Is there any gumroad listings? Because I want to buy this mod but I prefer gumroad much more cause it also sends emails whenever the mod updates. I also own all my other mods there.
There is a gumroad listing, wasn't part of the initial launch but OP made it a few hours later.
Ohh, okay thank you very much. Just a suggestion, it should be there on the first post also cause it was kindof hard to look for. Its my bad if it was in the first post but I was just blind
There are a lot of people on the internet selling mashslap mods for a $15 monthly subscription. It is a very reasonable price for using a mode that has been carefully created over a long period of time.
It's an awesome Mod, especially like the 'Hirochi Motorsport' version with matching marks for this and much appreciated
Very cool mod, I do not regret my purchase I noticed a few minor bugs: Tilting the cab is unreliabe (requires several attempts even on perfectly flat ground) Opening the latches and closing them again results in some parts not properly closing again. I realize that this may be difficult to fix as several official vehicles occasionally suffer from similar problems. Lift Axels on some configurations seem to miss an bottom end point, leading the the final axle basically lifting up the rest of the vehicle as the lift axle can be pressed into the ground much more than it should be The 10 wheel configurations 5thWheelPlate should be slideable because right now, you cannot attach trailers as the 5th wheel plate is to far forward. Any specific reason why Low Beam and High Beam lights dont use the regular keys? ;-) I would also like to make some suggestion for the future if you dont mind: A variant with an electric motor and a battery.... we even already have the perfect skin for it. The mood light LED maybe should be made colourable for the third paint slots, that would save you the effort of adding multiple different colours to it which is if course also fine. Perhaps I have just missed it, but there doesnt seems to be a warning for low air pressure in the pneumatic braking system. Neither there seems to be an trailer air pressure release valve like on the T-Series. Yes, I realize that you could not know that, when you began working on that mod, but maybe you could in the future add it? Thank you for consideration.
Hi Don`t know if i am doing something wrong but when i drive the truck for a bit and switch off the engine it will not start again? I this a bug or is it something i am doing wrong?
Are you using the latest version of the mod? There were 2 updates to address the engine not starting. --- Post updated --- Great post! All good suggestions. About the headlights, on the ko-fi page he said: "Custom headlight script to make headlight control better" so that might be why he didn't use the normal keys. Not really sure what makes the headlights "better" though.
Amazing work. I canĀ“t even start to imagine all the work that has been poured into this project. But it shows. And Shados being on top of the skin game as usual