I made some abandoned cars.#1 is 2 Ibishu's sitting behind a biulding in east coast,the other one is a moonhawk ute in small island,oh and a mountian
A classic 70's car chase scene... and the 90's remake Old vs new at the drag street uhh.. strip. I wasn't on planning a limo taxi preset, but using the part editor it's easy to make one. And rig it with a supercharged engine and a manual transmission so it can make the jump All parts (and decals) are available for all body styles (coupe/t-top, sedan, station, ute, limo) I have thought of a fullsize limo, but probably I won't be in the first fullsize addon. If you take a close look at the attachments of my previous two posts you might have seen another body style...
Unfortunately, the DAE was messed up because it looked bad on Blender. The result is broken smoothing groups (I did export it as a new DAE).
I noticed the Pembroke will tend to float backward when idling recently. I think it has something to do with weight distribution. Try giving the entire pressureGroup a flat bottom. The first thing I did when the Moonhawk was released was create a new copy of Puregrid with a retro-style colorramp and an innaccurate recreation of the Golden Gate Bridge. Naturally, and in classic car chase fasion, the bridge was unfinished.