WIP Beta released A new *CITY* map - LOS INJURUS 2023-12-20

Los Injurus 2023, now featuring 11-foot-8 bridge!

  1. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Alright then, tornado just missed me by a mile or two, whole sky was flashing like their were squad cars with all the lights going parked outside. That was my cue to take shelter. Quite the scary bit here and I've had loaded weapons pointed at me in the past and not been the least bit scared. So yeah, let's not do THAT again.
    This is just one of the weather radars.
    Still alive though. Tomorrow is another day.
    If you're the prayin' type please say a few prayers for those impacted by the tornadoes. If I don't respond or post tomorrow etc, it's because I went out to help with cleanup. This is the same batch of nasty (storms) that hit the other states mid-country in the last few days, just took it's sweet old time to stroll over yonder to my neck of the woods.
    The Los Injurus project is FULLY backed up so no worries there.

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  2. LegThePeg

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    Jun 4, 2022
    Stay safe out there. Are you planning on putting out a lightning rod so it doesn't destroy your roof? Would that even work?
  3. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Lightning rods are great, but they don't always catch ALL the lightning. Lightning will generally not just hit one thing unless that one thing is much taller (say dozens of feet taller / 10 meters) VS other much shorter non-grounded things.
    Story/tangent time!
    When I was a kid in the 80's, lighting hit (and exploded) a pine/fir tree out front of my best friend's house (2 doors up the street), bounced off said tree, blasted straight through their front bay window, nailed the TV, bounced off that and hit the glass of whiskey his dad was holding in his hand on the couch, giving him a good jolt (it was obviously less powerful after hitting several objects). He did survive, and I think the TV survived too but I'm not 100% on that. The tree that was originally hit did not, it was victim to what most sap-bearing trees do when hit by lightning, and it exploded as the sap vaporized and expanded like it was lined with dynamite.
    End tangent :)
    The roof is grounded though (since it's a metal roof, we grounded it so it doesn't set the wood it's attached to on fire). There's about 5000 sq/ft of roof up there not including the porches or other space without house under it, so lightning rods won't do a whole lot consider how low the slope (3-in-10 or 4-in-10 pitch) is. Also, the ground for the roof is well and far away from the ground for the house power so it doesn't back-feed.
    Still took out one of the TV's in the house, but it's not a huge deal. Just glad I had the where-with-all to turn off the already-cranky computer first. That hit woulda' smoked it good, seeing what it did to the power pole (where service comes in for power) 20 feet away and blew the hall circuit breaker. I do plan on replacing the machine within the next 18~24 months, but I don't want to have to replace it today/tomorrow. I'd like to wait until the next set of processors come out at the very least.
    TV that blew up yesterday was on a surge protector, too. I'm going to take it apart one of these days and see what killed it and if it's fixable. Sometimes it's one thing that's burned up but other times it's all but charcoal inside. Add that to the mile-long 'to-do' list why don't we?

    Remember folks, if your surge protector is a few years old, or you don't remember when you got it; it's time to replace it. Surge protectors only live at-most a few years.
    Needless to say, I do thank all who've sent kind words or prayers/concern my way (including through other messaging means). It's appreciated. I'm not ready to kick the bucket yet, too much to do.
    I'll be working on completing the re-do of that bridge model tonight including the curved pieces if time allows, so that it's the proper scale and so that the bridge deck is wide enough / supports are tall enough. These bridges I would also like to use for some/all of the flood-control-canal crossings.
    Thankfully after last night and early this morning being a constant storm barrage, it's clearing up for the most part for the next few days. After that, any thought of potential boredom would be a welcome one, and not comparatively disdained as would normally have been.
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  4. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    So I got more info on the tornado (from the other night) once I talked to some locals (I happened to escape the house for a bit) when I went to town today for *mower parts and groceries (etc).
    How lucky do I get? I mean, I don't need a new computer THAT badly, that a tornado shows up to make me build a new one... even if it's nearly 5 years old.
    Sure was one heck of a light show. I'm glad it didn't touch down because my house would have been trashed. That was some scary, scary stuff. I hope it never happens to anyone here, I wouldn't wish that on anyone even if they were my worst enemy. These were the same storms that trashed other areas just west of Tennessee (From Arkansas, Oklahoma which are up-wind) and to the south of it (Louisiana and Alabama, even Texas).
    If I wasn't a believer in God, I sure would be after going through THAT.
    No wonder the dogs/cats went absolutely batty when it hit. Dog was crying and so was my brown cat, and the orange-flavored cat wouldn't get out from under my desk for over an hour.
    Just wanted to share this bit. Got lucky this time... and I otherwise don't know why. Why was I spared when many others were not?
    Well, never the less, I am very thankful to be in one piece. Amen
    *yes, my mower always seems to be broken, that's just the way it is.
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  5. ChiefBeefEsq

