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Gavril MD-Series

Discussion in 'Official Content' started by Ai'Torror, Sep 18, 2024.

  1. Dr. Gread

    Dr. Gread
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    Oct 1, 2022
    Floating pole in the WCUSA Island
    --- Post updated ---
    Oh... interesting
  2. Peterkragger_PL

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    Oct 8, 2016
    Suggestion for the 2nd part. We still don't have a proper fire truck in the game
    • Agree Agree x 7
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  3. hacker420

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    Dec 29, 2017
  4. High Plains Drifter

    High Plains Drifter
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    Jan 19, 2020
    Driveline issue #2: Right rear hub/axle doesn't like to stick around beyond 110+mph (video embedded).
    #84 High Plains Drifter, Sep 25, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2024
  5. KezzM8

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    Nov 29, 2018
    Could we please have the option to remove the turbo in favor of being Naturally Aspirated? imo would be a great addition and make for more of a challenge + good use of those 10 gears
    • Like Like x 1
  6. DoritoPowahhhh

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    Jan 17, 2021
    International Harvester S-Series?
  7. VizKiz

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    Aug 28, 2022
    Where on the forums does this deserve to go???
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    Attached Files:

    • mighty_jbeams.jpg
  8. gabe12_1337

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    May 12, 2020
    Anyone else having problem with 5th wheel not locking with trailer until "couple/attach all" keybind is pressed?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. Dr. Gread

    Dr. Gread
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    Oct 1, 2022
    couldn't find it, but if it's out there I'd be happy to move my reports!
  10. hacker420

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    Dec 29, 2017
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Dr. Gread

    Dr. Gread
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    Oct 1, 2022
    • Like Like x 1
  12. VizKiz

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    Aug 28, 2022
    Video of vehicle that the MD series is based on brings several suggestions, including different engine sound, different starting sound, different air brake squeaking sounds, and a utility upfit with boom arm:
  13. LegThePeg

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    Jun 4, 2022
    If you aren't playing BeamMP, then you don't have the Beamlings. They are a part of BeamMP
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Musicman27

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    Dec 13, 2023
    Minor thing. The "Chicken Lights" on the T-Series Heavy-Duty Fog light Bumper, are too far back.
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    The Halogen Taillights on the pickup frame flatbed are too far forward. They look weird when broken. (And the guards clip with each other if you put them on the halogen taillights.)
  15. StradaleRagazzo

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    Apr 26, 2024
    Perfect to make stories with a truck crashing with a car.
  16. Darcman__33

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    Apr 26, 2023
    it would be cool to add air suspension to the rear as an option to make it less bouncy, and maybe add a gooseneck upfit as an option with the "fifth wheel plate". since the MD Series is a "medium duty" vehicle, jake brakes would be beneficial, and so would be a shorter and cheaper (career mode) flatbed upfit for the medium frame. A lot of MD's in the shop come with the medium frame but no upfit and the upfit is expensive.

