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why is it taking so long to develop this game?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by tyl3r99, Oct 18, 2014.

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  1. tyl3r99

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    Aug 13, 2013
    compared to wreckfest, or nextcargame this is really really slow...
    they have working AI and a decent damage model and physX
    heck even multiplayer and sound... everything about that game is better... even has derby races.
    you can beat your car to a bloody pulp

    with beamng you have to wait 1 month for any information
    seriously look at this game is going no where beyond another dev blog month after month

    where do i get my refund lol
  2. destroyer8769

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    Dec 9, 2013
    Too p**** off to give response...

    THIS GAME ONLY HAS FOUR MAIN DEVS! (correct me if i'm wrong)

    Compared to the next car game, which has a huge dev team and sizable funding, this may seem a little slow, but this game has
    -a tailor made physics engine
    -more cars
    -more maps
    -a good community
    -community involved devs

    This is just to name a few things.
    You make a game yourself before complaining.
  3. JAM3SwGAM3S

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    Jul 1, 2013

    (imported from here)

    (imported from here)
    #3 JAM3SwGAM3S, Oct 18, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2014
  4. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    1. Wreckfest/NextCarGame is the same thing.
    2. The current damage model of NCG is pretty basic.
    3. Developing a car for BeamNG takes lot, lot of time. You have to create parts that react as their real life counterparts.
    4. BugBear is a much bigger game studio AFAIK, BeamNG has around 5-7 Main developers IIRC.
    5. Your post gave me cancer.
    6. You should feel bad
    7. Very bad
    8. veryveryverybad
    9. Multiplayer is BeamNG is much harder to develop than NCG. While in NCG, cars have like less than 20-ish points to sync between all clients, in BeamNG you have over 350 nodes, and more than 600 (Probably even more) Beams, along with their informations such as velocity, rotation, spring, damping, etcetcetc).
    10. There is a crapton of background work in this (Costant Tire-Tuning, Bugfixing, etc), just that the devs work silently.
    11. NCG/Wreckfest doesn't have PhysX :|
    12. You probaby don't even know what you are talking about
    13. For refund - http://www.beamng.com/contactus/
  5. Wolf

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    Feb 21, 2014
    Please hang around these forums, I could have fun with you.
  6. gmaksi83

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    Aug 5, 2013
    oh, no problem, I hope the developers refund your money, BUT the game from beginning was 104 Swedish Krona (KR) and now 148 KR. if you got back the money, what you do with it, drink one coffee and the money is gone. but I think 1 or 1.5 year later you wanna come back. but the game price higher and higher every day...welcome back for 4x more price.
  7. jammin2222

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    Sep 15, 2013
    While I somewhat agree with the OP, I also know that moaning about the speed of development will achieve nothing but hate. I do think that some of the things being worked on right now are less than urgent, but what follows is just my opinion and has likely been said before.

    I feel less time should be spent on cars/maps and more time should be dedicated to force feedback, controller configuration, user friendly ways of generating Jbeams, increasing the static object limit, figuring out why water reflections kill FPS with an SLI setup, action replays, camera movement, sounds and of course game play.
    These are the things that are important to me as a user. Make what you have better, don't add more cars/maps, that's just boring. The community is doing a great job with maps/vehicles to keep the game interesting while we wait for the real features.
    We already have so many maps and cars to download at the moment that official content could be put on the back burner allowing more features and bugs to be worked on.

    The last blog post was about material settings for wet roads. While its useful info, I don't feel it's important right now considering their motto of "Our main focus is on how things move rather than how things look on the screen." seeing as the cars definitely have some handling issues, addressing visual candy should be of a low priority unless its causing problems like water reflections and SLI configurations.

    The pre race update was quite a while ago now and all that brought to the table was a semi functioning UI and a 3 wheeled car that is slow and boring. While this was a nice addition and a step in the right direction, it took about a year to get that. There has not been an update to the stable build for months and as I haven't tried the experimental build due to the amount of bugs reported I'm not really qualified to comment on whats new or if the changes are any good yet.

    As you can probably tell I'm getting bored with BeamNG now. The enticement of the experimental build didn't tickle my fancy as all it seems to offer is a broken map, bugs and a couple of unfinished vehicles. I can get all that from the community content creators already so its not really that interesting. The only thing that keeps me interested in the game at the moment is making my own maps. I have crashed into enough objects and its old news. No matter how fun crashing is, the outcome is always the same, a crumpled mess of jittery polygons and randomly placed crash sounds. I can only imagine how the devs must feel having put so much time into the project and still not really having anything other than a car that you can drive. I know most of the work is behind the scenes stuff building a firm foundation to work off, but from a users perspective it feels like nothing much is happening.

    Yes the development is slow, yes there are lots of things that could be better, but I fully appreciate that these things take time and that the devs will end up with an awesome product in about 17 years judging by the current progress. In the meantime I just sit here making maps to pass the time. I'm confident the end result will be truly amazing and unique, but damn its boring as hell to wait for it. Especially when they post updates on progress that seem far from what is relevant.