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    Mar 31, 2023
    Stay safe good man!
    • Agree Agree x 3
  6. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
  7. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Okay I did post a typical book-of-a-post on how the game reads assets, what to change & what not to.
    Give it a read and make sure it answers your question(s) good enough and let me know (on that thread) if it helped enough or not. If not I'll get back on it and wear some more letters off my keyboard in the process. Don't worry, I have a love/hate relationship with this bought-it-used mechanical keyboard. Still it's better than my mouse with a scroll-wheel that's absolutely lost it's mind, so I haven't been mapping / modeling much in the last few days, as it makes mayhem with the scroll wheel acting up. I'll get around to getting another, one day.

    No, seriously, my mouse scroll wheel has gone insane. Still can't get more than a year out of a mouse, even a 40$ one. Maybe time to order a CASE of them and be done with this issue for 5~8 years or however long that lasts me.

    Thank-you. Doing my best, despite the fact that I almost went to tears in church. I think it was the stress of having gone through what I did, finally leaving me after many days. How the tornado did not touch down, I don't know, but I do know it's incredibly rare to have one and it not touch down. I thank God for still being here. I lost count of the times I should have died (out of fingers!) but somehow avoided death's grip. For folks who aren't religious, I don't mean to offend, but there's just too many times I avoided death and have no other explanation for it. To live my life would make short work of making a believer out of anyone, but nor would I wish having to go through what I did on anyone. As far as attending church goes, I've never left unhappy. There's something to be said for that in today's age, filled with much strife and conflict. It's as much worship as it is meditation - a mini vacation - a chance to step back, think, collect thoughts, put a controlling grasp your life again. I think that's something that everyone can use, but it's not up to me to shove religion down people's throat either, nor is it up to me to judge or shame anyone who chooses not to attend.
    When I see the videos of what happened in the states up-wind of where I am, and even in other portions of my own state, I do admit I have what they'd call a survivor's guilt. Why me? Why was I spared? Was it because I help people? Was it because I prayed the two previous weeks in church to spare us the pain and harm of that very thing? Was it because I pulled someone unconscious from a burning vehicle (August 3rd 2015 3am) saving their life or saving them from great bodily harm? Was it because I walked up to a felon in a dark alley who had his hand on a piece tucked in his waistband, after having gotten kicked out of his house in the middle of the night and actually HELPED the guy figure out what to do (I legit felt bad, wasn't scared, wanted to help as always), where to go, being a good listener and letting him vent verbally instead of ventilating me or someone else in yet another act of misplaced anger, etc? I don't know the answers to this, any of it, but it might benefit me not knowing. I'll be more careful in life this way, as it should be, since I in-fact do NOT know everything. Nor shall I ever act like I do. Always keep an open mind, always learn. It might just benefit you or someone you love tomorrow or the next day.
    Food for thought anyways - sorry for the bit of a tangent here, but this actually is all the social media that I do have right here. I try to be transparent, I try to help others. It keeps me happy knowing it gives some purpose when I'm not able physically to mill about fixing things. That and doing this project here and bringing joy to many many countless others is a big bonus.
    We do what we can. The rest? Well I guess time will tell. I wouldn't want to spoil the plot either.
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  8. bussin.buses

