WIP Beta released Need for Speed Carbon map

Discussion in 'Terrains, Levels, Maps' started by eniwei, May 20, 2023.

  1. eniwei

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    Feb 9, 2023
    This is the palmont city map from nfsc
    Currently i have only exported the san juan section and some canyon which i have forgotten the name lol
    Here are some pictures i will release it when i add the rest of canyons and patch up some of sanjuan as i'll probably redo it later

    Credits for the tool to heyitsleo (NFS AssetDumper)
    Credits for map to EA Black Box
    Credits to Buksikutya77/medek for script that fixed materials

    Attached Files:

    • screenshot_2023-05-20_15-11-20.png
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    #1 eniwei, May 20, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2023
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  2. SAEN

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    Apr 14, 2023
    Need For Speed Carbon,But the car will really be destroyed after you fall into the valley.
    Good work, keep working hard.(´∀`)♡
    I hope that when the time is at night, the map will have a beautiful night scene, as shown in Need For Speed Carbon.
    You know, BeamNG's visual effect at night has always been poor.We can't feel the prosperity of the city at night.I hope this map can show us a great night view in BeamNG
    • Like Like x 2
  3. Amazing Kestero

    Amazing Kestero
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    May 2, 2017
    Can't wait to have a Canyon Duel and push them over to the side of the Canyon, but with realistic physics of course
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  4. SAEN

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    Apr 14, 2023
    Give me the power of real physics! ! !
    \\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////
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  5. Hasservern

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    Oct 13, 2022
    This project looks promising, hoping to see more progress on this one.

    Keep the pace up!
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Stefan190506

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    Jan 23, 2022
    Hooray for the NFS map, I'm so glad because no one here is interested in the world of Rice in the 2000s
    • Like Like x 1
  7. eniwei

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    Feb 9, 2023
    Update on map: probably not going to release very soon because the materials are duplicated and material utilities didn't get them all so I'm going one by one. Maybe in a week or so i finish fixing the duplicate materials

    I was using an old version of material utilities
    I messed up some terrain material lol
    Reimported the map in parts and then i'm going to fix materials

    Attached Files:

    • Screenshot2023-06-07133334.png
    #7 eniwei, Jun 3, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2023
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  8. eniwei

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    Feb 9, 2023
    Hello again
    Quick update on the map
    I have finished importing sections, and separating them by the part of the map they belong in
    Currently there are the following collections
    · CasinoTown
    · Tuner
    · Exotic
    · Muscle
    · San Juan
    · The canyons in order of collections i don't know the names LOL
    · Drift tracks
    · Panorama objects
    · Track barriers

    Each part of the map has the following object name prefixes
    XTu - vegetation/forest/greenery
    XO - used for track barriers for what i have seen
    XOs - more objects lol but these are smackables iirc
    XSu - i think these are smackables too
    XSs - smackable objects (should not have collision in Beam due to limitations)
    TN - terrain and random objects
    TRN - terrain
    TD - random objects
    RD - roads, shortcuts and "runoffs"
    XOu - no idea lol
    XWu - i assume walls
    XBu - Buildings

    Issues i'm facing currently
    · Reduced performance when loading one district in its full capacity
    I chose fortuna as the test district, loaded it in full (all the object types) and set up collisions for road, terrain and TN, TD object types as Visible Mesh. On my potato PC fps were pretty bad. A way to fix it is reducing the visibleDistance value in Level Info, but the best way to do this correctly would be setting up every object (following the map documentation objects guide) in blender a reduced distance except for objects you see at a larger distance. NFS models do have LODs but for lower graphical settings, and AssetDumper does not export them.

    In the attached files is the amount of materials before passing material utilities- when i release the map i will release a "untouched" version with these materials and a "fixed materials" with the material utilities pass.

    After passing material utilities a lot of materials were messed up. Maybe i will do a test release just with the meshes in no material setup or anything as i'm running out of patience and want to do another ProStreet track lol.

    I'll update this post as i test the map further.

    Attached Files:

    • Screenshot2023-06-07195134.png
    #8 eniwei, Jun 8, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2023
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  9. RedSmokeFZW YT

    RedSmokeFZW YT
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    Apr 6, 2019
    There's three names for these canyons if you're wondering; West, East, and Carbon Canyons.
  10. eniwei

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    Feb 9, 2023
    Hi, i will release a small test version with only San Juan. The version you saw in the photos on the first post had some canyon, but i'm reworking the way i work with the map so yeah no more of it, it even had traffic paths set up :( San Juan had some lights set up so you can play on one side of the map with lights LOL.

