Weirdest dreams you had

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by overdrive5, Jul 3, 2020.

  1. overdrive5

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    Jun 9, 2017
    I'm talking about those dreams that wouldn't feel out of place in an absurdist comedy sketch.

    Here's what I dreamt last night: I was part of a group of four middle aged men attending a very well funded primary school talent show against our will. By "very well funded" I mean like giant choirs and stuff. I kept going to the bathroom every hour. Then the layout of the hallways changed and I couldn't find it anymore. So I decided to hold it, return to my middle aged friends and immediately started to sing like an amateur barbershop quartet. What we were singing was a poorly written ballad about African Americans and police brutality, set to the melody of an old slovenian evergreen song. I swear I'm not making this up.

    Then I woke up. My first thought was: What the f*ck did I dream? My second thought was: I have to share this before I forget most of it.

    What are your weird dreams?

    Extra: One dream ended with me falling out of the living room window on to some grass (uninjured) and then getting attacked by a german shepherd mutt wearing a flat cap.
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  2. PlanetBloopy

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    Apr 30, 2020
    Sometimes I have crazy, vivid dreams that I remember in great detail. I have a lot of them typed up. My favourites are the ones that seem really epic or meaningful. I had a particularly epic one in 2016, just after I learned there was a major change coming in my life. The dream seemed to be about climate change:

    There was a touristy bar with its garden area facing the base of a lush green mountain slope. Way at the top a massive river was pouring over into a waterfall and disappearing under the foliage. I thought it was the Amazon feeding into an aquifer or something like that, representing change. A small amount of the water was allowed to flow off the mountain and through the bar, carrying insects and large lizards with it. A talking green chameleon noticed I was holding a camera and asked me to take a photo of him with his friend. He kept floating closer to my feet, which made it hard to get it in focus. The bar was starting to get busier. A couple of kids asked me to take a photo of them with Al Gore, who'd also just walked in (shapeshifted?). Al faced away from the camera, and the kids seemed to want a photo with his back. I didn't get any contact details to send the photos to before the kids walked off. I asked Al if he knew the kids but he didn't, so I said I'd Tweet the photo to him.

    Meanwhile, at the base of the mountain, rows of plastic bins with grate bottoms had appeared to divert more of the water underground. Someone informed an employee that their picnic basket had gotten trapped in one of these bins. The employees flicked a switch or something to dam up the water so the basket could be retrieved. Someone else then celebrated finding an unopened soda bottle in one of the bins. I could see that when the water was let go again, kids were gonna get rekt, so I went and sat on a bar stool out of its direct path to watch the carnage. Kids and blood were flung against glass folding doors which were only partially open. One girl smooshed her face against the glass thinking that would help, before being hit with another wave and breaking the glass with her face. A Scotsman outside told his kid off, yelling "if you can't handle Middle Earth, how are you gonna handle...", going on to say something about whatever lovely tourist attractions they were gonna visit next. I had a backpack open in my lap and I was idly fiddling with something I had in it. A barmaid asked "are you playing ten-pin bowling?" and I made her repeat it, being too dumb in my dream state to associate it with the kids being bowled over like pins outside.
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  3. mhegai

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    Feb 10, 2020
    i ones had a dream that the soviet-union returned thanx to my father. so i was the son of a communist leader.

    i woke up with the happiest feeling i ever had after dreaming
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  4. PriusRepellent

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    Mar 19, 2018
    Well, one time I had a dream that involved a floppy drive shooting a blade out and killing me.
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  5. racerwill86

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    Jan 4, 2020
    i was driving a older miata with a plymoth barracude front end it was weird
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  6. PlanetBloopy

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    Apr 30, 2020
    Today, after watching the Mickey Never Came Back animation last night, I had what was probably the only dream crazy enough to rival the one I posted above. It was also influenced by video games and watching Ready Player One and Sense8:

    I dreamt about a modern Sim City-style video game set on a virtual version of Earth. A guy had achieved just about everything you could in this game, growing counterpart cities and villages to match or even outdo the real ones, diabolical traffic and all. The game had even enabled him to put a second little moon in low Earth orbit. He was able to put the world he'd created up for sale in an online auction, but it turned out he was terminally ill and he died before the auction was completed. As per his wishes, his consciousness had been digitised and loaded into his world, and it was placed on a rocketship and ceremonially blasted up to the little moon so he could watch over his creation.

    Then I was visiting this virtual Earth myself. At first I was comparing a beachside village to what I supposedly knew the real life equivalent to look like, but soon I was entwined in the lives of the supposed virtual people living in the world. A guy I thought I knew was working at a medical centre and showed me the first aid room so I could try on a demonstration medical gown. A few of us were in a bicycle chase with the cops. I hooked up with an obese man because nobody really cares about that stuff in the virtual world, in the 3rd world shack he apparently lived in, with a bathroom door that opened out onto a narrow lane. He had an adopted daughter who received an alert in her virtual mind that a stranger was on the property, and she interrupted us to scan my mind and assess my character. Then a young woman was high up on a platform with a noose around her neck ready to jump, and I climbed up and danced with her. Then I had to sleep, and in the morning a guitarist climbed up and played her a song, but she couldn't be stopped. My view of her virtual death was foggy as I was still connecting back in. Elsewhere, a bunch of people were gathered on seats outside. A cop came over and chatted to a gang member. There were gangs called Blue Ghosts and Red Ghosts, seemingly the virtual afterlife of Bloods and Crips members, but it was all much friendlier here.

