More Liveries. One Privateer. One Factory Team. And some advertisement things I guess. As I'm primarily a graphics guy, tuning these cars has been a real pain in the arse and I've only succeeded in making them complete deathtraps. Are there any 'cheat-sheets' for tuning cars in BeamNG or is it all just trial and error?
Thank you! It was already kind of remastered, since the last Roamer update killed it, I decided to redo as much of it from scratch, but now the refininement, details and general look is up to what it should be at this point, no more shortcuts and 'lazy-amateur' ways of work. Consider this the Phase II of the JP Romer, hopefully the last one! It's fixed. Among maaaany other things. And hopefully as well, the last development pic! Still details to iron out, but it's mainly done now:
Can you also add an option to put undercover police flashers on it before release? Back when it was still possible I made a police version and all the spotlights and antennas really fit for it, it would be cool to have this option again --- Post updated --- Started customizable brakes
got all this in-game during 15 hours worth of livestream click here if you want to check them out. it was fun talking to you guys while working, looking forward to doing this again
WIP lowrider moonhawk, likes to destroy itself with the hydros so I gotta work on that L.O.L. Probably'll be done by the end of the weekend but no promises. --- Post updated --- Another no promises statement but might see about porting it to the Prism as well.
Being finally released this week, now it is really the last dev pics (just final testing, new configs and pictures to be made) Not a single panel/part has been left untouched, plus plenty of new stuff one way or another, the changelog will be quite a read I can guarantee that Support for those has been added as well Concealed flashers and grill flashers (both for classic and restyling) will be there if you want to.
Optimized my jumping cars LUA. On the right, old version with 140 lines, 12 variables, everything done in 1 function and completely unreadable. On the left new version with 106 lines, 6 variables + 1 table, separated into 2 functions for physics and GFX, written in the dev LUA style (some of it copied from in-game LUA but not just slapped without thinking, it's just stuff like checking if controller button is pressed far enough, it's the same in most in-game LUA files) and actually understandable. Not sure how much of a difference it makes in terms of lag, but I'm still kinda proud of this, previously it was like "I have no idea why this works but good that it does" and now it acually does what I intended. Idk why I'm showing this, I'm just proud of myself.