WIP Beta released Mapper's resource: Functional Train tracks

Discussion in 'Terrains, Levels, Maps' started by bob.blunderton, Jun 24, 2016.

  1. Amtrak America

    Amtrak America
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    Oct 13, 2015
    Im clueless. You need to write out specific instructions.
  2. Scepheo

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    Feb 10, 2015

    Now, stop asking. He's written instructions: if you don't understand them, the onus is on you to learn, not on him to dumb it down (which is impossible anyway).
  3. RyvyLo

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    May 15, 2014
    These track are kinda nice, but I'll have to wait before being able to play with them as trains aren't ready yet
    I just leave this message here to say that I had absolutely zero problems to place them, and that you could make them easier to setup by just making the paths in the material.cs relative and not absolute.
    Ex : just write colorMap[0] = "a474UID_crossing.dds" instead of colorMap[0] = "levels/southernhighway/ART/tracks/a474UID_crossing.dds"
  4. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    A lot of the paths are relative, but it's better to put ./a474UID_crossing.dds in, because with many things, the game throws errors when you just put the name in (and it's random, sometimes it works on some setups, sometimes it DOES NOT*). It's rather strange with these errors, too. IMHO (and the O of many other mappers), if you can't script these in, you shouldn't be using them. In the future I may just change the last three things to ./targetfilename but as I said before, I merely exported them from the map dir. There's no issues here, and when I asked the folks to send me their work to look at it, the ones that did have issues, were on their end or not using 'visible' collision model selected in the item manager.
    *for example, forest brushes that used relative pathing (e.g. item name only) didn't work, and crashed the mapper, when used in my map, I added the full path in after a few minutes poking around, and it worked fine. Keep in mind it worked fine when used in official levels like this but not in a user map (!). I nailed that down to 'early release software'.

    I haven't bothered messing about with these, and won't until they fix a bug with Beamng.drive preventing me from getting the precision I needed to use these best enough. Sometimes they work fine, other times they end up misaligned so badly the train would derail every time.
    Normally, precision isn't that big of a deal, but with train tracks, an inch here, and an inch there, can become 2 inches, and sometimes 3~4 inches of difference where the track models butt up to one another, especially if more axis are used than X-Y's NS-EW directions (such as a slope, where Z axis is used). Not *ALL* maps suffer from this. You can make a small map, and it may have less issues with precision.

    Again, although I've provided these tracks here, there is no support for it, it's a mod. I didn't make them, they were merely offered as a convenience here to others who have the skills to work them into the game. These were passed to me by the author of the pre-beta train mod currently hidden from most. The author will have made/will make in the future, the train available to all WHEN IT IS READY.

    I am firm on this, but I tried to keep it friendly. Thank you for your feedback and if you have issues when you redistribute the map consider changing the relative path to begin with ./object_or_texture_nameHERE like some of the other track object scripting is (again, this game is very temper-mental, being beta).
  5. Amtrak America

    Amtrak America
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    Oct 13, 2015
    I Just dont know where to rename it to the map
  6. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Make sure Beamng.drive is closed, or if it's open, some other level is loaded.
    Find the materials.cs file inside the tracks folder inside your map's directory.
    The proper place for the tracks is in your levels ART folder. This makes the next step easier.
    Change lines 9 and 16 (and 17 if it's filled in) to your map's name (where it says southernhighway should be change to your level's folder name). If your level's folder is called mylevel you'd put that in place of southernhighway while keeping the rest of the path, so long as tracks folder is placed inside the art folder. Look it over for typos and save the file. Now load Beamng.drive and try to place the objects in your map. If they show up with textures, you've got it correct.
    To get player collision (so player/vehicles don't pass through the object as if it's made of air!), spawn one of EACH piece of track you intend to use, and ONE AT A TIME set each of the pieces to collision mode > VISIBLE mesh (it's a drop down box). While this may seem tedious, if you do it for the first piece you spawn, and use SHIFT+Mouse drag to COPY each piece you've already set as you need them, you'll never have to worry about it again.
    If you don't do this step, the object will just be a mirage and won't affect the player's vehicle as you pass through it unaffected. If you group-select ALL the pieces and try and change it to visible mesh collision, it will only set the 1st one you selected. It's a Beamng.drive bug.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  7. Amtrak America

    Amtrak America
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    Oct 13, 2015
    Hmm, where does it show up in the Map editor
  8. Amtrak America

    Amtrak America
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    Oct 13, 2015
    Ya, i cant get them to work. When I load 'em up, the game goes nutso and crashes.
  9. Blabllah

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    Jun 2, 2015
    Thank You Thank You Thank You, so much ive been working on making a dash9 in blender but keep getting so overwhelmed by the extra steps ill have to take next but now all i have to do is make the model a jbeam script. DO NOT rely on me though as i am very busy with school i might be done with it in a week or never.................
  10. Amtrak America

    Amtrak America
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    Oct 13, 2015
    wait your making a dash 9 for beamng? got any pics?
  11. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    These do work, if your game crashes, you did something wrong. it's pretty easy to script them in actually.
    I use them quite prominently in my TENNESSEE USA map if you're interested, and have enough RAM to run it, check it out.
    While I can't directly provide tech support for mods, I can say it works, you just have to know enough about it to script them into the map structure, that's all. Then when they're loaded in as an object, select VISIBLE MESH for collisions on each piece (spawn one in, set it, copy it as needed), and you're set.
  12. Average Person

    Average Person
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    Jul 8, 2015
    I can assure that these work, I had issues with them but it was a pretty easy fix make sure to read everything bob says or using them will result in a ERROR!
    don't fiddle with anything you don't have to, I learned that the hard way.
  13. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Thank-you. It's always nice to hear something positive for once. It's pretty easy to add them in IF you've done this before, but if you haven't, well, this isn't the place to learn. Lots can go wrong, but not so much if you follow the step-by-step instructions.
    For those that still can't figure it out, take a look at my Tennessee map (or another map with tracks if you have less than 8gb of system RAM). It's pretty straight forward.
  14. MietzerTV

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    Sep 24, 2018
    where can i get the texture??
  15. zagdima

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    Dec 13, 2013
    bob.blunderton I made (converted) more suitable Subway train for your map
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