    The way im working now with the map is separating each map section in its own blender file to avoid one black box mess up like the materials. I will test with san juan as it is the section that was the closest and smaller together to import (the canyons are scattered around some stream files so it takes more time to import)
    Ideally this should make me able to import all map pieces and set up all materials by tomorrow, but i don't know if the materials will have conflicts even if they were imported from several different files. Wish me luck : P

    I will upload the map test below here :)
    If you go and unpack the map i think you will find a folder called c01, that is the canyon i tested. If you want you can try it :) I don't guarantee it will work lolllll

    After compressing the folder i also included fortuna if anyone wants to try it out... it has some part of the freeway too
    To try those unpack the folder and use world editor to invoke those meshes

    I need your help if you download the map! look for anything that looks off... any terrain or road that is incorrectly blended and such.. those might be fu'd up materials!!! i don't want to go through 2k mats just for san juan lol

    Other issues are: textures don't have their normal maps linked, will be fixed once materials are fixed, just like the whole map lol

    bad performance: explained in my previous message

    no ai: i don't have the motivation to set it up if materials aren't fixed

    some objects look weird: i haven't alphatest (ed) the material, probably will be fixed if i come around that object.


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  11. eniwei

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    Feb 9, 2023
    After going through san juan's materials i found a whole lot of materials that had the same name yet had different images... i hate whoever named the materials lol. I will export all map sections then without the material utilities pass.. no need to separate map parts/blender file. Full map later today then but no materials set up :) I don't have the patience to do this :)))
  12. nervous1301

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    Dec 23, 2020
    all of them had their in-game names...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. eniwei

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    Feb 9, 2023
    Currently testing the map on silverton
    Objects are missing because of a limitation of the game and daes i guess
    Over 2k objects on a dae makes it not load all objects lol
    These are some pictures of silverton
    Awful performance too if looking at silverton with free camera lol

    Attached Files:

    • screenshot_2023-06-09_15-07-03.png
    • screenshot_2023-06-09_15-09-20.png
    • screenshot_2023-06-09_15-07-26.png
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  14. Deleted member 521321

    Deleted member 521321
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    map doesnt appear in the game
  15. eniwei

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    Feb 9, 2023
    Enable the mod, the map appears as nfsc_test in map selector
  16. Bentonchiez

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    Jul 14, 2021

    No, seriously. As someone who grew up playing NFS carbon, this brought a tear to my eye as I was driving in it. upload_2023-6-9_21-56-51.png

    Is there any way I can help you get the map completed faster? I don't want to sound pushy but I'd do anything to get my favorite game map into BeamNG 100%!
    • Like Like x 3
  17. eniwei

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    Feb 9, 2023
    Hi i like ur mods lol

    I am currently checking ALL 42k or something materials to find differences in images used, to rename them to avoid Material Utilities to mess it up when merging base names.

    Assign normal maps to applicable objects in Blender to have a "fixed material" version of the map

    I forgot to add, FIX ALL .Anim.001 objects to have Image Sequence animations, i can compare those using a (redacted tool that sadly got leaked :(( to make sure they work as they should)

    After that i need to assign all the object groups to disappear by parts or chunks, just like Carbon does, and when you are very far from a location, invoke Panorama meshes to improve performance.

    Even though a AssetDumper update can render all of my efforts useless (as i'd have to reimport all meshes) i think vertex colors will not be important given BeamNG can have realtime lighting very well

    After i check materials i will update with another message. Currently testing both Downtown Palmont and Silverton has been going well. Some issues on collisions with some objects that should be smackables, but i somewhat fixed the drifting lag issue present in other maps i have ported from ProStreet.

    I hate you, intern at Black Box that named materials the same
    --- Post updated ---
    If there is a faster way to check material thumbnails i'd like that addon or window idk how blender works lol
    Using material utilities's thing is very slow and blender likes to freeze when making material thumbnails


    Attached Files:

    • screenshot_2023-06-09_21-19-45.png
    • upload_2023-6-9_21-56-18.png
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  18. Bentonchiez

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    Jul 14, 2021
    You're a lot better than I am!

    Do you have Discord? If so could you pop me a DM? I just got switched to the new naming system so just send a friend request to bentonchiez. I will be gone the entirety of next week but would be happy to help in any way I can.
  19. eniwei

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    Feb 9, 2023
    I think i havent showcased the material messups
    Take a look:
    upload_2023-6-9_22-18-16.png upload_2023-6-9_22-18-26.png upload_2023-6-9_22-18-37.png upload_2023-6-9_22-18-59.png

    As a bonus the ai route on the canyon on the first post's screenshots upload_2023-6-9_22-20-31.png
  20. Bentonchiez

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    Jul 14, 2021
    I have no clue what that means in Blender lol...
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