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    Aug 1, 2022
    Man, that is awesome. You are really something special, in a great way. I wish there were more people like you in the world.
    Oh, now this sounds weird.
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  9. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    First, thanks for the kind words.
    It's okay bud. I wish there were more people who take time to help others in this world. This world sure needs it, and there's no denying that bit. I think we ALL know it.
    I might make a youtube or streaming thing one day about how I make the game environments I do. I'm far from the best; but it'd help others get into the genre or maybe give some others the game-creation bug that many of us who play city builder or sim-type games often get but don't quite know how to satiate. It wouldn't be a college-course replacement for sure, but it'd just be random parts of how you go about creating assets such as models / textures / sounds / putting things into this game, and so forth.
    So I would hazard a guess to say no one's offended. Be free of worry, as much as possible, so you can enjoy your life and thus others will enjoy being around you. It's no life to live if you're worried all the time, especially over something you can't control (what others' may think, for example).
    While I don't want to sound like a teacher, at the same point these were the words that helped me some time ago. If you mean what you say at face value, and you say it (or type it for example in here), if someone is truly offended when you don't mean to, the only problem is their problem and as such nothing you can do (nor should do) about it.
    I'm in my 40's, I don't get offended easily. I've heard so much worse in my time. Still, I keep an open mind as I don't know everything, nor ever will I. However, I can still take time to help others. That is how society works and how us humans got further than other species out there - by sharing knowledge. Sure, some people might try to get me down in my life, but I laugh at the feeble attempts even if the only thing I have left is myself. Why choose to be miserable, anyways? I mean, moreover, who would want to be miserable?
    Life is too short, so enjoy it while you can; you never know what tomorrow may bring. When you end a day, and lay down to sleep, think of your day and what became of it. Know what made you feel good and what didn't. Remember that, and use that as your guide moving forward. It works for me, and you'll usually sleep better consecutive nights as a bonus. If you get a real stumper of what to do or how to act/decide something, give it the 'What would Jesus do?' treatment of problem solving (even if you're not religious, it will generally give a good / popular result). I hope these words help at-least as much as your kind comments do for me.
    I'm ever thankful for the good words, comments, bug reports and suggestions/complaints given in regards to this project (or even to me). I'm glad people are still interested in Los Injurus all these years later, and it is why I still work on it. It's taken quite some time - but good things do take time.

    Fixed the mouse by blowing on it like it was an 8-bit NES game. Here there was some cat hair or something stuck in the scroll wheel where you couldn't see it. I didn't want to take it apart (hence void warranty) to fix it, but blowing on the stupid thing WORKED. Wonder if that's what broke 3+ other mice I had. Never did throw those out, will have to give it a shot this week some time.
    Hooray now I can use my modeling software again and not have the zoom feature going nuts randomly/constantly! Same for the map editor (scroll wheel does all kinds of things there).
    So if your mouse scroll wheel has got a mind of it's own, try blowing into the top/bottom of the scroll wheel area a few times. The second pass fixed it for me. I blame the cats for this one, but I still love them. It's just a thing, cats kill mice, we learnt that as kids. I just didn't realize they do it THIS way. I would vacuum my cats regularly to prevent this, however I cannot seem to readily lift the vacuum cleaner up high enough upside-down to effectively vacuum the cat hair off the cats when they're rightfully-so clinging to the ceiling in fear. Plus I don't think the cat would enjoy that too much. Nine lives begins to feel like you've got shorted in life when the human gets ideas like this - BAD HUMAN!
    Never too old to get some more experience points / learn something new!
    I will however, continue to be humble-old-me; as often I find myself with tons of questions and needing as much input as anyone else in here. Just remember though, life will throw curve-balls at you sometimes even in such unassuming things as 'the smarter you get, the harder it gets to find answers'.
    Now to get back to my stupid bridge.
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  10. LegThePeg

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    Jun 4, 2022
    Recently I’ve been having that same problem with my mouse (Razor Viper V3 (given to us when my dad put a warranty claim on his V2)). It is especially annoying because I play lots of shooting games (such as Fortnite, Fallout 76, and Ravenfield), and scroll wheel is used to change weapons, leading to random weapon changes as my scroll wheel randomly drifts.
  11. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Maybe you can find a way to make the mouse wheel scroll less freely with a little elmer's glue inside the opening, a round piece of paper with a slit half-way through or hole in it between the wheel and the mouse itself or something similar that won't completely jam it. Opening it up may upset the manufacturer though when you go to RMA it (but know that this is not legal in the US to void warranty in this manner, as-per right-to-repair law).
    I have a Razor Death-adder Essential. Maybe the drifting wheels on these things are how it adds deaths. It's not a BAD mouse per-say, but yes I've had issues with scroll wheels (on more than one mouse, more than one brand) randomly scrolling one more notch after previously scrolling and letting go of the scroll wheel, sometimes even when having let the scroll go a while ago. This time however it had decided to automatically scroll back down one notch randomly every other / every third / every fourth scroll up or so (again, a bit random). Blowing it out entirely worked on the 2nd try (I am for one thing persistent, if anything). It likely still does the scroll-one-more issue though I haven't tested it fully yet (read: I got used-to that and might still be ignoring it subconsciously).
    But yes, you're not alone with your mousing issues, I'm personally thinking this is just the way Razor mice are. I won't be buying another, that's for sure.
    I even have a Razor mechanical keyboard I got newly-used, because my old rubber dome keyboard wasn't very tactile (and especially when creating things you need that tactile key-press feedback to know that 'yes, the computer knows you pressed that, and that you definitely wanted to press it, surely'. Occasionally it misses a WASD input here or there - Randomly (it is NOT that the key hasn't traveled far enough to make contact or create input). 1/100 usually, but it can happen twice in 10 keystrokes. I haven't noticed it do that on arrow keys though. I notice it while playing old DOOM (the original Doom or Doom II / Final Doom, the DOS ones, or it's clones / maybe even Quake 1 or 2) especially. I can't explain why, and I don't think it's because the keyboard is dirty, as it never really changes it's frequency and I've had it several years now (2+ years?). Otherwise it's a great keyboard. I just don't think Razor peripherals are all they're cracked up to be and that they'll make you think you are cracking up in the process. Sadly, unless you want cheaper Logitech residential computer stuff, there's not much else out there at most stores unless you want to travel out of town.
    Do I still like this mouse and would recommend it? It's okay for your kid or for a casual gamer/adult or even basic-web-use only, but as a professional I would suggest to spend more money and get a more solid product. It is still overkill for casual/light/web-surfing computer use in my book, and it's held-up arguably longer than the 12~20$ bulk-discount gaming-mice frequently on markdowns from online sites. If your thumbs jitter like mine, you might hit the additional two thumb/side buttons without meaning to do so, so I left them unbound in most cases. My fingers have quite the jitter as of late, and hitting buttons without wanting to on my mice is a big issue the last few years.
    So maybe the Razor Viper / Death Adder aren't entirely snake-oil, after all.

