General Car Discussion

Discussion in 'Automotive' started by HadACoolName, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. CaptainZoll

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    Nov 10, 2016
    really depends what country you're in, i've found. for what is essentially a RWD, more lightweight mazda3, it's double the price for an equivalent spec MX-5 here in australia, even more if you want an RF.

    though to be honest, in australia there's almost like this unspoken "sports car tax", where anything with 2 doors instantly becomes double the value. i mean FFS, the cheapest MX5 on carsales is $8,500?

    perhaps i'm just looking in the wrong place, or perhaps, it's the result of 2 door performance cars dying out in the 80's, (and never really catching on back in the 60s and 70's either, with only the monaro, XA-XC coupe, and later valiant coupes selling in decent numbers), unlike america, where every man and his semi-automatic rifle had a 2 door chevelle, torino, or charger at that time.

    was originally going to post this in the "nice/ you saw" thread, but I felt it should be here instead.
  2. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    I did my best to get my hands on a 2012 that was a trade in at a local exotic car dealership, if I'm being honest I think I would've been happier with it than my Mustang. Base drivetrain but well equiped elsewhere, with an awesome looking hood scoop, same asking price as my Mustang. Unfortunately it was one of those dealerships where you can't get a hold of anyone... I guess when the manager's special is a gold chrome Mclaren P1, the 10 year old Dodge isn't a priority to sell...

    After that I tried getting my hands on one I found with the 5.7, but I couldn't get past the disgusting double gunmetal two tone with lime green pinstripes and rattle can rims.... But the manager special at that dealership was what is now my Mustang, which the only previous owner garage kept and I now use as a work truck...
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  3. FlippyJimJams

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    Jul 19, 2020
    Little project might be coming around the corner

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  4. G-Farce

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    Apr 1, 2016
    No lie there mate. Aussie tax is huge. Does push the price a bit high dont it?
    Still, you get a very reliable and tunable ride. With amazing aerodynamics and even better driving with very few upgrades
    Hope more carrs in the same vein pop out, but I don't see it. The 86gt/brz just isn't special magnum opus like the miata is
  5. GLion

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    Aug 14, 2012
    2021 Super Safari with the new wheels and color combos.
    Black_Silver.jpg New_Wheels.jpg Sticker.jpg
    White_Gold.jpg White_Gold_Rear.jpg
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  6. FlippyJimJams

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    Jul 19, 2020
    I've never seen one of those before
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Potato

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    Feb 19, 2013
  8. SeaDooSnipe

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    Aug 5, 2012
    New bike time. Finally got a track bike to work towards my race license the end of this year/beginning of next.
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  9. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    Saw a convertible LD Charger today. So that was interesting...
  10. FlippyJimJams

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    Jul 19, 2020
    Saw this on the highway today

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  11. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    -- Rant --

    I am so sick of certain types of drivers on the road. I'm sick of the stops signs and lights being run, I'm sick of the orchestra of horns the moment the light turns green, I'm sick of the drunk drivers all over the road, I'm sick of the people who do 100mph down the interstate (speed limit 55 but flow of traffic is 80)...

    Today I'm minding my own business at a red light when a Chevy van decides he absolutely has to go at that moment and rams at least 3 cars out of the way, nearly hitting me (my face was only like 18 inches from the grille badge, it was as close as could be to hitting my new to me Mustang).

    I hate to beg for draconian laws, but I'm at the point where I'm convinced we need full background checks to get a license, zero tolerance policy for traffic violations, and limit class D licenses to smart cars.

    I miss quarantine when the roads were empty. 5 months without these rush hour road rage lunatics was so peaceful.

    By the way, using a bright red 5 speed Mustang as a work vehicle... It could be worse. Parking the thing is the only issue so far, since it doesn't have the ground clearance to get into the sort of parking spots my job requires me to get into. There's been a lot of extra walking in my life in the past few weeks...
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  12. FlippyJimJams

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    Jul 19, 2020
    yikes. some drivers are total buttmunches some times. One time i got cut off by some cheesy teen in a 1980 something civic with a fart can and vulgar stickers and all sorts of ugly ricer parts and rims
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  13. Potato

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    Feb 19, 2013
    Idiot drivers will be an issue as long as we pilot vehicles. Drive defensively, give bad drivers space, and you should rarely have issues.

