Can you make this mod fit the first gen pessima? Its great in the BX i just want more engine customization for my RWD pessima. thanks.
not for this mod, maybe i'll do something similar to other cars in the future but i have no plans yet
Hello, very nice mod the power is great but can i ask, will you make higher power radiators ? Thanks, 5 stars
I really like the mod but I think the "stage 4 variable boost turbocharger need to me connect with headlight intake. But the mod are so good.
On my end it works fine with 146 other mods without any issues. If you have problem, then the problem could be at your end.
It didn't actually break for me, even though I thought it did. It was the actual game that was glitching, but closing and reopening the game fixed it
Can you make a configurable the 2.5 liter flat 4 from the Piccolina available for the BX? I added an image so you know which engine I'm talking about.
Great mod. If the mod is still supported could you please add a hood with just a small tiny cutout for a screamer pipe? The exhaust cut hood has a big hole that looks bad with a small diameter screamer pipe.
won't do that, however i am planning to add a I5 thanks! and yea it is, but the screamer was more meant as an extra for the hood exit exhaust, i still may make a hood option for it tho
yea adds new ones and the file attached to the thread replaces all the configs to have the new engines equipped