I sent u a friend request the name is anyway#8157 --- Post updated --- Hi again Silverton and Tuner test** DELETE THE PAST VERSION IF YOU WANT TO TEST THIS ONE San juan is not there, use Default spawn and free camera to go to map, use image as reference
If you need help with Blender you can reach out to me on Discord, my username on discord is Code: medek I have ways of deleting duplicate materials, it's pretty simple, I've had to do that a bunch with my Valo port. edit: I've tried the map in game, and man it's very rough as is now. Drawcalls go up to 30k+ at some places and the loading time and the filesize is just way too big for what it is now, something's very wrong here.
Yes all 30 something meshed load in when you enter the map and it takes like 5 mins to load for me The drawcalls should have gone up when •using free camera and hovering around •driving down as in going to downtown palmont I think that happens because all parts are always loaded Like the game is consuming 9gb of ram on my side that is why I didn't slap silverton and kempton in Thank you for offering help with blender
This is from my first test sessions some time ago It is present on the first test release as a decalroad with no collision(for AI). Invoke all meshes on c01 to test it out. that is the NFSC_TEST_JUN8.zip file
Thanks to @Buksikutya77 materials were fixed! I am currently working on the canyons. Then i'll have to figure out how to do the chunks.
Here is an update for you people It has fixed materials, some normal maps, a cheap reflection effect (i was just testing stuff) along with 5 canyons. Canyon 06 has lights and AI, it is the one i showcased above. As always i need feedback Please remove any older version before testing this one.
This may sound dumb though make sure when making the decal road layouts for the AI that you do not add traffic lights to the intersections. I say this because due to how traffic was handled on the 2000's NFS titles: every intersection was always a yellow light to which, traffic would yield or just run through the intersection with no caution. Lots of traffic accidents will happen though the junctions will be identical to the original game. and somewhat funny You don't gotta follow this though, that's just my two cents. Awesome project. Good luck!
So the map is not dead i just haven't done any meaningful progress due to having no free time as of late. I have just placed some lights and moved test san juan location to 0,0,100 as the map clips below 0 and then i have invisible z axis floor going against the map. I am dividing the san juan area to make it disappear buildings if far away because there are no LODs as i said. going to try to unload signs and such first before buildings. I will try to make canyon panorama meshes first to learn how the unloading/lod system works. Attached are some of the lights i placed along with some emissive textures being configured as emissive
Hello. San Juan and canyons. Assetdumper got updated with fixed vertex colors, and i took note of section numbers so i can readd the sections again. When I get to that i'll release an update.
Hello so i've reimported canyons for the time being and i want to start with the map again just like i did last time so San Juan + canyons first and then the main cities. Using what i've recently understood (the lod system) i'll do chunks not as small as the original game to unload objects way ahead of the player to reduce drawcalls and pair that with meshculling so performance better than before. The only drawback of this is that scrolling textures used for some objects are now not working as dynamic objects just don't work with them idk really lol Here in this image are all the canyons. The canyons have Panorama meshes used for long distance map like landmarks so you're more immersed in the canyons. The problem is that they overlay on top of other canyons so if anyone knows how to make like a zone that hides and unhides daes if you're in it i'd thank you a lot. The background details here are a Panorama mesh Regarding san juan i plan to split it in 9 sections although i could use original game sections i'm not exporting 60something daes lol maybe if i had a script that went through selected collection then parented and linked to start01 and then undid that i'd do it because i can rename stuff with batch rename and here are some TNDriftB photos. it is already ai'd and lit. I'll update when i start on san juan ingame
on San Juan and stuff... after thinking about how to add stuff i think its better to export like each individual object as one with its lod distance defined and then instance it one by one with position from the blender file except for terrain that is another story. It will be time consuming i guess but i think it is the best fix for performance and drawcalls like i can play it in game but performance is still not where i'd like it to be. If anyone knows or is willing to help to like put objects in their correct position either with a script or whatever it is appreciated I'll continue on the rest of the canyons for the time being as i'm also doing some mw map stuffs I had already lit san juan long ago so yeah a lot of the ai for other canyons is already done but performance for city areas is let's say not very good lol - as another user said before drawcalls are very high because i think the game is not treating objects that are the same as the same object hence not batching said objects. Just what i think i don't understand how this works really LOL for a lot of textures being half alpha i can fix that really quickly tbh but it is just like demotivating that i can do those fixes but not fix map performance (the half alpha texture) is the little like light difference in that church where the circle thing is - the texture alpha does weird stuffs even if alpha blend isn't applied (brick material) On other note i already have all cities like separated on a blender file so if anyone wants to help i'm open to giving the map just ask Also vulkan doesn't give the drawcalls but they hover around 5500-6000 in san juan alone and that is only with most buildings and terrain+roads and they are already like chunked so some are unloaded + meshculling is applied. that is the situation for now lol at least better than last year when i was starting to port ebisu from ps i had like 10k mats because they duplicated and i didn't know shit so it's a cool improvement and ebisu is now mostly finished too. That's all
I can't wait for updates! After carkiller's NFS map release I'm all the more stoked for this one. The maps are vast and fun, which only WCUSA can currently provide really
Hi!!! Just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU! Ever since the Rockport map, I was wishing someone would also port over the Carbon map, as that game is my favourite entry in the series. So bless you, and lots of luck with development! <3
Don't worry, my standards for performance and visuals are low since I played it on the GameCube... the lowest-spec system it was sold on.