    I've been searching, fruitlessly, for a 2006-2010 Hyundai Sonata V6 at a used car lot so I can test drive one and get a feel for it. I test drove a 2009 Kia Optima i4, which is on the same platinum. It drove nice but I have to have one with the V6. I was as well disgusted by the spare tire well apparently being coated in some species of feces or urine.
    In my searches I've also test driven a 1989(i4 wagon)/2005(v6)/2008(i4) Camry, 2008(i4)/2009(v6) Accord, and a 1999 supercharged Buick Regal.
    The best driving car to me was the 2009 V6 Accord. It was powerful and such a smooth drive. Everything mechanically was tuned so well, and even with 180k miles, all of the electrical features still worked..
    I liked the power of the Buick Regal with the supercharged 3800, but the interior felt like 90s GM.
    The most unique car of the bunch is the 1989 Camry Wagon. 2 owner, 103k miles, just serviced. It was almost flawless. Drove and rode good. Underpowered by the 2.0 i4 and automatic trans but it was easy and fun drive. I was caught off guard as well by how long it took to stop. Cold AC, power windows.

    None of these cars I've had any intention of purchasing, just tire kicking at used car dealers.
    #17933 Potato, Aug 22, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2020
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  14. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    Easier said than done. There's no way to avoid the dude who is so impatient at a red light that they literally ram other cars out of the way like it's Crazy Taxi, or drives up oncoming traffic to make an illegal turn, or does circles in an intersection because they are drunk/high, or backs up on the interstate because he missed his exit. There is no amount of space you can give that will stop the guy at the other end of the intersection turning when it isn't clear, or get him to stop weaving in and out of traffic at speeds well over 100mph, merges onto the interstate when it isn't clear, pulls over and blocks the road without any rear lights/signal/attempt to communicate why he randomly stopped and decided to block the entire road, etc...

    All of that is just describing the last 5 days of driving, and it wasn't even that bad of a week for commuting compared to other weeks I've had... The things some people will do to make the train (even though they run every 20mn) or get home 25 seconds earlier after work...

    The streets in my town really does look straight out of GTA around rush hour. There is no amount of defensive driving that can guarentee a safe trip with some of these people on the road. We need to start testing highway driving on road tests, better enforce rush hour traffic standards, have a real and enforeced punishment for the massive number of people driving without licenses, and so on.
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  15. Harkin Gaming

    Harkin Gaming
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    Jan 17, 2016
    Dude, just get a beat looking Suburban with no muffler. Nobody messes with me when I drive mine. People give at least 3 car lengths of space before merging in front of me.
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  16. IAchievedBacon

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    Jul 3, 2017
    On August 4th my Honda Accord hit it’s last mile at 123,406 miles.
    I hit a deer going around 80mph which ended up totaling my car. I’m perfectly fine and I didn’t get injured in any way. Here’s the damage.
    B157A19F-F3B9-49E4-92BB-FB83A00CDF66.jpeg 33ABFA78-DD86-4791-A28F-BAAE544E9C1D.jpeg 6332770D-2DFA-4CCC-9482-71889EBABEBC.jpeg
    So now I’m in the market for a new car. Hopefully a Ford Focus ST if the insurance company says yes.
    You don’t know how much you’ll miss a car until it’s gone.
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  17. Alex_Farmer557

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    Dec 28, 2016
    time for another ranger
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  18. CaptainZoll

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    Nov 10, 2016
    d a n g e r r a n g e r
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  19. mms

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    Nov 7, 2015
    ok hear me out


    not even sure how, or if it could work, but I'm hoping some madlad with more mechanical knowledge than me will see this and try it.
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  20. Harkin Gaming

    Harkin Gaming
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    Jan 17, 2016
    I don't think it will fit tbh. I worked on an SC2 once and I recall it hard to even find space to work on the factory 4 cylinder. The 3800 is an amazing motor, and would probably be very fast in such a light car.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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