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EXPERIMENTAL: Virtual Reality

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting: Bugs, Questions and Support' started by Leeloo, Sep 20, 2023.

  1. TalksWithNoise

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    Jul 10, 2023
    Suggestion for VR controls:
    Instead of using controllers it’d be great to have the ability to look at nearby intractable objects. For example, players could look at their door hinge and if it’s close enough and centered (maybe highlights), they can click their bound select button to interact. It’s difficult to feel around for a controller with a headset on and I don’t toggle items enough in-game to justify battery usage.
    I usually exit VR, reach for my keyboard, and select objects as a result.

    Slightly different topic:
    The mouse cursor matches up for the UI im VR but doesn’t alighn with object selections in Beam. Trying to click a switch with a mouse is very difficult as you typically have to aim in the cursor in a different area.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. enouqh

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    Feb 10, 2023
    I hope that in the next update there will be an option to enable the OpenXR Toolkit :rolleyes:
  3. talkingerbil

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    Jun 17, 2022
    Question for devs: Are you doing your own head position projections at each sim time step? Or do you rely entirely on the HMD driver?
  4. stenyak

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    Programmer & Global Moderator
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 6, 2012
    We are not responsible for (or able to) make OpenXR Toolkit work... last I spoke with its author, he had already fixed the crash that OXR Toolkit used to suffer in old versions,. So if that's your complaint, try updating OXR Toolkit first, the bug should be gone in its newest versions. If that's not your complaint, please be more specific, as I'm out of the loop about that software.
  5. stenyak

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    Programmer & Global Moderator
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 6, 2012
    Our sim time step is 0.5ms (2000Hz), we don't run the graphics pipeline at 2KHz. We run it a graphics time step instead.

    Aside from that, I don't know what you mean by "position projections". Do you mean position predictions? If so, that's completely out of our hands to do, it's always handled by the OpenXR runtime/drivers, you feed them the estimated future render time, it provides back the estimated pose of whichever element you want (head, hands, etc). We don't mess with the predictions, we merely render them.
  6. stenyak

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    Programmer & Global Moderator
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 6, 2012
    That's a good suggestion, added to my ToDo list.
    Yes, it's a known issue. No ETA for a fix though I'm afraid.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. talkingerbil

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    Jun 17, 2022
    Yes. It came up in a discussion with a dev of one of the big flight sims. He claimed he had been tasked with implementing position predictions into their code and that it would improve frame rate because of how the sim was interacting with XR. He explained that the XR driver is also waiting for the sim to provide head position information. It wasn't entirely clear then and I don't get why that would be the case. Was just curious.

    I ask because I'm running Monado (thank you for putting in the calls for the Vk posix sync primitives, by the way). The head tracking algorithm for my HMD is still very much in development and has some glitchy and jumpy behavior. Beam seems to be a much more smooth experience than the flight sim I use and I was hunting for reasons why that might be. Other than the above question, I can only think of sim FPS as a reason why.
  8. stenyak

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    Programmer & Global Moderator
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 6, 2012
    No idea to be honest. All VR-related stuff is run at graphics framerate (so often this is 45fps or 90, or 120 or whatever). Our high-res physics 2KHz engine has nothing to do with VR, so that's not a factor. We never try to do any prediction ourselves, we just query OpenXR for predictions and use its reply as-is.
  9. DriftApprentice

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    May 7, 2016
    Most likely won't happen as OpenXR Toolkit does not support Vulkan.

    From their wiki page:
    "OpenXR Toolkit does not support Vulkan applications, regardless of graphics cards."
  10. enouqh

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    Feb 10, 2023
    Thanks, I didn't know about that.
    I'm left with changing the FOV Multiplier in Oculus Tray Tool. Setting it to 0.6;0.6 gives a nice FPS boost in VR, but that black border is terrible.
  11. Tashy26

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    Jan 11, 2016
    this has probably been mentioned at some point but i don't really want to scroll through 30 pages to check, I'm using an original HTC vive with steamvr and when i follow all the steps, launch the game in vulkan, load into a map, press ctrl+num0 etc it opens the dialogue about the instability, i acknowledge that and it does nothing, if i try to enable vr through the menu it simply says to check that the headset is connected properly, I've tried a bunch of times and it still won't work
  12. stenyak

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    Programmer & Global Moderator
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 6, 2012
    There's no known issues related to HTC Vive. I suggest you check the generic advice provided here. If that doesn't solve your problem, please paste a support ID number so I can take a further look.
  13. gotzl

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    May 15, 2024

    I just wanted to follow up on issues with VR on Linux, using Valve Index, SteamVR 2.5.5.

