1987 Buick GNX

Discussion in 'Land' started by fillman86, Jun 29, 2023.

  1. moses72

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    Feb 4, 2021
    he's saying "i kept not wanting to fix the speedometer because i don't like to change my units from metric to imperial", if you're not sure what he's saying
  2. CaptainNoobacus

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    Feb 2, 2020
    this thing is honestly pretty fun to drive although it is missing the iconic whoosing/loud turbo sound that these grand nationals had.
  3. domenicc4

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    Aug 4, 2019
  4. Bjorn88

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    Sep 19, 2022
    My little personal edit was pretty fun to drive

    Attached Files:

    • BeamNGdrivex642023-07-0323-11-30.png
    • screenshot_2023-07-03_23-24-10.png
    • Like Like x 4
  5. automaticgearboxes

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    Apr 16, 2023
    Best mod ever 10/10 i submit for the best mods of beamng drive
  6. Addicti0nToB00st

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    Aug 22, 2018
    Yeah bro not even close but anyway respect your opinion
    • Agree Agree x 3
  7. Nacho Problem

    Nacho Problem
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    Nov 2, 2019
    This whole mod confuses me so much...

    Why did you not just shorten a moonhawk for this? Its also a body on frame car with the exast same suspension setup and better fitting panels (regular hood, nosecone and tailcone) as well as frame mounted bumpers, that the regal had.

    The moonhawk would have been the perfect choice and you instead chose to convert a wendover, wich is a front wheel drive car with independent rear suspension and a different panel assembly...

    The axle jbeam being offset like 6 inches vertically and the rear axis points is being attached to the firewall so the car basically sits bottomed out all the time and everything breaks very easily. The front fascia clip is jbeamed terribly and the bumpers and lights are super weird deformation wise.

    the flexbodies are also not set up correctly

    The front suspension is clinging on for dear life too lol

    the mirrors are not even close

    and i doubt this is supposed to happen either...
    (Thanks @Stoat Muldoon for these pictures and pointing things out)

    I understand that restarting a project can be frustrating and demotivating but sacrificing quality of a mod just because you wanna make it quickly is not a sentiment that this modding community has ever shared. People spent months to years on mods just to iron out all the issues and bugs and to make a quality experience while your entire content identity is to just throw together parts that semi work. You have wonderful ideas and can be a really good modder but you really need to put in more time and care into the content you create if you wanna create something of high quality. You and everyone that uses the mod will enjoy it way more that way.
    #27 Nacho Problem, Jul 5, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2023
    • Agree Agree x 14
  8. SuperMarioRL

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    Jan 8, 2021
    Kinda harsh criticism, as usual. I still don't get why some (quite) experienced modders tend to sh*t on other peoples' work, especially if they were trying out something new for the first time. Yeah, there is loads of room for improvements on this mod, but I feel like the whole project has to be seen as an experiment and not as an attempt at making a high quality mod (it wasn't the main focus at least)! You can clearly see that experimental mindset if you watch a bunch of fillman's videos. And as you mentioned, they obviously have lots of creative and wonderful ideas. But let them decide on how they wanna execute their ideas. Ty
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  9. Lordlichi2006

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    Apr 4, 2021
    its not shitting on peoples work, its just poining out all of the issues
    • Agree Agree x 8
  10. fillman86

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    Apr 18, 2020
    shitting on my work is fine, and I have no issue if they wants to go over and fix all these little minor non-issues. They are right though, I did pick the wrong body to work with at the beginning, I even realised eventually that a body on frame would have been a better choice, but I just don't have time to go over and fix everything.

    gatekeeping on the other hand has no place here. I understand that not wanting to do the work yourself can be frustrating and demotivating but sacrificing being a good person just because you wanna make a quick point is not a sentiment that this modding community has ever shared :p
    --- Post updated ---
    sorry I was just taking the micky. I play the game in a different way, and mod in a different way to you. I get that you want something else though, and you just kind of put it in a bit of a mean way, and I took offence. Though that is mine to own, not yours.
    • Like Like x 4
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. LucasBE

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    Mar 22, 2015
    I think I speak for everyone when I say that these are real issues and they're not minor. Criticism is not gatekeeping either. She pointed out real problems, provided explanation, and did not just say "this mod sucks, stop modding".
    If you don't want to be seen as "the lazy dude that puts zero effort into his mods just to make a quick youtube video", then please consider spending more time on your next mod. You improve by accepting criticism and fixing problems, not by dismissing it entirely and blaming it on gatekeeping.
    • Agree Agree x 13
  12. Nacho Problem

    Nacho Problem
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    Nov 2, 2019
    At no point was i shitting on your work. I pointed out issues on the mod that could have been a very easy fix and at no way did i ever intend to be hurtful. If you did take it that was im really sorry :(

    The fact remains that i just tried to point out bugs in your mod, wich is something useful to any modder looking to improve their mods. You very much so do have the time to fix them and it would also be very educational for your viewers to see you not just create things, but to go back and improve on mistakes and to show the process of bug fixing in a second video about the car. Its a very big part of making a quality mod and is something you should become more familiar with.

