No updates at the moment, but I have been working on it. Currently reworking the rear end, a proper update will come soon once I get more work done on it, as I have been unable to work on it due to some computer issues recently.
Multiple very valid reasons, actually. From what I understand it accomplished very little in making trucks perform better, obviously the engine compartment would be very cramped making them hard to service, with the engine and transmission being shoved behind the drivers cab yet infront or along the rear axle. It didn't help any with aerodynamics, as shipping containters are square and in fact made the aerodynamic profile worse since trucks are nartually closer to a wedge than the flat front of a shipping container. They really were detrimental to driver safety as well, since there is no crumple zone in front for the driver (hence the reason why cabover minivans and trucks went out of fashion, as it led to a huge number of cases where peoples legs would be crushed beyond saving in accidents if there were lucky enough to not have their head shoved as far back as the second row headrests) and its effect on diver visibility made it near impossible to see infront of the vehicle infront of you, very crucial for judging traffic flow ahead of you since trucks take notoriously long to stop, the high vantage point of a truck adds as a benefit so they can anticipate when they may need to brake. This could be wrong cause I didnt google anything for this analysis but just as like a general overview this is the cliffs notes of pretty much everything I can see going wrong with it
Hey everyone, I apologize sincerely for the lack of updates, but I come with good news! The past 4 months I've been dealing with a lot of school and personal stuff, but recently I've managed to find time to put in enough work into this project that its actually worth an update. I've nearly completely remade the model, as many parts of it were either inaccurate to the irl truck, or were modeled horribly since I started this model way back when I was still relatively new to blender. I've also since acquired some more reference images, and now the only parts left to finish are the rear end, redo the upper door windows, and the roof, and then work can start on the frame and drivetrain, and eventually the interior and finer details like mirrors, handles, and replace the placeholder lights with new ones. Again, I'm very sorry for not updating for nearly half a year. Below is a screenshot of the current progress of the model, as well as the topography for anyone that would like to give me any advice on it. Thanks for caring about my stuff and my weird obsession with this failed concept truck from the 80s!