knows less than nothing about cars and thinks his Mazda 626 can outrun anything. I haven't mentioned, but have hinted, that he's also really freaking annoying to work with. Not only is he immature and lowbrow as can be, once he picked up on the fact that I'm a homeschooled runt, he started repeatedly body blocking me, trying to trip me, and throwing fakeout punches to try to get me to flinch. Then, after this constant obstruction of my attempts to do useful things, he has the gall to say I'm slow and have a bad work ethic.

    Fast forward to earlier today. I'm in the middle of my third "why did I even get out of bed" day in a row, I've just missed the DMV's closing (only the government could get away with closing at 4:30PM on a weekday), and I'm stopping in at CrazyBurger to see if I work Monday (because my driver's license expires Tuesday). Not only are the schedules for Monday not ready, Big Boss ambushes me and asks me if I can go home, get my uniform, and punch in. Grudgingly, I say yes. Sergeant Schedule then tries to get me to come in tomorrow; I fight this tooth and nail (verbally of course, I'd lose if it was a physical confrontation), because it's not every week you luck into a Saturday off, and I do eventually succeed in keeping that day off. Well, the schedules that are there are posted in the cleaning-supplies alcove, so as I'm grabbing a broom and dustpan later on, I glance at tomorrow's... and it looks like Ricer Boy got himself sacked. Or suspended, but that pretty much means "done as dinner but it's not official yet." Based on my own experiences and what I've overheard, it's likely to be flagrant stupidity, wanton obstruction of productivity, and at least one no call no show (not that the way NCNS is handled here - if you call less than two hours before your shift starts, it's an NCNS, regardless of why - isn't BS). Aha, so that's why I'm suddenly in demand!

    On one hand, this makes me want to laugh more than it probably should, since he was always calling me slow and saying things like "Want some advice? Don't get fired!", but it looks like he should have listened to himself. On the other hand, even in leaving, this guy finds a way to drive me nuts.

    And since I forgot to ask about Monday after that, I now have to get up tomorrow morning at 9 or 10 (when I was planning to sleep in until 11AM or later) and call to make sure Sergeant Schedule knows why I was so worried about Monday, since the way I was asking about it before he probably thinks I wanted to work that day or something (note: Monday and Tuesday are my usual days off, and I'd be working Friday and Saturday anyway if it weren't for a corporate inspection throwing everything off), at which point I'll probably have to argue about coming in tomorrow all over again. RAAAAAAAAARRRRRGHBLAKSDHFJKLASDGFJKAHFALK
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  20. Ulrich

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    Aug 15, 2013
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