    AFAIU, in the past there was a hack introduced to allow OpenXR to be loaded under proton, and it was noted that "the correct bugfix appears to be ... implemented for v0.32, which is to load the vulkan extension" (see also this comment). So the hack should not be required anymore. However, with v0.32.1 of the game and proton8 or proton9, I still get the described issue, see attached beamng.log.

    With the Linux-native version things get a bit further, but the game freezes and I've to kill it, see attached beamnglinux.log. I can provide a coredump, not sure if it's safe to post it here, though. It seems to be stuck in `libvulkan_radeon.so`, so might actually point to mesa... (Can't be more precise atm since I can't get SteamVR to open with mesa compiled with debug...) Also, since I'm on unsupported distro (gentoo), I would understand if you would ignore this message.

    Thank you for the great game!

    Attached Files:

    #593 gotzl, May 15, 2024
    Last edited: May 15, 2024
  14. stenyak

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    Programmer & Global Moderator
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 6, 2012
    According to the logs, your Vulkan drivers do NOT support the VK_WINE_openxr_device_extensions vulkan device extension, however the OpenXR runtime is demanding that exact extension to be present. This means nothing we can do on our side as far as I'm aware: if your drivers don't offer the extension that openxr needs, you'll need to check why that's happening in your linux install and address the problem. For example maybe you need to update gpu drivers, or wine, etc. That said, I have never tried VR on Linux, so I have zero experience there. Please feel free to correct me if I'm misunderstanding something here.

    If the top of the callstack is in libvulkan_radeon.so, then this sounds like a bug in the drivers indeed.
    If the top of the callstack was somewhere in the VR/OpenXR drivers, then this might be related to a bug we recently identified in our OpenXR implementation, and which will be fixed soon in the v0.32.2 hotfix (no ETA for its release). I guess you can wait and see if that new version helps with this crash, though I doubt it.
  15. gotzl

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    May 15, 2024
    VK_WINE_openxr_device_extensions is not part of the spec. It seems to be some kind of contract between wineopenxr and winevulkan.
    If start eg ACC (via proton) in VR mode, I see VK_WINE_openxr_device_extensions in "Enabled device extensions" (a listing from dxvk). Not sure how this is getting there ^^
    Anyways, I agree, nothing you can do for now. Maybe I'm able to figure out how this is supposed to work ...
  16. stenyak

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    Programmer & Global Moderator
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 6, 2012
    I could delete the safety check, and let the simulator go ahead and try to initialize openxr anyway (despite the missing extension), but this typically leads to nullpointer crashes and similar stuff, which is not nice for end-users, so I'd rather keep things as-is, and early-out of the initialization as a precaution to avoid crashes.
  17. gotzl

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    May 15, 2024
    Jea, deleting the check w/o understanding what's going on is not good ;) I also think that I might have an idea how this issue can be solved on proton (or rather wineopenxr) side. I'll report back when I have s.t.

    EDIT: I have created a Proton ticket with a proposed fix (#7737), let's see what the experts think.
    #597 gotzl, May 16, 2024
    Last edited: May 17, 2024
  18. glen

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    Mar 7, 2017
    Maybe at some point in walking mode you can map walking movement to joysticks that way you can walk around in VR mode without having to use the keyboard. Just an idea.
  19. Emil88

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    Feb 21, 2022
    Hey anybody else having problems after the latest update with shadows? If I have shadows turned on at all then the game crashes to desktop before I can even load into the map and switch on VR. If I use the non vulkan renderer then shadows on will work fine but under vulkan if I have any of the shadow options turned on it just crashes.
  20. stenyak

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    Programmer & Global Moderator
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 6, 2012
    You cannot use a non-vulkan renderer with VR, which means your observation is unrelated to VR but to related to Vulkan renderer.

    If your problem is indeed related to Vulkan, please report in the official Vulkan thread instead, where the devs working on vulkan will see it :)
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