Similarly, is it now possible for the camera to have less swing and momentum? The current camera still feels rather heavy in how it moves and how reluctant it is to follow the car through turns.
I personnaly would like 3 things : -The first is a cinematic view, like the one on RoR -For the following camera I would like the camera follow the rotation of the car, when like you make a loop, or falling, But perhaps not when you make a roll -And, when you go back with your car, and you manually turn your camera around, the camera doesn't turn automatically at the at the original positioning start point of view (Keep to look back)
Since that RoR-Like camera seems to be quite loved, my suggestion as addition to it would be creating a little mesh (or watever else, an empty id dae recognizes it or whatever) on a terrain or a mesh to be placed on a terrain and then it'll overwrite the cinematic camera for this position, or you have the empty/little invisible mesh/whatever as a new object in the world editor and can place it. The camera would then be located in the middle of it.
A chase camera that increases FOV by speed, and once near a vehicles top speed it lightly vibrates (forza 4 is a good example). The interior camera possibly not being so rigid, to move in such a way that you can visually see the bumps the vehicle drives over, generally more movement going on in there, I know some people don't like this so if this could be added with a slider to control that it would be good. Edit: Crossed my mind now, a first person free-walk camera with collision so you dont walk through things would be great too, pressing a specific key spawns you next to your vehicle, gives you the ability to walk around it and crouch down and all, and the ability to open parts like the doors, trunk, and hood. This would add a huge amount of immersion, especially for anyone using a vr-headset.
A very simple one. Adding a modifier (alt or shift for example) that enables precision (slow) movements of the camera specially when using the awsd keys in free camera mode.
What about non-rotation camera, when car goes backwards? It would be useful in destruction derby arena
How about a menu where I can select (and in which order) the different cameras I'd like to have the ability to cycle through. I have no greater pet peeve in these types of games than camera modes I never use or dislike, especially after they are removed and I suddenly discover how useful they were.
Open up the console. Change the dropdown to "T3D - TorqueScript". Type in spawnPlayer() It does collide with static objects, but not cars. It can't jump, run or crouch though.
Even better, then, as most of the work is already there for that idea. With some proximity-detecting elements, a first-person character mode could even be used to provide a more natural way to switch between vehicles. The only other ideas I can come up with are much more complex, such as smooth cameras on the hood and fender (for some smoother chase and moving crash shots), or some kind of dolly mode that would use a predetermined path for camera's movement, while the player stays in control of the camera's rotation.
Gave this a try, it's exactly what I had in mind, if this is worked on from its current state it would be exactly what I had in mind with minimal effort
An ROR-Bot remake, or a BNG-Bot, if you will. And depending on which features the devs chose to remove when they started working with Torque, they/we may still have access to these: Not to say that it'd be completely easy, but more painless than starting from scratch.
What about some kind of camera UI app, like the app in Assetto where you can adjust the FOV, vertical and horizontal position of the camera in each car individually and save it?
Navigate to the main.lua under\lua\vehicle then search for camera and its under the heading "temporary camera settings". Simply up the value to something higher, default is 3. I use 300 for basically fixed in place, lower values can get a nice slow rotation too though.
5.4 released One of BeamNG's biggest problems is the failure to convey speed. As a result, many people try to take corners at 80+ MPH and then whinge when they find themselves in a tree/wall/curb/etc. Unfortunately, this isn't good for the game's word-of-mouth marketing. Chase camera is an important addition to the way the game conveys speed, but I still think it isn't enough. Because of this I've been trying to pay attention to how other games convey speed. Motion blur and camera shake are the two most obvious, but less obvious (and maybe easier to implement) is Dolly Zoom. It's already been mentioned elsewhere in the thread. Example from Hot Pursuit 2010. It's subtle maybe only a few degrees difference, but you can see it if you look for it. Criterion have always been praised for the feel of speed their games offer, and this is definitely a part of it. Another from Burnout 3
This was a nice post thank you. I agree with your points on the camera, and I'm sure most of this will be implemented in time.
Thanks indeed for the post. We are graphically quite limited atm. Its technically not possible yet to have good motion blur yet. We are aware of the issue and will continue to improve this