    A big thanks to the BeamNG dev team who adds a lot of stuff for free to our favorite game, Keep up the amazing work!!
  17. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    So we know that there is more to come with the MD series... I figured there would be benefit to having a post with some possibilities for when I do my update speculation summary:
    • Engines: This is the most noticeable omission to the MD for me... While there isn't a lot of information on the Mexico only medium duty Ram and the first gen Kodiak only had a diesel V8 from the factory, all other counterparts of the MD had a healthy selection of engine options.
      • The only engine currently is a 10.5L i6, which is slightly larger than anything IRL got in this class (Except for those that also had class 8 offerings like the International S-Series and Ford L-Series) and means this truck really does not have a base model at the moment, which it isn't alone in the roster for that... I could rant a bit about that, but I've voiced my opinion on that before plenty of times... The second gen Kodiak had a 6.6L and 7.2L i6 while the contemporary Ford would get 4 i6 options ranging from 5.9L to 8.3L, and it was a similar story for the following gen of both trucks. So there is definitely justification for at least one i6 significantly smaller than the current one.
      • The Chevy and Ford both had a 6.0 gasser, going up to 8.1L and 7.0L respectively. All of these were basically pulled from their passenger cars. Gavril already has a 6.9L gasser, so I'd say dump that in there and call it a day. It would be nice to get a wider spread of gasoline engine options but the 6.9L splits the difference of IRL options and already exists in game.
      • V8 diesels between 6.0L and 10.4L could be found in contemporary counterpart trucks (same asterisk as the i6 options). Gavril already has a poky 6.0 option that could be dropped in, though a larger option is always welcome too
    • As far as the rest of the drive train goes...
      • Just about everyone seems to be expecting a tandem axle, and that would fill the conspicuously missing MD-X5 slot. I'm not sure why sixth gen and later seem to have never got a tandem axle (especially now that there is no class 8 that it would poach sales from), but the other counterparts and older Ford's did often get them
      • A pusher axle... Yes, it sounds ridiculous on the MD I know. But I have seen a few F-750 dump trucks with a pusher axle (singles or dualies on the pusher axle) and once a tag axle on a F-650 box truck. They're really weird specs, but IMO we need more weird stuff in game anyway
      • Air suspension and air brakes should both be an option
    • Frame lengths/upfits: I'm not entirely sure why we only have short frames for the MD but we certainly could use some longer options. Personally I would rename the short length to fifth wheel frame, then bump the medium/long frames down and add a new long frame. This would align it better with the T-Series as well as offering full length upfits. Currently the MD is fairly limited in upfits compared to the T-Series, not including a few upfits that truck has, only offering the fifth wheel on the shortest version, and not having 2 sized of anything (for example, the T-Series gets 2 sizes of cement mixer). For those about to say this would be too similar to the T-Series, personally I don't see a problem with the player having a choice in trucks. Besides, even a top spec MD won't handle a heavy load as well as the T-Series.
      • Currently the box and flat bed are both18ft only. 24/26ft are what I usually see on these trucks. The flat bed is also fairly short on options; it really should get a stake bed version
      • The tanker should get a longer version. I would for the logging upfit as well
      • Fifth wheel medium duty trucks usually are on a very short frame, but once in a blue moon I have seen some on a slightly longer frame
      • The truck should have access to the existing roll back upfit
      • Someone said there is mention of a tow truck in the files, not sure if that is intended for the roll back or a different type of truck. They do make wheel lifts and rotary trucks from medium duty platforms, but roll backs are far more common
      • Fire Truck: I would be surprised to not see this one since fire trucks are heavily requested and this is the first American platform that is appropriate for one (and one of the few platforms at all that would be appropriate for an American truck other than a dedicated platform). There's a few options we could see as the platform would be appropriate for most types of fire trucks
      • Then there's the usual selection of upfits that the D and T-Series could also get, like utility upfits and ramp trucks (the later would be nice for the motorsport related updates)
    • Cowl Chassis: The counterpart Chevy, Ford, International, Freightliner, and older Dodge were all offered as cowl chassis that was primarily sold to school bus upfit manufacturers. These usually use a gasser engine but sometimes would get a diesel i6 or V8. There apparently is some reference to a bus in the game files already. Hopefully we see some length options. These would be great for demo derbies and figure 8 races
    • Race truck: Like the T-Series, we could see some track configs for this
    • Misc parts: The MD didn't get a few parts from the D and T-Series, like a snorkel or colorable accessories, grille options, etc...
    • Like Like x 8
    • Agree Agree x 3
  18. JetPoweredMacintosh™

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    Feb 23, 2016
    considering the MD has an exact swap of the d series cab (minus the gauges) i'm surprised we didn't get more common parts, like interchangeable door handles and bucket seats
    • Agree Agree x 5
  19. Agent_Y

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    Jbeam/QA support
    BeamNG Team

    Jul 10, 2020
    Those parts are too new for the truck, it's only based on the first and second facelift of the D-Series and those are from the third
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  20. default0.0player

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    Nov 30, 2018
    is it just me, or the brake of this vehicle is very laggy?
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