The DLC Cars Idea Just Popped Into My Head A While Ago. Might As Well Change It To Test Drive Instead And Added More Colors! What Multiplayer Might Look LIke. Version
Miku is alive. She's on the undamaged quarter panel. Now everybody is happy again 'yaay' *insert non-existent screenshot here*
Nice, but I think when finished, if the game has such a screen, it should have stat bars shown. One might be able to extract some pretty deep information about a car from those. (For example, if a car's braking far exceeds its handling, it's probably a "tire car" that has insane grip but tries to kill you once you're past the limit, whereas the opposite scenario probably indicates a well-balanced car let down by crummy tires).
You hairless monkey. I want proof that Miku is unharmed. Don't give me any "nonexistent screenshot" garbage. *remains in my emo corner*
Eww. Hairless monkey. How dare you. I dont know how to prove it. Call miku. I think her phone number is 01. *Throws a paper with this uber-complicated number into your corner and runs away crying*
First legitimate wreck, sent the Pessima out on AI control, I was looking at the tv, looked back just soon enough to watch myself hit the Pessima, that had slowed to around 20-30 at over 150. And, the Grand Marshall, being that tank that it is, still drove, albeit minus one wheel.