Improvements regarding sound design

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by RenAzuma66, Feb 2, 2022.

  1. RenAzuma66

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    Apr 12, 2018
    Hey all. This is something I wanted to ask/suggest about sounds for BeamNG and how and if certain things will be updated. I'm not a professional sound designer but I mess with sounds and Fmod a lot so this is a little compilation of what I'm thinking/wondering. A lot of these are quite picky but still are features that can be introduced to the sound system ingame, and are present in other games

    1. The interior sound filter
    The interior filter is a good addon but the lack of customization makes it very difficult to achieve realistic sound levels and get close to how something sounds IRL. This is a big problem for me since I'm making replicas of real vehicles into the game and not being able to adjust attenuation and such is sometimes not ideal. I don't want to bring up other games here a lot but ETS2 for example has adjustable interior attenuation and sound levels, which allow you to make a vehicle sound like it does irl inside, just by filter adjustments. And secondly, I know this would be limited by how vehicles are made and handled in Beamng, but it's still worth mentioning, the insides don't feel insulated from the outside. It would be great to have whole interior of vehicle be insulated other than a small box surrounding the driver camera, perhaps by a set of ref nodes that line out the borders of the interior. This would be very beneficial in the case of a bus with a large interior. Also if there ever are openable doors and/or windows, it would be great to have the muffling dynamically lower when a door is opened. I know these may be hampered by Beamng's game engine limitatios but these are just thoughts, like the rest of this whole thread is.

    2. Accessory sounds
    This topic sorta ties into the first one which are the accessory sounds inside the vehicle, such as indicators, hand brakes and such. First of all, to my knowledge, there isn't a good documentary on how these are handled and are exempt from the existing interior filter, so I was unable to make them not be affected by the filter and had them played outside the vehicle. I'd love to know if there is a current solution for this as well. It would also be good to have variable indicator length, as in how fast the clicks and lights are. It seems to be that there is an internal clock running for each vehicle that controls when the signal is flashing when the signal is turned on. I imagine this is sort of a leftover feature from old days since what would be ideal is the signal timer starting just as the signal is initiated.

    What can also count as the accessory sounds are the other miscellaneous sounds; such as the radiator fan, horn, brake squeal, sequential rattles, gear whines, tire squeal, tire noise, reverse beep, air suspension sounds, air brakes and suspension rattles. To my knowledge, you can customize a few of these sounds, but they do not work the way the ingame ones do. Any custom sound you put will only be that sound, without any of the custom properties of the Fmod event sounds that are included in the game. This is bad when you need to have a custom horn, and you cannot make it 3 parts like the vanilla ones (start, loop, end), and the custom sound file fades away when you let off which is obviously not ideal. This is also a problem when you want to for example, have gear whines that only play on outside and dont intrude the cabin, which is impossible with existing sounds because their filter exemption/reduction is not adjustable. I know these features work well for the majority of vehicles and vehicle mods made for the game, but it can prove to be a big obstacle when making something accurate to real life.

    3. Engine & Exhaust sounds
    The elephant in the room. The engine sound system is workable but far from ideal, which would be using an Fmod bank with provided SDK from the developers. The ability to adjust every part of the sound (rpm, pitching per rpm, load percent for engine sample, audible angles and so on) would be hugely beneficial for complex engine sounds, such is the way it is present in Assetto Corsa. Also to my knowledge, there is no documentation of how sound muffling is made in the existing sfxBlend2d.json files that we currently use to make custom sounds. Also the ability to not make the sound be different from angle hampers the ability to have correct sounds from the direction you are listening. I don't mean engine and exhaust, I mean 2 or more sides of just one of the sound emitters, because an engine may sound very different depending on where you're looking at it, such is the case for many vehicles, most audible in big trucks.

    And there is my small rant/suggestions. I'd love to get insight from the developers in regards to how sound are, and will be in the future. I also know as I mentioned, these are quite picky topics, but they prove difficult when creating stuff when other games using the same sound engine do allow for more oppurtunities/things I mentioned above. I only mentioned those games to convey that these features are just possibe, and not that I'm comparing them for anything else since the ideas of the 2 games mentioned are still quite different. I understand and expect most of these to be not present or added, but they would be very nice to see for some of us who appreciate good sounds. Thanks in advance to anyone who contributes to my discussion and/or provides more feedback and information.
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    Jan 31, 2022
    Sorry for being off-topic again but how to install sounds in cars engine and where do i get it?
  3. RenAzuma66

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    Apr 12, 2018
    You can find dedicated tutorials regarding this on youtube and also elsewhere on the forum
  4. KaiserimnopYT

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    Oct 9, 2016
    ok i get it, you are new to the forums, but this isnt the place to ask for mods, just go in mod section and search yourself idk

    regarding the main topic of the thread there is other thing i'd like to suggest about it, especially about the latest vehicle added to the game, the bruckell bastion share sounds from other vehicle for some engine. I think each car should have its own sound, or at least a bit modified. I might be asking way too much considering the fact im not active anymore, but this is a "problem" i saw.

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    Jan 31, 2022
    Ahh yea sorry
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