    Then the war flashbacks started.

    It was as if a second virtual world was experiencing interference with the first (the Sense8 influence). Trying to storm a beach one moment, and then peaceful the next. Then paddling helplessly in the waves under heavy fire. A solider wearing a black bandanna and goggles with one leg blown off at the thigh floated past. A boy with some sort of little square metal dinghy was escaping the area. Back in the original world he was just playing, sliding on a board over some seashells on a footpath.
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  7. racerwill86

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    Jan 4, 2020
  8. SubieFLOW

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    Feb 8, 2020
    I had a dream a couple days ago that some lady was driving a rusted out 1993 jeep wrangler ive had it for quite some time but it was with a trailer on the back my dune buggy was on it then she turned into staples but that wasnt the murray dune buggy repair shop i was woken up by my alarm
    so you ask who was she?

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  9. PlanetBloopy

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    Apr 30, 2020
    I dreamt I was in my car when my phone rang, and Billy Joel was in the passenger seat so I got him to answer it. It was Billy Joel calling, so he got freaked out by the thought of talking to himself and hung up pretty fast. I had a flashback to how I'd connected with Billy and he came to have my phone number in the first place, but don't really remember any details.

    I also have dreams about Australia's Supercars touring car series because I watch that. The weirdest one yet was about their next pre-season test. Basically everything was wrong with it that you can imagine. The transporter truck parked across some railway tracks and a train 'crashed' through it to open it so the cars could roll out. Instead of just testing, they were having an impromptu race on a (rounded-off) square dirt oval track. There were motorbikes zipping amongst the cars, people walking on the track, vehicles parked on it, TV personnel standing right beside it, and there was a rock wall right at one of the corners. One car sprayed another with too much dirt, causing that car to slide to the infield and then back onto the track and into the rock wall, where a guy standing managed to climb up just in time to avoid being hit. A reporter standing on the edge of the track with a microphone started telling the crowd in the grandstand about how crashing drivers should steer after their cars bounce off of walls. :D
  10. Walther-Impala

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    Mar 12, 2020
    I dreamed I was driving in a Kia Stinger and there was something in the trunk probably
    When I woke up,I thought about what was in the trunk,then something creepy came into my mind:Maybe it was a body?
  11. HeadlightsThePerson

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    Dec 14, 2019
    Not sure if this is bump, but I will post.

    On Monday, I had this dream that a woman entered my house, and I was walking down the stairs and saw the door start to open. I stopped walking, and the door stopped opening. I continued down, and out the corner of my eye, I saw an unfamiliar bag walk to the back of my house. I made breakfast and then the person that walked into my house came out and said “You need to clean your bathroom.” And then I realized that I didn’t know her and I said: “Who are you?”

    She said “I’m none of your business. Your bathroom is dirty.”
    I say: Wait, why did you use my bathroom?”
    “Couldn't hold it.”
    “You know what, get your crazy a#$ outta my house!”

    She proceeded to walk out of my house, but then tried to re enter. I was standing on my porch, and she was on the sidewalk,.a couple feet from the porch. I straight up Karate Kid kicked her in the face, and her head went back. She proceeded to try and call the cops, but woke my alarm clock woke me. I was like, “What in tarnation was that?”

    And yea, that’s the weirdest dream I had.
  12. rottenfitzy

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    Mar 7, 2015
    Everybody was kung fu fighting
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  13. GearHead1

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    Nov 21, 2019
    I once dreamed I was driving a weird pontiac ute bieng chased by my old teacher who had clothes made out of the scraps of pens I destroyed.
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  14. racerwill86

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    Jan 4, 2020
  15. Harkin Gaming

    Harkin Gaming
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    Jan 17, 2016
    I had a dream where I was back at highschool. Yikes.
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  16. CaptainZoll

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    Nov 10, 2016
    me too, man
    me too.
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  17. rottenfitzy

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    Mar 7, 2015
    I had a somewhat humorous dream where I was trying to navigate an old Triumph GT6 through an intersection, however, the engine had no power, 1st gear was broken, the clutch was stupidly heavy, and the intersection was incredibly busy.

    At least it was an accurate, realistic dream.
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  18. PlanetBloopy

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    Apr 30, 2020
    I dreamt that when work sent me a laptop to use, they sent it in a solid black case with a pistol. Supposedly the pistol was a freebie from a McDonald's promotion. In the commercial for the promotion, McDonald's showed a realistically disappointing-looking burger, an actor in a wheelchair, and a second actor running out into traffic, apparently in an effort to become wheelchair bound like the first for some reason. Meanwhile, I figured that if I had a gun, I needed to practice using it. I loaded it and logged onto something on the laptop so company software could start monitoring. When I fired the gun safely at a pillow-sized bullet trap inside my apartment, an error message popped up on the laptop screen.

    I composed an email to the IT helpdesk to report the error. To help the case somehow, I attached 5 or 6 videos of kittens totalling 21.96MB. IT replied complaining that this was the second thing I'd messed up, after having installed some software I wasn't supposed to or something like that. I started writing a reply pointing out that they're the ones who sent me the gun and I needed to be safe with it, and meanwhile they sent me two more emails. In one the IT support person had quoted a statement from his wife to corroborate that I was a bad person for using the company's equipment wrongly.
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  19. racerwill86

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    Jan 4, 2020
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