NGL, I've been overanalysing this for a little bit, and so far the most interesting bit is one of the bulletpoints starting with the letters "flic", which aren't that common in english. When it comes to cars, the most obvious thing that comes to mind is the Scandinavian Flick, a driving tecnique where you use weight transfer to start a drift. So this must be about tires and suspension physics, right? Well, not really as it's already possible to do a pretty convincing scandinavian flick in the game already. Well, other uses I found were flick switches, as well as flickering of lights. Flick switches are those joystick-looking switches normally found in old cars or in racing cars. As for lights flickering, it's something that doesn't happen with the cars in the game. In my opinion, this doccument is talking about a better simulation of vehicle's electrical systems, such as batteries and lights. The "flic" could mean something like "Flickering of lights when battery short-circuits" like if a car is submerged in water, or "Flick switches able to be controlled by triggers", sort of like how the Stambecco's tire pressure monitoring works. Other "Flic" words I was able to find online were a brand of automotive control boards, a brand of keyless entry systems, and well, the image website Flickr.
Ah these, thought you meant something else. On that note I wish they come up with some other method of marking triggerable objects instead of just a box, but having animated flickable switches would be cool too. Though I see it's listed under blocking issues, so it could just be some bug with flickering resulting from this feature.
I hope that if it's something to do with lights, then we might finally have non LED's fade in and out
well, still a premium segment car View attachment 1052189 View attachment 1052194 View attachment 1052217 --- Post updated --- well, something from sports
one thing to consider is it's in "blocking", so it could just be them forseeing a potential bug. "flickering" could be due to some sort of graphical change, such as vulkan implementation, or a rework of the UI backend.