    But the fact that you wanna make this personal and call me a bad person despite me never attacking you personally is not only childish but incredibly close minded.
    #32 Nacho Problem, Jul 6, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2023
    • Agree Agree x 11
  13. Agent_Y

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    Jbeam/QA support
    BeamNG Team

    Jul 10, 2020
    I'm not really sure whose side to take in this whole thing, I'll just share my thoughts.
    First of all, you can't be a good youtuber and a good modder at the same time and we can see here why. Both jobs require a tremendous amount of time put into them. A single mod usually takes months of work, and on YouTube uploading several videos a week is a must to prevent getting destroyed by the algorithm. Sacrifising the video quality to spend more time on a mod is a bad idea as it will lead to less recommendations and in turn less views. And less views means less money and being forced to make more videos, which takes more time etc. So when you are a youtuber who records videos about modding, the resulting mods will always be rushed and lower quality.
    However that does not give you an excuse to pretend that the mod is good and has no real issues. Especially when at the same time you make a stream where you criticise the new vanilla car and configs for having way smaller issues than your mod has. At the absolute very least the suspension should have been attached correctly. This issue affects the actual handling in a very bad way which you can clearly see. Crash physics is less important so the rest of the issues are less of a problem, but some of them are literally a 2 minute fix so they should have been at least attempted to fix, you can't use the no time excuse for them. You should not expect other people to fix them for you because they have no reason to care. And it's absolutely ridiculous to not want to fix the gauges due to being too lazy to convert the units. If you consciously decide to make the gauges animated, which you really didn't have to do for such a quick mod, then they should work as intended. Sorry for sounding harsh here, but if you make a mod public, other people will be using it, so being lazy with it is not nice to them.
    About gatekeeping, it would have been a valid point if Nacho Problem pointed out things that you couldn't possibly fix due to lack of knowledge, skills or experience. But the issues you have are only due to laziness and lack of time, so there is nothing wrong with pointing them out. Also her message doesn't strike me as passive aggressive which you seem to assume it is. She even ended it with saying that you can be a very good modder if you try, which I agree with. If you actually put 100% effort in the mods and didn't take shortcuts, you could sell them, that way you wouldn't have to spend as much time on videos as you would have a secondary source of income. The market could actually use some mods that are between the high quality scratch made stuff and the lazy meshslap scams.
    That being said though, LucasBE's response to this is probably too harsh. This is just a mod, it's not worth starting a drama over it. And you should understand that being a youtuber Fillman might not have time to make his mods higher quality. A better suggestion would be to put more of the limited time into fixing the most significant issues of the mods such as completely wrong suspension attachment, and actually bother fixing the small things too, all of them shouldn't take more than half an hour combined. Things like animated gauges may not be worth the time then. But at the end of the day this is a mod, and modding standards are very high, so it would not have been possible to make it good in a short time no matter how hard he tried.
    • Like Like x 6
    • Agree Agree x 4
  14. Alieu

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    Dec 30, 2017
    I agree with most of your points, however I don't think Lucas's response was that bad given filman86's initial response, it's very evident that he either didn't properly read Nacho's points or simply ignored her points and went hostile
    and at that point lucas is just matching the energy
    concerning the mod itself, I think it would have been much simpler to disclose on the thread what this mod was intended to be, quick and easy for youtube
    and that's evident in the gameplay

    but that's just a criticism of your mod, not your modding abilities, and that's all Nacho was trying to provide
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. fillman86

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    Apr 18, 2020
    let's leave this here, I won't comment anymore here. In fact, can a moderator please lock this thread?

    I realise that I have an audience that may feel compelled to defend me, or even start a flame war, so I should be careful how I respond more. BeamNG is a cool game, the modding community is cool too, and I don't want it to be divided over my silly mods that are very rushed.
    • Like Like x 2
  16. corvette81

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    Oct 17, 2012
    So does this mean no further fixes or work will be done on the mod?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. akemi

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    Sep 3, 2022
    i think both sides should take a step back here.

    there are some minorly ridiculously and unthought about choices here. all the criticism is valid, though i did find the opening statement "this whole mod confuses me so much" a bit unnecessary. it's what i'd call confrontational.
    as agent points out, fillman is also a youtuber and most of their mods are made within a timeframe to be able to have some sort of upload schedule which means "high grade" mods arent really a priority. that being said, the gatekeeping blame was a bit much. and even within the short timeframe, better choices could've been made.

    modding is a hobby (as much as some few people want to turn it into some sort of career (also not an attack on paid mods, but i will attack those patreon monthly payment meshslap groups)), and no one is obligated to make things that are perfect or "of standard." one could complain about it taking up thread space, but so much nonsense gets spouted out in the forums anyway it's not a huge deal.

    i think the point of the mod being something quick, and imperfect, and very messy could be better made. there is the line "a lot can be improved" but it's sort of vague, and should tell more of why and how the mod is the way it is ie "this was made quickly for youtube, and as such many things are broken, do not work, or barely work" or some far less vague thing. that way people have a much better expectation and understanding and hopefully a much less harsh criticism.

    there's no reason to be confrontational over shitty mods. point out issues, that's fine, maybe someone will contribute to them if fillman doesn't want to, or if fillman feels like it he can, but he doesn't have to. nothing wrong with any of those points. just "enjoy game" or whatever.

    that is my, hopefully reasonably civil take, on the situation.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  18. Michael Monroe

    Michael Monroe
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    Oct 15, 2022
    I have no idea what to say about this mod.
    #38 Michael Monroe, Jul 6, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2023
  19. akemi

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    Sep 3, 2022
    pretty bad advice if you ask me. :p

    some people don't have the sheer dedication to put their all into every mod. some mods are worth more attention, and some people have better things to deal with but don't mind doing it on the side. if it is too hard but it is what you wanna do, keep practicing, start simpler, and you will get better and it will get easier. i remember the days of dropping dae files i downloaded online in the bolide folder and wondering why it didnt work.

    from what i can tell you haven't made mods, but it seems like you want to. and trust me, at many points it's going to feel "too hard". the soliad spica has put me in that position many times, but sometimes you just have to try and experiment, see what sticks and what doesn't, read reference code a million times over. it's a process.
  20. Nacho Problem

    Nacho Problem
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    Nov 2, 2019

    fillman wanted to stop this and you did not need to contribute to an argument that you were never a part of.
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