Well this thread is about as much as a dumpster fire as I expected... It's amazing how some people can manufacture so much drama out of something so insignificant
@Musicman27 @ManfredE3 please keep it to constructive posts, don't create drama by complaining about drama
Well I'm sure someone appreciated that I looked for this instead of just inserting the "he F'd up" version.
Nope , and to pass this , you Can make other things that will make you forgot this. Like learning grammar
so what you're telling me is that i can get paid from the comfort of my own home? hell yeah sign me up (in a few years once i have enough experience )
they finally made work awesome i can't say anything thats actually on topic with a thread :3 to actually stay on topic, i honestly don't see the game being on Epic as a bad thing. a lot of games are on epic and other platforms already, so i really just see this as a way for more people to get BeamNG. and lets be real, anyone who says that Beam will get bought out is overreacting. i seriously doubt that would happen. especially when we consider the fact that BeamNG is really just... a niche sandbox game. and i doubt any big corporation would be interested in buying that. BeamNG on UE5 when? /j