    The keyboard on the other hand...
    Do I still like this keyboard and would recommend it? It's a great keyboard, short of missing that occasional keystroke on WASD keys. Maybe it's the computer, maybe it's the operating system as I haven't tried this keyboard on another machine to the extent that I could say that yes or no it still has that problem. It's got a good feel to it and fairly consistent on the key travel / pressure / activation otherwise, and I can type pretty fast on it. The extra unique programmable function keys on the left may end up getting pried off like I did after I hit them way too many times to mention thinking that was the tab/shift/ctrl/~ etc keys due to muscle memory. Expansion slot cover left over from your last PC case makes a great function key remover (just put electrical tape and a shallow water bottle cap over the hole). For the record, it's a BLACK WIDOW CHROMA.
    Razor keyboards and mice are alright choices if you're on a budget, but the scroll wheel and missed keys keep them a solid notch or two away from perfection. They'll keep your kids or the casual gamer happy but for serious work / competition multi-player gaming get something better if you can afford it. If it's all you can afford, at-least peruse the used-like-new market of several online sites if possible. But don't feel ashamed if that's all you can afford when you want new products, they're far from awful. Consider getting the extended 2~3 years of warranty if you want more peace-of-mind or use the computer often/heavily, and don't forget to tape your receipt to the box. Some stores will give you the option to step-up or get something else of similar cost if you don't like the mouse/keyboard you bought (or be less resistant to doing so) if you buy the extended warranty (which I only generally recommend for peripherals).
    I miss the solid hard-to-fault and hard-to-kill peripherals we got in the 90's, except the part where the ball-mice needed cleaning weekly or they'd stop moving reliably. However, upgrading to laser (non-ball-driven) mice around 1999~2001 was definitely a one-way affair, for-sure.
    To others reading this; share your ideas/opinions for great peripherals that don't absolutely break the bank, if you've got nothing else to add. Maybe this info will help someone save their sanity a little bit more (or help me/mine for that matter!).
    I will stop short of the pandering for likes/subscriptions etc like is too prevalent on Youtube though.
    Gosh I get sick of all the channels on there begging for likes/subscriptions as-of late - it gets a bit grating on one's self after the 1000th time.
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  12. ChiefBeefEsq

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    Mar 31, 2023
    I've been watching lots of videos of the tornados and aftermath and it's hard to think of anything more terrifying. The sheer power and scale of destruction is mind-blowing and I hope I never have to see it in person. I'm thankful that you were spared and your approach of humble gratitude is inspiring. It takes a lot of courage to embrace the emotion and let it out and be thankful for the basic privilege of being on this planet. Cheers to you for keeping your mind on what's real and I'll be thinking of you as I cruise around the highways of LI.
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  13. Musicman27

