Reminds me of the Stambecco and Moonhawk facelifts. They're so subtle that they are barely facelifts imo
The counterpoint is that a car that old would likely be pretty quick to model, so it won't be too much of a time sink for them to work on. It probably wouldn't be much harder to make than the piano lol
Speaking in a serious capacity, some of the props could do with an update. Just off the top of my head: -The rocks need new textures so that they blend in with more maps -The concrete barriers could use new JBeams that allow them to be linked together, along with sloped end pieces and more texture options -The road signs could use a diamond-shaped option, along with matching new textures to cover a few more styles of sign
Actually, having different skins for the rocks could be cool And the Road Signs are extremely underused
The rollover sled has got some of the game's most intricate mechanical modeling, which I'm sure would look great with a PBR update. Plus, it could be expanded to include different types of crash test devices (an impact sled, for instance).
in general it would be great to see more test focused props, like dynos or suspension testers. Maybe also vehicle lifts?
Now that I actually look at it again, I'd forgotten that the road sign WAS updated to add in diamond-shaped signs at some recent point, along with the yield sign. But I still feel like we could do with a few more key signs, particularly: Intersection/Traffic Light ahead Wildlife/Animal warning signs (suitable for whichever maps might concieveably match) Truck Crossing/Truck Entrance warning signs Fallen/Falling Rocks warning sign Bump/Speed Bump warning signs Slippery Road/Road Slippery When Wet sign Road Closed / Dead End sign And just to add in one more: The classic Do Not Enter, with an optional Wrong Way sub-sign.
What if we could also customize the speed limit sign to whatever speed we want? Or, we could have it in kph as well? (For Canada and Mexico)
Europe doesn’t have road signs like that, right? I thought these were more “North American” road signs. (I said it in quotes because certain countries in Central America use them as well)
No, I thought that their road signs didn’t look like that. I knew that they used kph --- Post updated --- They have the white circle with the red outer ring
Stambecco has more of an upgrade than facelift, it adds a better engine, more protection and other useful things. It's a military-like car, aesthetics are not that important on it, nor is driver's comfort, usefulness and durability is the key.