People are only talking about how it looks like the Ferrari 360, or the Grotti Turismo, but how about the Burnout 3: Takedown - Blue Super Type 1?
szanto_cz is busy with school, exams and other normal life duties. explained by shadows, both here and on a discord server, szanto says he hasn't have time to update the mod yet because of said irl duties. be patient yall. rome wasn't built in one day
Hands down one of the best driving supercars out there but for anyone who are confused to buy this or stick with the demo version, I'd sadly say to stick with the demo. Serves the same purpose with the exception of few adittional stuff and the vehicle itself is not dated enough to be paid worthy (for now). I heard that the owner of the mod is having a busy life at the moment that prevents him/her from updating the mod which I totally understand but this advice is for the best of creators and community.
The author is working on the mod, there have been small additions such as race equipment, openable panels, suspension remake, and more. He's really busy with IRL things so he doesn't have as much time as he hopes for. Hope this helps!
I'm sorry for the bump, but there is a leaked version that is claiming it got permission from the owner to update it to 0.31 and added more accurate torque, anyone know anything about this and is anyone able to let the creator of this mod about this? Funny thing is that as far as i remember (i haven't used the mondello much recently) it works in 0.31. really like the mod btw, hope to see an official update soon.
yeah no thats absolute BS lol. The mod still works fine in 0.31 besides a few issues, but as I've mentioned before it has been getting updates when he's been free, but he's been busy with IRL things and such else, but fear not, an official update for it will be coming soon
Forgive me if it seems rude, but at a guess, how soon do you think? A month or two maybe? The curiousity is getting to me lol
hey guys, tried to download the mod and it wouldn't work (yes the actual paid one) said my card wasnt functional even though it worked for the other two i downloaded at the same time. please help