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    Dec 13, 2023
    Wait what?
    --- Post updated ---
    I gotta hear that story!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Thank-you, I DO try to be (and remain) humble. It's how I was raised. Of-course to contrast, obviously no one wants company of an entitled spoiled man-baby either, so there's that, too. No matter how much pain I feel or how cripple I end up being some days, I'm still thankful I'm alive to feel that pain. It just lets me know I'm still here, and I do take time to thank the powers that be for the opportunity to live another day. Even if it's pouring rain, muggy/sticky hot & humid out, I will still try my best to enjoy the day even if I get one or more unscheduled moistenings thanks to the RAIN FOREST of Tennessee USA (that I did not realize, nor realize was tornado country either until I moved here, too late now!).
    Did I mention it was monsoon season?
    Did I mention the storm where the tornado tried to form ~2 weeks ago (or more) made the roof leak in a new spot on the porch (it's outside, OK, I'll take my graces there) and I can't figure out where the water's getting in. The Bob gets to pull the porch ceiling down and go spelunking in the land previously only dominated by bees and spiders... and big orange wasps/hornets/whatever flying stinging nasties.
    The metal roof we have I found has lots and lots of stripped screws. I am sure the next time the storms would come, it might end up peeling some away. When you push on the metal roof it's not supposed to move ... except it DOES. Up and down. Hope I don't need new sheathing, then things start getting expensive. With my knees/ankles/back issues, the roof isn't exactly my ideal relaxation destination as-of late.
    Did I mention we had another TORNADO WARNING yesterday? That sucked. I couldn't even see the fence 70 feet out the house when it poured rain that much. Never seen it come down that quick before. Thankfully the Tornado was a no-show this time - but at the rate these storms are coming I would not be surprised to see a few more before things dry out for the mid-summer. This season has been crazy for tornadoes. It's like another 2013 season when the last recorded F5's hit the mid-west. I mean look what happened to Texas, even in the big city, blew out all the skyscraper windows. Usually most people think they're safe in skyscrapers. I just heard of another hospital taking a direct hit in the last 3 days from a tornado, too. Not good.
    But enough about me here, I hope everyone is safe out there. It's been a very rough going the last month with the weather & we don't want to lose anyone.
    Maybe the tornadoes just want to play some BeamNG Drive. Just not with my house, please, even if it's slowly but surely turning into The Money Pit.
    Glad you enjoy cruising around on this city we call Los Injurus. That's what it's for... That and finding the 65535 different things to launch a speeding vehicle (or speeding piano) off of.

    I'm not sure I can post it on here, due to the family-friendly nature of things. However, when I end up making a discord server for this project, I'll likely be able to post it there at some point. I already experienced the moderators deleting a post once due to the hosting provider's sensitivity to things regarding firearms. So, as to be expected, I'm not going to bite the hand that feeds / mess things up for the project by throwing on a second helping of stupid (me being stupid for posting it, not anyone else on here being stupid).
    On another note slightly related; I will try and make it (family-somewhat-friendly) integrated into the story mode of this project once things get that far. It will be based around a large part of my life. I've been through heck and high water and lived to tell the tale, and still am sane enough (if barely, depending on your standards) to talk about it and laugh and the sheer stupidity of it all.
    I've been told my life would make a good book, or even a good movie more than once. I didn't forget that, and I think they're right. I'm not that great at writing books (okay, besides on here where I'm not necessarily supposed to), but when I get a handle on how to script in career mode, I can then figure out how to implement it. Where better to implement it than this awesome simulation/game?
    Still, let it be known, that I do now and then have one bit of envy, despite not being an envious/jealous type at all (if anything I'm the furthest from it). Some days I do envy those with a boring life - so if that's you - have some solace in not having to run ruts in the floor with road-runner feet trying to fix everything / everyone else.
    With a little hope and a bit of luck, the storms will give me more time to work on this project and not less (because of having to fix direct storm damage / suddenly discovered deferred maintenance due to storm damage). I think I had enough of the storms for the season, and unlike on the first 80F degree day we had this year, I no longer have any desire for a pool in my yard. Not when I can just walk out my house any day and get instantly drenched (even in the covered porch) and make the face of an angry cat unwillingly getting a bath (and probably the sounds, too).
    Where I used-to live in the north-east, storms would come through maybe two days a week in short bursts, or it'd rain slowly and lightly for most of a day if a warm front came in. This would happen once or twice a week. 4~5 days would be decent if a bit too cold in the winter.
    Down here it storms on and off constantly for 10 days straight, and it comes down in buckets, and features tornadoes and lots of cloud-to-ground lightning.
    I don't mean to wine & complain - but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have some reservations now about living here (God bless this wonderful God-fearing town and it's people) solely due to the storms - and the storm's friends it brings along to crash this little party that is my life.
    I guess to put it into someone else's words (a 50-something or 60-something aged woman), when asked why she wants to live in the mid-west: "It's the people. It's got to be the people. Everyone is so nice in this God-fearing place, I wouldn't leave it for the world." "Tornadoes come and go, they're over quick, but the rest of the time I get to spend enjoying this. Small price to pay."
    A small price, indeed. I think I can agree.