    Despite my increasing boredom with the game I fully support the devs and wish more people would buy the game so they can expand the team to improve development. I frankly am amazed such a small team has achieved this much.

    good luck with your refund, and have fun spending way more in the future when the game has made more progress and you decide you want to play it again.......
  8. TheFastRacer

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    Nov 29, 2012
    BeamNG is a superior game, NCG is a bit crappy compared to this. This is MUCH better dude. BeamNG devs actually take time for their game, and you can tell by it's quality.
  9. Spartacus

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    Aug 4, 2013
    Sorry son, that's not the way to start on this Forum. So you'd better run, and run really fast or your "face" (or avatar for that matter) will end up as a mod for all of us to crash and destroy. As for the refund, go to the nearest convenience store and buy a box of lollipops to amuse yourself. :p
  10. raiderfan

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    Aug 5, 2012
    While I agree with this it makes no sense, gabester is the dedicated car maker so if he were to quit making cars what should he do sit there and do nothing? I don't think he has coding skills like tdev and estama, same with Ljfhutch he is there dedicated map maker so they might as well keep doing there job.
  11. Dummiesman

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    Sep 17, 2013
    Uh... Right.
  12. VeyronEB

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    Aug 5, 2012

    Next Car Game isn't even in the same genre as BeamNG stop comparing it. The devs take the time they need to work on the engine, vehicles and tracks they create, it may not take as long to create a vehicle compared to what it does in BeamNG but that is due to it being a totally different physics engine, its only necessary. NCG also has a much better graphics engine than BeamNG its far far better, its actually playable. If anything NCG is of very good quality.
  13. TechnicolorDalek

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    Dec 6, 2013

    (imported from here)
  14. Aboroath

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    Aug 25, 2013
    I agree somewhat with OP in that there are vehicles Gabe is working on that are approaching two years since inception and I really, really want another %100 finished
    work of art to play with. There is merit to arguments that things are too slow given the expanding public exposure BeamNG is getting. That being said, I am amused at people calling this a "game" when in fact it is a cutting edge, WIP...... physics simulation. I've said it before and I'll say it again damnit...this is the best $20 I've EVER spent.
  15. tyl3r99

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    Aug 13, 2013
    haha im not young mate IM 23!, and no gtav is crap with driving anims

    - - - Updated - - -

    come again?

    same engine sounds for every car? with maybe a different tone?
    collision issues since i can remember?
    crash sounds repeat over and over

    its the AI that has pissed me off so much, they have completely ignored it... when its going to be one of the most important things on the game.
    woopty do we can crash... i get bored of this game in under 5 mins because the cars crumple up the same way over and over.. next car game now does have a good good damage model... watch it on youtube..

    they called the last update the race update... what the ****!! i cant see any races can you? time trials do not bloody count.
    this game used to have a regular update schedule and even when im on experimental branch.... weeks and weeks... no update..

    not exactly morale boosting here...

    can everyone honestly answer me a simple question.

    "how long do you guys play before you get bored, and what is it you do?"

    5 mins for me and i drive into stuff and watch in slow motion

    now what i do on NGC or wreckefest...

    i can race on mp for hours on end and play demo derby and speedway races with circuit and gravel....
    i can do the same with single player with AI as they race like humans and also race dirty.
    hours and hours of gametime.

    im sure the guys are very nice lads im not saying anything against them personally but i really do think the morale for developing this game has died compared to a year ago...
    it happens with a lot of games and mods that the creators do not feel the love and just do with it as of when they feel like it.

    next car game devlopers do not devlop the game full time its still in their own freetime
    #15 tyl3r99, Oct 18, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2014
  16. KarlRyker

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    Aug 24, 2013
    I can play for hours at a time, community vehicles and maps help a lot, after about a month it's my third most played game on steam with 92 hours.
  17. tyl3r99

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    Aug 13, 2013
    so you have to rely on the community made stuff?
    fair enough but if there was no community made addons then what???
  18. WrongBrothers

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    Aug 7, 2013
    I can play this game for hours with just official stuff. Exploring East Coast in my Sunburst is quite fun. Also, if there's no community stuff, you can also spend time making your own mods.

    Expand Collapse

    Aug 18, 2013
    Too many clueless people complaining about this game being crap. Ha

    You obviously don't understand the technical part about what makes this game what it is. NCG is a game where basically nothing is happening in real time, so it is not accurate. BeamNG is about simulating exactly how a vehicle behaves all when you see it. Nothing is pre animated.
    #19 TYLERTJ, Oct 18, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2014
  20. Aboroath

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    Aug 25, 2013
    It all gets down to what you like. I have over 200 hrs on this since the Steam conversion alone. My mind is endlessly filled with ideas that I can change and implement that no
    other "game" software allows me to do. Hell, since BeamNG is built on Torque I've got another whole free program to unleash my latent landscape artistry skills and a built
    in brotherhood of other beamers who will appreciate it. I could go on forever but it's all in what you really want. When you decided to buy this program you agreed that this is
    a "WYSIWYG" and there were no promises made what so ever by the devs as to what will happen going forward. I love this software and plan on staying with it because the
    jbeam/node theory will go somewhere some day and I want to be part of it.

    I understand your frustration OP. However, perhaps you need to go play NCG/Wreckfest for awhile and give BeamNG time to evolve on it's own level, we'll be here.:cool:
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