    I took some time to learn some modeling short-cuts when using Maya, to help me model infrastructure and buildings faster in the future, like automatic mass-selecting an edge 'loop' or series of edges on one or more sides of an object.
    Hopefully my bridge looks better than this when it's in-game. I've added hundreds and hundreds of smoothed edges to give the concrete a realistic look. Not every edge, mostly just the stuff on-top where you see as you drive over it. The holes in the railing aren't smoothed as that'd take a crazy long time to do, but the rest of the railing pretty-much is. I couldn't help but notice the hard edges looked out of place when I finally had fixed my texture issues and got the bridge working in-game.
    Smoothed: inside and outside of the bridge railing, outside edges of bridge deck detailing, top of curbing.
    Not Smoothed: Superstructure as that's not usually seen up close nor visible close up when driving across it, also did not smooth the holes in the railing as again that'd take forever and create a LOT more draw calls.
    The smoothing process did raise the draw calls a bit but ONLY for the closest detail level to the player's view. As soon as you're a quarter-mile away there is no difference in render-load aside of the slightly bigger (a few megabytes, far from a deal-breaker) foot-print in video memory. Even if the scene was at it's draw call limits (it's not, it's quite far from it actually) the measurable difference in FPS would be a fraction of a single frame of difference per second.
    Again, sorry for the slower-than-normal progress, but I've had my hands tied a bit by spring-time duties of real-life. This doesn't last forever, so hopefully I don't leave folks high and dry too long. Deferred home owner's maintenance, perpetually-broken mower, things to repair at church, helping people, looking out for a growing silhouette of a falling grand piano forming around me, trying to build industrial-quality cabinets for my wreck of a garage, and anything else that shows up on a daily basis are all things I've been trying to accomplish.
    --That is all for right now.

    Attached Files:

    • bridge_smoothed_edges.png
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  15. speedracerz1

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    Mar 25, 2024
    Sorry for going off topic with the whole tornado issue, but all concrete and some trees have no texture.
  16. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    I will check into this and see if it's an error that can be fixed here, or if it's a defective downloaded file or configuration issue. Please try downloading it again, and start by using low texture detail, then restarting the game, and trying the game again.
    Low texture detail (mesh detail is to be left alone or it gets ugly fast) doesn't look good but it will help make sure you're not hitting a VRAM issue with the hardware or drivers/game.
    If you can run Italy and West coast on High, use medium here, if you can only run them on medium, use low here. Try low or very low first, and then flip it up one notch, restarting the game in-between until the error re-appears and then going back one notch on the setting. If this does nothing for your issue, it's a file corruption problem. You will want to verify your game files through steam, and in-game remove this mod and re-download it (or manually delete it if you know where it is, and re-download on here putting the file where it's supposed to be).

    Sorry for the two week hiatus folks. I needed some time away, and not all of it was planned.
    My health started failing and I couldn't walk so I had to crash-diet and the diet pills nearly blasted my heart out of my chest.
    Still alive if a little worse for wear, but I am managing to get caught up on my house a bit more (woohoo!).
    Sick, too, and that is part of what has been keeping me off here.
    This has not all been away-from-the-PC time on my hiatus from here, it has been spent largely on getting other things done and also largely learning more about modeling and texturing so that I can not only do so faster and more efficiently, but recognize errors like the one I had for over a week with my bridge and solve them quicker.
    Turns out The Bob still has a lot to learn in life, but this comes as a surprise to no one, not even The Bob. #1 best reason I don't act like a know-it-all, because I'm not a know-it-all.
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  17. LegThePeg

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    Jun 4, 2022
    Oof. I hope you are doing alright now, Mr. Blunderton.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Saphalond

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    May 15, 2024
    May your higher power bless you with good health, and a renewed strength and spirit. Hope you feel better soon...
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. JoshD

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    Dec 31, 2020
    Your health is most important, take care & hopefully you feel better soon.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  20. Angry_Bird

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    May 25, 2019
    Aside from connecting the roads for this map, I would suggest to insert the fuel station working logic just like the vanilla maps.

    Also best wishes for your health, godspeed for your health.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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